Air pollution

Important pollution causes and effects
Which are the causes that affect environment mostly?
The environment mostly is affected by four things- air pollution, water pollution, littering
and soil pollution.
Air pollution
The biggest environmental problem in the world is
air pollution. Air pollution consists of solid particles and
gases. Many pollutants are carcinogens. People who
breathe in these poisons are at a higher risk for asthma and
reproductive-system damage, birth defects can also be
caused by air pollution. Humans are not the only living
creatures affected by toxic air pollutants. Some toxins, like
mercury, settle onto plants and into water sources that are
then consumed by animals. The health effects of these
poisons are then magnified up the food chain. Animals that
are at the top of the food chain end up with the largest
concentrations of toxins in their bodies.
Water pollution
Water pollution also is a big problem. Water is a
necessity of life. People and animals need clean drinking
water. Farmers need water to irrigate crops. People enjoy
using lakes and rivers for recreation. Unfortunately, this
precious resource is easily contaminated by agricultural
runoff, mining activities,waste treatment plants and
improperly disposed-of
industrial waste.
contaminants include bacteria and viruses. Most people can
fight off the microbial contaminants, however, people with
compromised immune systems can get dangerously ill.
Contaminants like solvents, pesticides, radium and arsenic
are more sinister. This type of pollution can cause long-term
health problems for people. Wildlife can also die from
Litter is unsightly and dangerous. It often
consists of plastic, metal or glass — materials
that do not break down easily in the
environment. People, especially children, can
be seriously injured by a broken bottle or a rusty
piece of discarded metal. Medical and sanitary
wastes are biohazards that can make people
sick. Litter also destroys the beauty of parks
and beaches, making people avoid these areas.
Litter is deadly to wildlife, especially marine
animals. Street litter washes into storm drains,
into our waterways and ultimately ends up in the
ocean. Some of this litter washes back up onto beaches. Some stays in the water, where it can
kill wildlife. Entanglement causes animals to die slowly. Birds are particularly susceptible to
entanglement as they collect material for their nests. A curious animal that ingests litter can die
of starvation or malnutrition if the foreign object blocks the animal's intestinal tract. Litter can
also smother and damage seabeds. Toxic substances from litter also accumulates in fish,
exposing the people and animals further up the food chain to these pollutants.
Soil pollution
Soil pollution is defined or can be
described as the contamination of soil of a
particular region. Soil pollution mainly is a result
of penetration of harmful pesticides and
insecticides, which on one hand serve whatever
their main purpose is, but on the other hand
bring about deterioration in the soil quality, thus
making it contaminated and unfit for use later.
Industrial wastes such as harmful gases and
chemicals, agricultural pesticides, fertilizers and
insecticides are the most common causes of
soil pollution.People and animals can inhale soil
contaminants through dust that is present in the air or absorb these hazardous chemicals
through their skin, also they can get sick eating plants, which have grown in polluted areas. A
20-year study published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology" found that people exposed
to dioxin in soil experienced a higher rate of diabetes as well as cardiovascular and endocrine
problems over the course of the study.
What you can do to help prevent the pollution?
Carpooling is a great way to save fuel. Whether going to work, or for shopping,
make it a group affair.
There is nothing more relaxing than a hot bath, but it uses up lots of water.
Compare the water usage by taking a shower in the tub with the drain hole closed. Limit
shower times to 7 minutes or less and you will save considerable water.
Take advantage of sunshine and save electricity. Line dry your washing, if you
can manage it without the clothesline becoming an eyesore. Dry tomatoes and fruit slices in
the sun.
 Invest in renewable energy based technology - electric/hybrid cars, solar panels
for heating and lighting etc.
Use recyclables like newspaper, metal, plastic and glass for crafts.
Grow seedlings in milk cartons or old socks.
Repurpose household items whenever you can.
Make sprouts in old cheese, butter, and yogurt tubs, or use them for storage.
Repurpose T-shirts into quilts and rugs.
Create a compost pile in your backyard.
Use reusable grocery bags.
Buy bulk food.
How does the environment pollution affect society?
The health effects caused
by air pollution may include
difficulty in breathing, wheezing,
coughing, asthma and aggravation
of existing respiratory and cardiac
conditions. Environment pollution
also can cause cancer. Mostly
pollution can cause headache
fatigue, respiratory illness, cardiovascular illness, skin irritation,