Disaster of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant #1 and “Missile Offense”

Disaster of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant #1 and “Missile Offense”
June 18,2011
( Professor , Ritsumeikan University , Kyoto Japan)
Situation of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant #1
Melt-down or melt-through of nuclear reactors #1,2,3, and partially #4, and 11
thousand wasted nuclear rods ,stored on the upper level within the reactor houses.
Compare the past examples :
1) Atomic bombing over Hiroshima of 1945
13 thousand TBq (Tera Becquerel ,one trillion Becquerel)
A big Typhoon landed 1 month later, swept away almost all radioactive material
to the Inland Sea of Japan.
2) A-bombing over Nagasaki three days after : 20 thousand TBq
3) Three mile Island Accident of 1979 : 91 thousand TBq , seven times as much as
4) Chernobyl Accident of 1986: 5200 thousand TBq, 400 times as much as Hiroshima’s
5) Atmospheric nuclear test of 1945---1980: 3 billion TBq, 577 times as much as
Chernobyl accident.
6) All the Radioactive material contained in Fukushima nuclear plant : 0.72 billion
TBq, 138 times as much as Chernobyl accident.
7) Total Emission from Fukushima #1’s reactors , as June 10, 2011.
① To atmosphere :770 thousand TBq. Biggest emission occurred on March 15.
Currently emission scale has dropped down to the level of one to 400 compared
March 15, however emission continues.
② To water: 710 thousand TBq in the shape of radioactive contaminated water of 105
thousand Ton. Currently among the water, 770 Ton with 4.7 thousand TBq has
leaked out to Pacific Ocean.
Totally 1480 thousand TBq of radioactivity has gone out of Reactors, which is 0.21 % of
all the radioactivity there, which is equal to 28.5 % of Chernobyl accident, is equal to
114 times as much as Hiroshima bomb. If situation become worse , and if 10% of all
the radioactivity will be gone out , the world would be suffered by 72 million TBq of
radioactivity, which mean 13.8 times as much as Chernobyl Accident.
What does nuclear energy really mean
It is the normal “energy of heaven”. Since the birth of Planet Earth, cosmic ray of the
sun showered down on the surface of earth, but photosynthesis of all the primitive
plants has made oxygen and ozone (O3), splitting carbon and oxygen from carbon
dioxide for 2 billion years. Forming of ozone layer has protected biosphere from the
death “energy of heaven”. However since the Manhattan Project, scientists tried to find
and dig the trace of radioactive materials which was a remnant of past showered cosmic
ray, and tried to enrich them. At last they succeeded to reappear the completely
different cosmic world underneath of ozone layer. That is a brief summary of making
nuclear energy, which means the betrayal to biosphere.
Can we defend ourselves by “Missile Offense” or other aggressive military means?
Fukushima shows that it is almost impossible to defend nuclear power plants from the
mighty attack of earthquake and tsunami. Fukushima also shows that the Achilles’
Heals of nuclear power plant is definitely its cooling system and cooling pool stored the
huge volume of the wasted nuclear rods.
Moreover Fukushima shows that it might be definitely impossible to defend nuclear
reactors from military attack, from the suicide attack of car-bombers, to the bombshells
firing from fisherman’s offshore vessel. Therefore 54 reactors lined up along the
seashore of Japan are actually chain of “nuclear bombs”, of which imaginary enemy
control the triggers.
Fukushima also shows that from the military point of view, the weakest Achilles’ Heals
of Japan is currently Fukushima itself. No shield nor no defense system have worked
since the accident.
Fukushima is naked, the ideal target for attacker, and that
situation will continue for more than several decades.
Can military defend these reactors by military means, including so called “Missile
Defense” system?
If next nuclear plant is destroyed, not only whole Japan, but also whole world would
be changed from the beautiful biosphere to the death world like an outer space, because
nuclear energy is the normal “energy of heaven” and also because it is limitless and
timeless energy originated from an outer space.
Can humankind command the morning , can they control the time of sunset, or the
time of tsunami? Probably no—I imagine.
Building new Military Bases in Okinawa and Jeju Island
US forced South Korea to build the new Naval Base, in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island
. Professor Yang has resumed his hunger strike and has left the hospital in Jeju City
and has been taken to a Buddhist monastery. Sung-Hee Choi is still in jail ,waiting for
her trial to resume on June 22, and she is hunger striking again in solidarity with
Professor Yang.
At the same time, US is forcing Japan not only to build Japan Self Defense Force’s
new base on Sakishima Islands, most southwestern border area facing China, but also
to build new US Marine Corp Base on the Heneko village of Okinawa Inland, a “ hot
spot” of beautiful coral reef and pretty Jugon.
Should we build Sward with Shield in order to contain China ?
Eastern Asian people can handle our conflicts by peaceful means
There are 2 hot spots of serious conflicts. First we must improve the unjust situation of
Palestine people and go to settle the conflict. Secondly we must gather our power to
end the one of the longest war, named Korean War, which continue for 61 years.
If we can improve these situation of 2 conflicts, we can have more secure world.
In order to approach to these two goals, let us learn the wisdom of Bandung
Declaration, Bali Declaration of ASEAN countries.
Charter of the Association of southeast Asian nations says the purposes of ASEAN:
1)To preserve Southeast Asia as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone and free of all other
weapons of mass destruction;
2) ASEAN and its Member States shall act in accordancewith the following Principles:
(a) respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality,territorial integrity and national
identity of all ASEANMember States;
(k) abstention from participation in any policy or activity, including the use of its
territory, pursued by any ASEAN Member State or non-ASEAN State or any
non-State actor, which threatens the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political and
economic stability of ASEAN Member States.
Core of the Charter of
ASEAN is: ①Non-nuclear Zone, ②Ban of the Military
Alliance, ③Removal of Foreign Military Base.
Let us extend the rules of ASEAN to the Northern part of Eastern Asia!!
Save Fukushima Children
From the bottom of our heart, let us thank the ozone layer, which has separated the
surface of Mother Earth from Outer Space, thus defending Biosphere from the
mechanical Cosmic rule. Nuclear power is a betrayal to the gift of joint-venture of
primitive plants for 3 billion years.
Be careful to the Internal -Radiation effects, especially among the younger generation.
Let Fukushima kids move to safer area. Don’t repeat Sadako of Hiroshima’s Paper
Crane story neither in Fukushima, nor any other area of the world. Never!!