Science Fiction Texts and Dreams by Langston Hughes

Science Fiction Texts and Dreams by Langston Hughes
Every individual needs a passion to nourish their soul and make them feel whole
as a person. This idea is seen across two different genres. Selections in the science
fiction genre show a young girl’s passion to return to earth after living on Venus for
several years and the second story shows a lighthouse keeper’s passion for the sea.
Finally, the poet Langston Hughes facilitates the message of following ones dreams
through his poetry.
In All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury Margot’s passion was the sun. When
she was deprived of this one thing that made her feel whole, that nourished her
emotionally and physically she became like a withered flower. She removed herself
from the other children. In the text it says she was a “faded photograph.”
In The Foghorn by Ray Bradbury the sea was the passion that nourished
McDunn’s soul, that made him feel whole. He loved to tell stories to Johnny about the
sea. McDunn was in awe of the sea and would never leave his job as lighthouse
keeper. Even after the attack by the sea monster McDunn remained on in his job. His
passion for the sea is evident when he thoughtfully says to Johnny, “The mysteries of
the sea. You know the ocean’s the biggest snowflake ever? It rolls and swells a
thousand shapes and colors, no two alike.” He also refers to the fish that swim to the
lighthouse in swarms as felling like “they were in the presence” when in front of the
lighthouse. The reader can see that without his job and his ability to awaken to the sea
each day McDunn would not feel whole. He would be similar to Margot on Venus, an
empty shell.
Finally Langston Hughes the famous African American writer and poet uses
poetry to nourish his soul. Through his poem Dreams Hughes shows how despite life’s
obstacles one should “Hold fast to dreams.” Hughes shares his passion for the culture
of his people through his poems.
The reader can clearly see that the central idea of, “Every individual needs a
passion to nourish their soul and make them feel whole as a person,” is evident in all
three texts. Margot’s passion for the sun and her life on earth deeply effects her,
McDunn’s passion for the sea won’t allow him to ever leave despite it’s dangers and
Hughes’s passion for writing enabled him to create great works of poetry. Everyone
needs a passion that drives them and brings them joy.