Employability Audits - Humanities Summary of Actions

Employability and Graduate Destinations Audits and Action Plans 2013
Updated following updates to Audits made in July 2013
1. Employability & Graduate Destinations
Most Schools identified a need to ensure distribution and promotion of Destination of leavers in
Higher Education ( DLHE) data to colleagues and to find ways to connect with and involve alumni.
Key Objective
Subject areas to maintain / improve graduate destinations awareness for their
Information on all graduate destinations to be communicated to relevant staff
Key staff in areas where awareness not yet satisfactory are to undertake Discoverer
Administrator to undertake Discoverer training and provide information to all
Programme Directors. DLHE data to be a standing item on all School UG Committee
To further develop and strengthen connections with SoE alumni in order to
maintain up to date information relating to key employers and career
opportunities, including:
The introduction of a SoE Alumni Newsletter. The first to be sent to all recent graduates
early February 2013.
This will subsequently to sent to all alumni bi-annually.
Tracking information to be supplied by Diane Brooks to evaluate efficacy.
From Sept
Feb 2013
To ensure that alumni have involvement in various School activities on all years on all
UG programmes
Alumni currently have a significant input into two programmes through careers
management units in level 2 (provides early intervention into planning for employment
in their field), a Looking Forward event early in level 3 (focuses students on their final
months , provides information on preparing for transition into the workplace, gives
access to graduates who also reflect on how their final year related to employment
strategies). They also have input into seminar programmes and some teaching events.
This provision will be formally reviewed annually through the UG SEAP
Graduates of each programme to provide input on all three years of each programme.
This will commence by including a talk by a graduate who is in a positive graduate
destination at all year one inductions.
Sep 2013
From September 2013 all UG programmes will include a compulsory credit bearing unit
that is delivered by the university Careers Service. These units will involve input from
both recent graduates and key sector employers.
Sep 2013
June 2013
SALC also has also conducted audits and produced reports at discipline-level (actions not reproduced here)
To ensure that all academic staff are updated on the services available from the
Careers Service. Standing item to be added to UG Committee agenda.
AA programme rewritten to include enhanced
support for employability across the three years.
This includes details of our destinations, employers
and the services offered by CED. All of our students
have personal Academic Development booklets
which support their learning
Done. To be reviewed at the end of the
semester. Need to host our Academic
Advisory booklets ON LINE. Constant review
through student representatives across all
three years about whether support is
appropriate and effective.
Timetabled drop-in Employability Hour (with
Employability Lead) for all years that is promoted at
year meetings
Piloted in sem 2 2013,to be continued
Supporting the Academic Development booklets on
line as part of the Geography Employability
Programme(GEP): Summer 2013
Summer 2013
Convey employability plans for 2013/14 to staff.
Staff to be made aware of students destinations and
jobs they do.
At first meeting 2013/14 year
Extracurricular activities – speed networking, guest
speakers, seminars with alumni
Connecting with alumni and newsletter (well
received by alumni)
Maintaining contact via LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter
Semester 2 and graduation
Ongoing January and August annually
All-staff session on employability and its promotion to students.
Raise awareness of DLHE data with staff
Criminology Alumni Network created (contact made, LinkedIn group created,
newsletter to be sent July 2013, Network promoted to current students).
Alumni to be more involved in current students’ employability development –
include as careers speakers / mentors, competition judges etc.
Raising staff awareness of Careers Service / Criminology Careers sessions
Alumni – profiles are available on School website, an Alumni Network is to
continue in 2013, Alumni and practitioner seminars allow existing students to
network and hear from alumni and practitioners in the legal profession.
A Gold Mentor scheme is being developed in conjunction with CED and the alumni
Seminars, lectures, workshops and case studies are developed for students.
2013 - ongoing
In 2013 a lunchtime seminar will be developed with CED for academics, on
assisting students with the development of their CVs.
Short-term Working Group to ensure audit actions further discussed and
Showcase DLHE data at UG Strategy Working Group and UG Programme
Committees (standing item and embedded in annual monitoring)
Provide information to Academic Advisers about their role in employability.
Careers provides training to AAs.
Provide annual summary of positive graduate destination data to AAs including
key employers and list of graduate jobs.
Enhanced promotion of careers services to all School staff via ‘My Weekly Update’
School to produce DHLE reports for DA Employability leads and Programme
Provide discoverer training for DA Employability champions who request it
Disseminate DHLE data to DA UG Directors, Prog Directors, HoDAs to inform DA
employability action plans.
Collate and disseminate which jobs and employers Programme graduates go to to:
AAs, student handbooks, DA UG directors, web, DA hubs & DA/Prog social
School to appoint School Alumni Lead (Claire Alexander)
Alumni lead to facilitate DA links with alumni office to invite speakers etc
Semester 2
Start of 13/14
Include Alumni case studies in student handbooks and literature
2. Employability within the Curriculum
All Schools have given thought to how employability is embedded in the curriculum. Most Schools
now have a unit which attempts to either directly embed employability in the curriculum and / or
include enhanced information in programme and unit specifications to highlight this for students.
Creation of an ALC-specific Career Management Skills module
Project-based dissertation alternative to be developed for year-abroad languages
Careers sessions and talks to be embedded into specific course units
Raising student awareness of available course units which specifically target
employability skills
Revise Academic Adviser (AA) arrangements to provide clearer guidance and a
stronger link between students’ academic experience and employability
All Programme Directors to review curriculums ensuring that employability of
students is enhanced.
All revised / new units will involve input from key graduate recruiters
Course leaders to ensure that key elements of each unit related to employability are
By Sept 2013
By Sept 2013
May / June
June 2014
Sep 2013
highlighted to enrolled students.
AAs to make explicit key points at which employability is addressed.
All UG programmes to include a credit bearing Careers Management unit
Sep 2013
Curriculum was overhauled in summer 2012 (in conjunction with recruiters) to embed
employability – each module now lists employability skills. Created a chart of skills
that students will gain by undertaking the modules completed (meets Geography
QAA Benchmark)
Geography Employability Programme (GEP) to be launched in semester 1 2013. A 20
credit 2nd year module designed to advise students about how employability is
embedded in curriculum. Practical employability skills supported by Academic
Advisers. It will include CV writing, applying for jobs, interviews with professionals,
networking opportunities, seminars with guest speakers, CED, and alumni and an
individual portfolio with a ‘road map’ to plan the forth coming years.
To be
sem 1 2013
Audit of student expectations of employability delivered by Geography
Sem 1 2012
Course revisions to spread best practice for 3 year graduates to level of 4th year
Continue to consult professionals on course revisions to ensure relevance
Raising awareness of practice elsewhere in the school
Careers programme to be developed incorporating feedback from students
Review all BA Criminology UG course unit handbooks to ensure all have clear, up
to date section on skills and knowledge development to ensure that students are
aware of skills they are developing throughout degree.
New L2 ‘Criminology and Criminal Justice in Action’ optional unit / employability
unit. Will include guest speakers from relevant professions; career planning, skills
audit and CV will form non-assessed and assessed work, with sessions to support
the development of these. Students will be encouraged to continue to engage
with their employability with academic advisor after the course has ended.
For 2013/14
Sem 2 and for
To be delivered
in 2013/14
Seminars on employability will be included in a compulsory module in 2013. Graduate
recruiters will assist in the process of incorporating employability skills, knowledge
and attributes in the curriculum.
A series of Employability Workshops, organized for all UG students by the School, CED
and Law firms. Students are encouraged to attend all of them.
Students can volunteer at the Legal Advice Centre, which also offers a Vacation
Placement scheme
Societies such as LAC Society, Debating Society, Mooting Society etc. support
employability skills
A Blackboard site to be created from Sept. 2013, listing Employability Workshops and
Case Studies, Societies, Internships etc.
Specific input from the Judiciary on Civil Procedure, practitioners speak to students
elsewhere on the programme
Effectively utilise the MBS undergraduate e-bulletin / twitter / facebook to promote
employability detail on full course description for every course unit.
Statement on employability in all degree handbooks ‘Preparing for Success’ and at
degree programme level (rather than at course unit level).
Sept 2013
Include employability in ongoing curriculum reviews at DA/Programme level
including consideration of PPE/BASS and BAEcon students
Module level embedding determined by DAs
Ensure continuation of SOCS21002 Career Management Skills on BAEcon.
3. Work Experience and Co-Curricular activities
Some programmes already provide opportunities for students to undertake placements and / or work
experience as part of their programmes, and this activity is easier to undertake in certain DAs where
programmes have a vocational link. All Schools have identified areas where this activity can be
enhanced. Tammy Goldfeld of the CED will be meeting with Employability Leads to discuss the
support that CED can provide in extending placement activity at UG level.
Exploration and development of opportunities for working/volunteering on staff-led
Explore opportunities for international study, work and / or fieldwork placements
To investigate the possible Study Abroad opportunities.
Further promote UMSU societies (talks at induction from students)and Peer
Mentoring scheme
Greater promotion of work experience opportunities (via CED, alumni network) and
international year abroad
Students encouraged, via AAs, through GEP, and (voluntary) Employability Hour, to
seek appropriate work experience
Share practice within the School
Sep 2013
Feb – Sep
Semester 1,
2013 (year
Support new Student Society – support members in different
years, society to promote and feed back on criminology careers
events, involve society in Welcome Week
Promote volunteering and internships / work experience in
careers programme – guest speakers asked to highlight skills set
and importance of these activities, staff to develop relationships
with organisations that can offer opportunities.
Also promote study abroad/ Erasmus opportunities
Advertise opportunities available through the programme to
students and encourage their involvement (e.g. Student
Ambassadors and other CV boosting roles). Academic staff contact
students directly.
For 2013/14
Completed for 2012/13 and
ongoing for 13/14
Legal Advice Centre Summer Vacation Scheme (20 placements)
Malaysian and Singapore Internships available, other countries to be added in 2014
Study Abroad Scheme – Erasmus or Worldwide Exchange opportunities
Consider further opportunities for full year placement across UG programmes
(BSc Management and IBFe in first instance).
Careers and MBS to organise a ‘round table’ discussion for key staff (UG
Directors, EWG members, Graduate recruiters) facilitated by CED. Employers
highlighted skills that they are looking for and eagerness to be further involved.
May 2013 and
ongoing annually
Information on internships, employability events, UC, MLP etc for all levels to be Completed
produced in ‘Preparing for Success in year 1/2/3/after graduation’ booklets being
4. Student Engagement
Schools have recognised the role of the Academic Advisor in providing students with information
about destinations, helping them to reflect on the skills that they are gaining and assisting them with
the production of a CV.
In conjunction with CED, SoSS is piloting a ‘Careers and Skills Manager’ database which will allow
students to track their activities over the course of the programme.
Convene student focus groups to discuss practice and proposals for future AA and
employability initiatives
Development of student-led careers and employability initiatives (e.g. studentorganised careers fairs with alumni involvement)
Involvement of peer mentors / PASS leaders in Careers events
Academic Advisors to raise employability issues as agenda items with all students
during student tutorials.
Academic Advisors to promote the use of the Careers Service’s Employability Toolkit
March 2013
when this becomes available.
Sept 2013
Year 2 students will be encouraged to share their Curriculum Vitae (developed as part
of Career Management unit) with their Academic Advisor as part of a wider discussion
related to their future career plans.
Year 2 and 3 students to be provided with key DLHE data in an accessible format.
Academic Advisors to be provided with up-to-date DLHE data in order that this can be
shared and discussed with students during individual tutorials.
Practice placement related assessment activities will incorporate a requirement for
students to identify and reflect upon issues related to employability
Students will be encouraged to share their Curriculum Vitae with their Academic
Advisor as part of a wider discussion related to their future career plans.
Social Media, CED and Academic Advisors used to raise awareness of
opportunities students have to take charge of their employability
Students will be informed of the careers / destinations data via Geography
Employability Programme.
Students will be able to record and monitor the development of their
employability skills through the Personal Development books via the Academic
Advisory programme.
CVs produced as part of the Geography Employability Programme, apply for a job
and undertake a mock interview
April 2013
Sept 2013
Completed – in
Sept. 2013
In progress
Ready for Sept
Reinstate PADP system in tutorials
Incorporate new areas of expertise - surveying and land management
April 2013
Ensure all students have produced and had advice on course units etc. before the Now
start of their final year.
Use Discoverer to display/inform current/prospective students about
graduate destinations
Use BA Criminology space on Blackboard to develop a Criminology Space. To
contain details of all criminology careers events; PowerPoint slides/other
links and materials from these sessions. Folders on:
Criminology & volunteering; Improving employability; Doing
Postgraduate study; Exploring options with a criminology degree;
links to careers service materials;
Sections to include relevant, up to date information; links to online careers
tools; articles of interest; profiles of professions/alumni; links to websites
(e.g. prospects; volunteering bodies, etc).
Development of new employability module (see 1)
Use alumni profiles to highlight destinations/skills set needed, etc
Promote student engagement with career tools available – work with CED
Students in penultimate year to send CVs to Academic Advisers for advice. A
To deliver in 2013/14
lunchtime seminar to be held with CED to support Advisers on this.
It is hoped that the Blackboard site will provide a space in which students can record
the development of their CV and their progress.
Enhanced employability initiatives within a first year BMAN10780 Business and
Management Skills course, including the opportunity for all students to develop a CV
with support from the AA, continuing into year 2.
Create further opportunities within the 2nd and final year Academic Advisor scheme
for students to continue to develop their cv in liaison with their Academic Advisor
Survey all students to gauge effectiveness of employability communications. Student
communications plan to be developed as a result for 2013.
Programme Directors to email all home graduating students to make them aware of
the DLHE survey in 6 months’ time and the importance of them completing this. (Also
tie alumni / Linked in message to same email)
Academic Advising:
– Ensure students aware of careers service
– Recognise importance of enhancing employability through work
experience, internships etc
– Incorporate CED careers activities for AAs into AA handbook
– Ask advisees to produce a CV in semester 2 year 1 to discuss and revise
each year (catalyst for further employability discussion)?
– Upload and save updated CV for AA access when writing references.
– Have information on graduate destinations
– Update and enhance AA handbook, guidelines & resources (VPF)
To produce Graduate Destinations summaries (as inserts specific to each pathway) to
include in “Preparing for Success After Graduation” given to students.
Include employability information and events on DA Hubs (only accessed by UofM
Regular, bespoke School-wide employability events arranged by CED: Sem 1
“Something for your CV”, “Reality Bites” (for recent graduates), Psychometric Test
session. Sem 2 “Careers Using Social Sciences” large, panel event
For Sep
Sem 2 201213
July 2013
and ongoing
Employability events arranged by DAs Employability events at discipline level to
include BA Econ, BASS and PPE students who are taking pathways in that discipline
Employability events arranged by School Social Responsibility lead
School to support employability events organized by student body (e.g. BA Econ
Society, student reps). Funding from endowment WK00578
Pilot “Careers and Skills Manager” by Andy Balmer (Sociology)