Heat Transmission in the Hyporheic Zone

Heat Transmission in the
Hyporheic Zone
Jennifer Goshorn
Defining the hyporheic zone
Importance of the hyporheic zone
Heat transport mechanisms
Temporal fluctuations
Concluding remarks
Defining the Hyporheic Zone
Conceptual models reflecting the aims of different disciplines
Ecologist - active ecotone
between surface and
groundwater in which fauna
characteristic of the
hyporheos are distributed
and live. (Boulton et al., 1998)
Hydrologist - part of the
sub-surface in which both
surface and groundwater
are present, but surface
water exceeds 10%of the
total volume. (Triksa et al.,
Hydrogeologist - water
beneath the surface of the
ground in the saturation
zone in direct contact with
the subsoil. (Smith, 2005)
Buss et al., 2009
Importance of the Hyporheic
controls the flux and location of water exchange
between stream and subsurface
provides a habitat for benthic and interstitial organisms
provides a spawning ground and refuge for certain
species of fish
provides a rooting zone for aquatic plants
provides an important zone for the cycling of carbon,
energy and nutrients
provides a natural attenuation zone for pollutants by
biodegradation, sorption and mixing
moderates river water temperature
provides a sink/source of sediment within a river
Heat Transport in the Hyporheic
Conceptual diagram showing the different processes
that influence hyporheic water temperatures
Advection transports heat
via fluid flow
Conduction transports heat
between sediment and
hyporheic water
Dispersion and conduction
occur as
groundwater/surface water
and hyporheic water
Burkholder et al., 2008
Solar radiation indirectly
warms water via
conduction and transfer of
latent and sensible heat
Temporal Heat Fluctuations in the
Hyporheic Zone
Temperature as a tracer for infiltration of stream
water by interpreting time shifts in temperature
signals as retarded travel times
Temperature vs. Depth curve
Time-series profiles document changes in water flux
into and out of a stream
Maximum and minimum temps during a complete
cycle form a ‘temperature envelope’ within which all
measured temperatures reside. Bounds of envelope
(Jan & July, dawn & afternoon)
When groundwater is flowing into a gaining
stream, the annual/daily envelope collapses toward
the streambed surface. Upwelling groundwater is
buffered from temperature fluctuations – constant
When the stream is losing water to underlying
sediments, the envelope expands downward. Water
is heated at the surface and carried down.
(Constantz et al., 2003)
Thermal Effects on Hydrology in the
Hyporheic Zone
Permeability depends of the
hydraulic conductivity of the
sediment layers
Viscosity and density of water
are temperature dependent
Stream and streambed temperatures and hydraulic gradients
from a stream piezometer in Indiana
Dramatic increases in stream
temperature fluctuations
reflect fluctuations in hydraulic
Delayed response of
subsurface temperatures
earlier in the season
Constantz, 2008
Thermal Effects on Biogeochemistry in the
Hyporheic Zone
The hyporheic zone is
characterized by steep physiochemical gradients, which are
controlled by heat and water flux
between the GW/SW interface.
Microbial activity and chemical
transformations in the Hyporheic Zone
Temperature controls the rate of
the chemical reactions
As temperature increases less
oxygen is dissolved in water
Emission of nitrogen gases
increases with temperature
(Winter et. al, 1998)
Thermal Effects on Hydroecology in the
Hyporheic Zone
During cold weather, up-welling
groundwater prevents freezing of rivers and
provides temperature moderation during the
hot summer.
Predictive models have been developed to
relate temperature to embryo development
and timing of hatching and emergence
under saturated dissolved oxygen
conditions (Crisp, 1988 and 1990)
Smith, 2005
Temperature plays a vital role in the hyporheic zone and surrounding
Heat as a tracer to model the direction and velocity of flow
Controls chemical reactions
Biological dependency
New research due to advancements in modeling technology
Cooperative work between different fields
The full potential of thermal data within the hyporheic zone is still unrecognized
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