Database Code: HF026 Title: Hyporheic exchange studies of Watersheds 01 and 03 using saline tracers coupled with electrical resistivity and hydraulic head data from wells during summer 2010 Abstract: A series of hyporheic exchange studies were conducted in watersheds 01 and 03 during the summer of 2010 using saline tracers coupled with electrical resistivity to image the temporal and spatial extent of the hyporheic zone during baseflow recession. A series of 4 – 48hr tracer tests were conducted in each watershed on a rotational schedule with each tracer test starting approximately 2 weeks following the start of the previous test in each watershed. Each tracer injection was targeted to enrich the stream electrical conductivity by ~100 uS/cm. Electrical resistivity surveys were conducted on up to 6 transects of electrodes (12 electrodes per transect) in each watershed for each test. Resistivity surveys were collected, on a high temporal frequency ranging from continuous to every 4 hrs, for pre-injection, injection, and post-injection until conductivity measurements in the shallow groundwater well network returned to pre-injection magnitudes. During each injection conductivity magnitudes were measured in the stream and each accessible groundwater well in the watershed using a handheld conductivity meter on a frequency ranging from near continuous (~15-30min), during tracer start-up and shutoff, to every 2-6 hrs depending on position within the tracer test. Hydraulic head data was collected approximately every 15 minutes by downwell pressure transducers from a select set of groundwater wells in each watershed for nearly the full summer 2010. Purpose: There has been growing interest in the roles that hyporheic zones and riparian zones play in catchment-scale budgets of nutrients, heat, and energy. Because streams are intimately connected to hyporheic and riparian zones, these biogeochemical “hot spots”, or zones of enhanced biogeochemical cycling, directly influence water quality of streams. Significant research has been conducted on the biogeochemical and hydrologic functions of both hyporheic and riparian zones, though often in isolation from each other. In this proposal, we seek to determine how dynamic valley-bottom (riparian) hydrology is controlled by valley morphology and gradient, and how this in turn influences hyporheic exchange throughout summer baseflow recession in headwater catchments. We pose the following research questions: 1) How do the relative magnitudes of down-valley (qDV) and cross-valley (qCV) vectors of riparian subsurface flow change throughout seasonal baseflow recession? 2) How are these changes controlled by valley-scale morphology and gradient? 3) How spatially consistent (at the reach scale) are the patterns of qDV and qCV? 4) In response to seasonal changes in relative magnitudes of down-valley and cross-valley flow vectors, how does the extent of hyporheic exchange change during seasonal baseflow recession? Geographical Extent: HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascades, Oregon, Watershed 01 and 03. All work was conducted in the vicinity of the network of shallow groundwater wells installed by Steve Wondzell et al. Date data commenced: 2010-05-10 Date data terminated: 2010-08-15 Currentness: Ground condition Progress: Complete Measurement Frequency: Near-continuous to every 6 hrs depending on measurement. Update Frequency: None Planned Completeness Report: Datasets are complete, no planned activities Principal Investigator: Michael N. Gooseff, Kamini Singha Other Researchers: Michael Fitzgerald – Electrical Resistivity Data Adam Ward – Solute Tracer Data Tom Voltz – Hydraulic Head Data Dataset Contact: Michael N. Gooseff Metadata Contact: Michael Fitzgerald Theme Keywords: Aquatic ecosystems; Groundwater processes; Stream functions; Hyporheic zone; Riparian ecosystems; Storms; Subsurface flow; Baseflow Place Keywords: HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Watershed 01, Watershed 03 Access: Online Use Constraint: No restrictions Database Credit: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant EAR 09-11435. Cross-References – Publications: Ward, A.S., Fitzgerald, M., Gooseff, M.N., Voltz, T., Binley A., and Singha, K. (2012). Hydrologic and geomorphic controls on hyporheic exchange during baseflow recession in a headwater mountain stream. Water Resources Research, 48, W04513, doi:10.1029/2011WR011461, 20 p. (Selected as an AGU Research Spotlight) Voltz, T., Gooseff, M.N., Ward, A.S., Singha, K., Fitzgerald, M., Wagener, T. (2013). Riparian hydraulic gradient and stream-groundwater exchange dynamics in steep headwater valleys. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118(1-17), doi:10.1002/jgrf.20074, 17p. (Invited Manuscript Submission) Methodology: Experimental Design: Electrical resistivity transects set up perpendicular to the stream flow direction used to image the presence of an electrically conductive tracer in the subsurface, which acts as a proxy for hyporheic exchange extent. Shallow groundwater wells surrounding the stream reach were used to monitor the hydraulic heads in the wells to establish hydraulic gradients over a range of conditions during baseflow recession. Field Methods: Instruments used consisted of: Electrical Resistivity – IRIS Syscal Pro to collect electrical resistivity values, electrodes were designed and made in-house of PVC pipe and conductive foil material; Solute Concentrations – YSI handheld device (calibration verification conducted weekly) and small purge pump to make conductivity measurements in wells, and an FMI pump with a 42 gallon trashcan to do the actual controlled tracer injection, salt was general feed salt for livestock from 50lb bags; Hydraulic Heads – existing well network installed by Steve Wondzell et al. outfitted with Onset Computing’s HOBO water level pressure transducers (U20-001-01) in addition to a few Solinst CTD loggers, calibrations confirmed with Solinst water level tape periodically during the data collection period. Detailed Entity and Attribute Level Information: 1. Electrical Resistivity Data from Watersheds 01 and 03 General Information for the data set. Data are contained in separate files for each Watershed (e.g. Watershed 01) and for each tracer injection (e.g. Injection 1). The data are not separated by transect, and each transect contains 323 measurements, where rows 1:323 = Transect 1, rows 324:646 = Transect 2, etc. For both watersheds, the first tracer injection test contained only 4 transects. All other tracer tests contained 6 transects. The file ABMN.txt has 4 columns and 323 rows. Column 1 = A, Column 2 = B, Column 3 = M, Column 4 = N and are the electrode numbers called in for the sequence of resistivity measurements. A, B are the transmitting pair and M, N are the monitored pair. Electrode sites are located approximately 20cm below ground surface for all electrodes. Exact locations of the electrodes can be found in the attached survey data and are referenced in Cartesian space along with the survey locations for the groundwater monitoring wells in each watershed. Attribute List: Attribute Name DEV Description Standard Deviation of Stacked Primary Unit of Data Measurement Number Key Measure Type Scale Type N - Floating Ratio Real Interval Real Measurement VP Voltage at Monitored Electrodes Decimal N mV Floating Decimal IN Current Applied N kOhms Floating Interval Real Decimal SPA. 5 Transect Identifier N Number Integer Interval Real STACK # of Times Data Stacked N Number Integer Interval Whole RS-CHECK Resistance Check N kOhms Floating Interval Real Interval Real Interval Real Interval Real Interval Real DateTime Whole Decimal VAB Voltage Applied to Transmitting N V Electrodes TX-BAT Battery Voltage for Transmitting Decimal N V Electrodes RX-BAT Battery Voltage for Receiving Temperature Inside Resistivity N V Date and Time of Data Collection Floating Decimal N Deg. Celsius Meter DATE Floating Decimal Electrodes TEMP. Floating Floating Decimal Y MM/DD/YYYY DateTime HH:MM:SS Locations for each groundwater observation well and for all electrodes are contained in the folder “Survey Data and Hydraulic Head Data” in filename “Land Survey Data_WS01” and “Land Survey Data_WS03”. Maps showing the two different stream reaches (WS01, WS03) are also contained in the same folder. See “Attribute_table_VOLTZ” for Metadata description for all data in “Survey Data and Hydraulic Head Data” Folder.