IEEE R10 Congress at Sri Lanka - Gogte Institute of Technology

IEEE Student Branch
Date: July 25, 2015
The International IEEE R10 Congress was held at Galadari hotel, Colombo Srilanka. This congress
witnessed around 200 delegates coming throughout Region 10 (Asia). It was indeed a great pleasure to
be a part of such massive and magnanimous congress and I was truly overjoyed to be a part of the
Bangalore section contingent, in turn representing IEEE GIT at an International level. The congress
lasted for four days, rather for four prolific days.
DAY1 & 2: The event kick started by the ice breaking session, providing a comfort zone amongst the
delegates. The actual sessions commenced by
the opening speech by the R10 director Mr.
Ramakrishna Kappagantu. It then followed various sessions by diligent and well known speakers. The
schedule was divided into four tracks, student, young professional, WIE, and Humanitarian activities.
Therefore it was quite interesting and enthralling to attend each of the sessions from each particular
track. Some of the topics which enlightened me were: (elaborating a few)
A practical networking session by Margaret Errickson: It was a complete session filled with alacrity
and craziness in pursuit to grow contacts.
Best practices for WIE: The different and best activities conducted were on a display. The session was
handled by Keyanna Tennant (WIE R10 Representative), which made me to grasp some of the unique
IEEE Student Branch
ideas, such as providing a technological support to the needy for instance, the students from Pakistan
constructed a heater which can be used to heat the food and as well used as a heater in the winter.
Apart from it, there were many innovative and ominous ideas shared.
Member benefits and engagement in R10 for young professionals: This session highlighted on the
different schemes that can be utilized by an YP member, such as the insurance facility, IEEE labs and
mentoring programs.
Along with these motivating sessions there were many others as well which were useful and
DAY 3: The second day as well followed a plethora of edifying talks. The session named 10,000 silver
bullets was impressive, the tagline which was endorsed “if you want to dent in a company there is no 1
silver bullet but there are 10,000 was quite remarkable, it basically focused on how to crack an
interview in the corporate world. Insights on the various societies working under IEEE such TEMPS,
MEMS, SIGHT, IAS, etc were absolutely gainful. Informative talks on guidelines for technical paper and
effective technical paper presentation were beneficial.
DAY 4 (An extra mile): The day 3 commenced with a session on a new mindset on career development
and innovation followed with a session on languages in Asia pacific region, which proved to be
invigorating as it provided a frame of languages in Region 10. Finally a talk on “Preparing yourself to
be global employee” was conducted which also demonstrated to be profitable.
Apart from the stacked schedule; cultural night and gala dinner was organized.
The major part of this congress was networking which has enabled me to grow gregarious and placate
with others; get some liaison contacts which would surely be beneficial in the future events organized
at our student branch. To deduce, the R10 Congress has not only shown the different facets of IEEE but
has also made me to grow in a charged manner. Albeit, this was the first time for a student to
represent IEEE GIT at International level, I have put in my best efforts to grasp each and every thing
conducted in the congress. Looking forward to strengthen and brighten IEEE GIT.
Prof. Abhishek Deshmukh
Staff Advisor
Student Branch
Miss Pranali Shinde
7th sem EC, GIT
Hub Leader
NK Hub
Bangalore Section