dennis hutchison * masters college 2013

DECEMBER 28, 2014 – JANUARY 13, 2015
Turkey and Greece: “Footsteps of Paul and John”
Dec 28 Sun
Depart LAX KL 1:50 PM
Dec 29 Mon
Arrive Istanbul 3:50 PM with transfer to hotel; free time; overnight Istanbul
Dec 30 Tue
Hippodrome, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Yerebatan Cistern, Archaeological
Museum, Chora Church; fly to Antalya in late afternoon.
Dec 31 Wed
Visit Perga; lunch at St. Paul Cultural Center, walking tour of Attalia; Antalya
Museum; overnight Antalya. NT background is the first journey of Saul/Paul and
Barnabas (Acts 13-14).
Jan 1 Thu
Drive to Denizli; visit Colossae, Laodicea, Hierapolis; overnight Pamukkale. NT
background is the Book of colossians and well as one of the Seven Churches of Asia
Minor in the Apocalypse (Rev 1-3).
Jan 2 Fri
Philadelphia, Sardis, Thyatira; overnight Izmir. More of the details of the Seven
Churches (Rev. 2-3).
Jan 3 Sat
Smyrna agora; St. John’s Basilica, Ephesus Museum, Ephesus with terrace
houses; overnight Izmir More of the Seven Churches as well as a NT epistle. The
amazing remains in Ephesus recall Acts 19-20 as well as the later life and ministry of
the Apostle John.
Jan 4 Sun
Pergamum, Adramyttium; Overnight Assos. More of the cities of the Seven Churches
and their amazing ancient ruins.
Jan 5 Mon
Assos, Troas, Troy; overnight Çanakkale. More of Paul again and some important
ancient Greek history (The Iliad of Homer)
Jan. 6 Tue
Entering Greece from the borders with Turkey. Our tour guide will meet us and take
us to the ancient city of Neapolis/Kavala for dinner and overnight. Time for
Jan 7 Wed
Visit Philippi (Acts 16:12-40; 20:6) and Neapolis (Kavalla), Greece's most picturesque
mainland port. Paul arrived in this city (Acts 16:11) with coworkers Timothy (Acts
16:1-3; 17:14-15; 18:5; 20:4, 5) and Silas (Acts 15:22-35, 40, 41; 16:25-40; 17:4, 14,
15) . See the Roman Agora (Forum) mentioned in the Book of Acts as the place where
Paul the demon possessed girl (Acts 16:19). On the way back to Thessaloniki see the
remains of ancient road Via Egnatia. Pass by the cities of Amphipolis and Apollonia
(Acts 17:1). Dinner and overnight at Poseidon Palace by the slopes of Mount
Olympus on the seashore of the Aegean.
Jan 8 Thu
Explore Macedonia Greece in the city of Berea where Paul preached to the Jewish
synagogue and to the Greek nobility who readily accepted the new faith (Acts 17:1015). See the Jewish quarter where the synagogue is still today. Continue to the recently
discovered archaeological site of Vergina, the old capitol of the Macedonian Kingdom
(5th to 2nd centuries BC) and visit the intact grave of Philip, the father of Alexander
the Great. A great panoramic view of the preparation of the world for the coming of
Christ. After lunch visit the biblical city of Thessaloniki (Acts 17:1-13). Paul wrote
two epistles to Thessalonians. Here we will try to visit the Roman Agora (Forum) and
the Basilica of Saint Demetrios. View the White Tower, the statue of Alexander the
Great and the remains of the Palace complex of Galerius (3rd century AD). Return for
dinner and over night at Poseidon Hotel in Leptokaria
Jan. 9 Fri
After breakfast you start early going south. You will be visiting the majestic area of
the Meteora monasteries. This is your introduction to the Eastern Orthodox church so
you may be able to better understand the spiritual situation in Greece. Travel south for
dinner and over night at Kastalia Hotel in at the city of Arahova next to Delphi.
Jan 10 Sat
Visit Delphi the center of ancient oracles with a unique orientation to ancient Greek
religion. Then travel to Athens for experiencing the best Greek hospitality at
Cosmovision Center. Dinner and overnight at CVC
Jan 11 Sun
Visiting Corinth all day. (Acts 18:1-18) Paul ministered here for one and a half years,
the longest he stayed in any city except Ephesus. Paul wrote at four letters addressed
to the Church of Corinth two of which are found in the NT. From Corinth he wrote a
number of epistles, one of which was addressed to the believers in Rome. Visit the
Archaeological museum, the Ancient Agora (Forum) and the Bema where Paul stood
before Gallio (Acts 18:12-17), the Roman Pro-Consul of Achaea. See the inscription
of Erastus the treasurer of the city, mentioned in Romans 16:23 (Acts 19:22; 2
Timothy 4:20). Visit the Temple of Apollo and the hill of Acrocorinth, where was the
famous Temple of Aphrodite. (Possible visit to Mycenae). Return for dinner and
overnight at Cosmovision Center
Jan 12 Mon
Visiting Athens (Acts 17:15-34) (transportation may be done by metro of Athens)
The architectural splendors of this ancient city are majestic. Visit the world-renown
hill of Acropolis. Special emphasis will be on the visit to the Areopagus (Mars Hill)
where Paul's gave his speech to the Athenian philosophers (Acts 17:18-34). Visit also
the Ancient Agora (Forum), where Paul met the Philosophers; the Stoa of Attalus and
the Temple of Hephaestus. Athens is associated with the meaning of Democracy and
the City Assembly (Ecclesia). Reasoning (Logos) were first conceived and practiced
in this part of the world. Many of the terms used by the Athenian Democracy were
incorporated in the Church's terminology. (Ecclesia, Logos). Some time will be given
for souvenir shopping in down town Athens. Return for special Greek night at
Cosmovision Center.
Jan 13 Tues
Departing AF 6:50 AM Arrive LAX 1:10 PM same day, full of memories.
CREDIT: Six credits of Bible electives can be earned through this trip. Or three Bible and three
History. There is a special tuition fee of only $50 per credit for these units ($100 per credit for MA
Students must complain a simple application with a $300 deposit (refundable) by May31. The balance
of $3900 is due by September 15. Checks payable to The Master’s College. There is an additional fee
for any credit card payment.