Component Week 2 Fifth Grade Week 3 Fifth Grade Week 4 Fifth Grade Week Five Fifth Grade Week Six Fifth Grade Opening CFA—Types of Questions Review types of Questions Review types of questions Review types of questions Book Talk: A Day No Pigs Would Die Whole Group Time: 45 Minutes Learning Target: Types of Questions Time: 45 Minutes Learning Target:Types of Questions Time:45 minutes Learning Target: Types of Questions Time:45 minutes Learning Target: Types of Questions Time: 45 minutes Materials/ Resources: Questioning Posters, Call It Courage Books, pencils, reading notebooks Materials/ Resources: Questioning Posters, Call It Courage Books, pencils, reading notebooks, homework Materials/ Resources: Call It Courage Books, pencils, reading notebooks, homework Notes: Think-aloud questions include, but are not limited to, “How do I know if a question is a ‘Right There’ question?” (Provide examples using story, “Goldilocks.”) “What is a ‘Right There’ question for Call It Courage?” Repeat for other types of questions. Notes: Students will discuss chapters 1 and 2 using the questions they wrote for homework. They will not only provide answers, but they will discuss if the actual questions they wrote are labeled correctly. (This will be a check for understanding/assessment to see if they understanding the four types of questions.) What is the strategy/process/procedure; why does it help; when do you use it-establish purpose; model language to explain thinking Is there a reader/writer connection to explain to students? Mini-Lesson (about 10-15 minutes) Explicit Focused Demonstrates workshop procedures, strategic processing tools, comprehension strategies, Based on the needs of the class as a whole Assessment Opportunities/Questions Notes: Students will discuss chapter 3 using the questions they wrote for homework. They will not only provide answers, but they will discuss if the actual questions they wrote are labeled correctly. Materials/ Resources: Call It Courage Books, pencils, reading notebooks, homework Notes: Students will discuss chapters 4 and 5 using the questions they wrote for homework. They will not only provide answers, but they will discuss if the actual questions they wrote are labeled correctly. Learning Target: Materials/ Resources: Art supplies, notebooks, Think-TacToes for Call It Courage. Notes: Students will work independently on Think-Tac-Toes for Call It Courage . Their projects will show a complete understanding of the story. It will also give them a chance to express their creativity. Component Week 2 Fifth Grade Week 3 Fifth Grade Week 4 Fifth Grade Week Five Fifth Grade Week Six Fifth Grade Workshop Activities Students may work alone or in partners to write each type of question for their assigned reading, Chapters 1 and 2. Students will share questions and discuss if they are correct. They will also discuss answers. Students may work alone or in partners to write each type of question for their assigned reading, Chapters 1 and 2. Students will share questions and discuss if they are correct. They will also discuss answers. Students may work alone or in partners to write each type of question for their assigned reading, Chapter 3. Students will share questions and discuss if they are correct. They will also discuss answers. Assessment: Students will be able to correctly identify four types of questions and write one of each type. Students will work on their Think-Tac-Toes. Student Collaboration Independent Practice Application & Student Evidence Sharing (about 10-15 minutes) Students share out how they improved as a reader or applied strategies learned. Writing Workshop Mini Lesson Materials/resources Assignment: Read Chapter 1 and 2 and write questions. Read Chapter 3 and write questions. Read Chapter 4 and 5 and write questions. Students will share progress on their work. Teach students how to use a think-tac-toe to choose and create an individual project for the story. Decide which projects you will complete. Continue to work on projects.