7 TH G
Name ___________________
Date __________________
Section 7.1 7.2
You will be writing a reflection about the poetry anthology to your roundtable committee. Your committee will include your advisor, your family, and other members of the CCSC and Cambridge community. Don’t expect them to know too much about this poetry project, so it is your job in this letter to give them background on the anthology and what you learned.
This will be your first draft which we will proofread and revise.
Feel free to email me your letter instead of handwriting it if you so prefer. Time will not be provided to type this reflection in class. However, typing this first draft would probably save you time when revising the final draft. You can type afterschool in
Humanities Center. It needs to be typed.
Make sure that your letter is five paragraphs long and that it uses specific details.
Further instructions are below.
Paragraph 1
Describe your semester 1 roundtable artifact for humanities—the Unit 4 RT Poem.
Explain the components of your revised poem. What required pieces did you need to include? (5+CS)
HINT: Write a power topic sentence (heart), then four (4) or more sentences describing each component. The components you need to discuss the components of your checklist:
Learning about Poetry
Final Draft
1 st Draft
RT Reflection
2 nd Draft
Paragraph 1 continues on back
Paragraph 2
Describe each step from the five poem first drafts you did for homework to the revision steps to the final typing and formatting. (5+CS)
HINTS: Write a power topic sentence (heart),
Then, write one (1) sentence stating that you read poems that had different examples of figurative language in them.
Write one sentence each about three (3) of the following poems that you wrote, include a little explanation of what it is.
U4H2: “I Am” Poem
U4H7: “I Am From” Poem
U4H9: “Color My World” Poem
U4H12 :“Once I Was” Poem
U4H15: Extended Simile/Metaphor Poem
Write a sentence about revising ( did someone help you? Did you realize you had to add stuff?
Write a sentence about typing the poem and formatting it professionally.
Paragraph 3
What is one thing you learned about in this project? Write a reason sentence, quote a piece of your poem as evidence (DRT), and follow it up with an explanation sentence.
Cite the line number. Here is an example: (3+CS)
First of all, I learned about hyperbole. In my poem I wrote that “My brother stands taller than the Bunker Hill Monument” (8). This shows that I can use hyperbole because I am making an extreme exaggeration that could not literally be true in real life.
First of all, I learned about . In my poem I wrote “ ____________
“ ( ____ ). This shows that I can use because I am
(describe what the poetic device is)
Paragraph 4
What is another thing you learned about in this project? Write a reason sentence, quote a piece of your poem as evidence (DRT), and follow it up with an explanation sentence.
Cite the line number. Here is an example: (3+CS)
Second of all, I learned about similes. In my poem I wrote that “My sister walks around like a rotting, pale green, zombie corpse each morning before breakfast”
(3). This shows that I can use simile because I made a figurative comparison using the word “like.”
Secondly, I learned about . In my poem I wrote “ ___ _____
“ ( ____ ). This shows that I can use because I am
(describe what the poetic device is)
Paragraph 5
Unit 4, “Animating Words,” had the following unit question: “How do we bring words to life?” What cool things did this unit teach you about making words come alive? Put your final reflections on this unit question here. I would suggest you use specific poems and/or poets you read about in your answer. (5+CS)