Ordo of Services – 2014 Assembly (1)

Festival Service of Holy Communion
Opening of the 15th Biennial Assembly
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Troupe enters space, carrying out conversations, putting final block in, calling out and
continues until all is quiet
Gathering Song
Altar is prepared. B. Michael and B. Susan at font
All Leaders:
Together for the love of the world.
Opening Hymn
In This Place
- Delores Dufner, OSB
During opening hymn, all leaders move to their places
B. Michael, B. Susan, Robb: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
And also with you.
¶Violin leads out
Prayer of the Day
B. Susan:
Let us Pray,
Liberating God,
You are the One who gives and frees and makes new.
By your Spirit, stir our Eastern Synod hearts
with dreams of life together.
Break open our understanding of “together”
That with courage and grace we may love the world as
you do.
We pray through Jesus Christ,
who birthed new life by death on a cross.
First Reading
Exodus 1:15-20
Gospel Acclamation
Celtic Alleluia (ELW #174)
¶Stand. B. Michael moves to ambo
¶B. Michael is reading the part of the Narrator of story
Troupe is reading the part of Jesus
Assembly is reading part of Peter
Taken from John 21:15-19
B. Michael: Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.
A reading from the Gospel of John
B. Michael: When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter,
Troupe: ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’
B. Michael: He said to him,
Peter: ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’
B. Michael: Jesus said to him,
Troupe: ‘Feed my lambs.’
B. Michael: A second time he said to him,
Troupe: ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’
B. Michael: He said to him,
Peter: ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’
B. Michael: Jesus said to him,
Troupe: ‘Tend my sheep.’
B. Michael: He said to him the third time,
Troupe: ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’
B. Michael: Peter felt hurt because he said to him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ And he
said to him,
Peter: ‘Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.’
B. Michael: Jesus said to him,
Troupe: ‘Feed my sheep. Very truly, I tell you, when you were younger, you used to fasten
your own belt and to go wherever you wished. But when you grow old, you will stretch out
your hands, and someone else will fasten a belt around you and take you where you do not
wish to go.’
B. Michael: (He said this to indicate the kind of death by which he would glorify God.) After
this he said to him,
Troupe: ‘Follow me.’
B. Michael:
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Gospel Canticle Reprise
Celtic Alleluia (ELW #174)
Bishop Michael Pryse
Hymn of the Day
Will you Come and Follow Me (ELW #798)
Vs. 1 All, 2 Men, 3 Women, 4 Solo, 5 All
Prayers of Intercession
Robb: God, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer
B. Susan:
The peace of Christ be with you always.
And also with you.
Variations on a Gaelic Melody
- Paul Haack
Holly Lohnes, trumpet; Jane Kristenson, piano
¶4 Deans collect offering,4 Deans set table. Bread is brought to the table, Wine is
poured. After offering is collected, it is presented near Robb at the table. B. Susan is
at one end of table. Robb is at other end of table.
Offering Prayer
Robb: Let us pray,
Blessed are you, O God, Maker of all things
Through your goodness …
¶Offering is placed on credence table
Great Thanksgiving
B. Susan:
The Lord be with you
And also with you
Lift up your hearts!
We lift them to the Lord.
B. Susan:
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
It IS right! To be grateful: Here. Now.
To sing Your praise, O Holy One!
B. Susan:
And so, with those who sing across this synod,
with city dwellers and farmers, with young
and old, and with Northern pine and Atlantic
salmon, we praise your name and join their
unending hymn:
Eucharistic Prayer
B. Susan:
Kanata Sanctus
¶The assembly echoes the leader
Gracious God,
In great love, you called forth the lights of the sky and the deer
in the forest, the daisies in the field and the birds of the air.
In great love, you gave courage to Puah and
Shiphrah so they could stand up to the Pharaoh of their day
B. Susan:
And in great love, you gave a new covenant in
Jesus, The one who calls us, along with Peter, to follow him,
Take and eat. This is my body given for you.
Do this for the remembrance of me.
Take and drink. This is my blood shed for you.
Do this for the remembrance of me.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Breathe Pentecost fire into this meal and into our lives.
Nourish us with courage and grace for these assembly days, so
that we are ready to feed your sheep and tend your lambs in
the world.
B. Susan, Robb:
Lord’s Prayer
B. Susan:
Through Christ, with Christ, In Christ,
All glory is yours, now and forever.
Let us pray
Our Father, in heaven…
Holy Communion
¶There will be four stations at the altar. As you approach the altar, you will be
communing the person who is across the table from you. You may use the following
words: “Take and eat. This is my body given for you” and “Take and drink. This is my
blood shed for you”.
¶Conference Deans and Troupe will commune each other to demonstrate also to
indicate the four stations at the altar.
The Gifts of God – sung by Assembly
Communion Hymns
Holy, Holy, Holy (ELW #473)
I Will Supply Your Need
¶The response remains the same throughout
United at the Table (ELW #498)
Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises (ELW #535)
Prayer after Communion
We give you thanks, Loving God, for the healing
power of this gift of life. Strengthen us in faith toward you, and in
fervent love toward the whole world; for the sake of Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Opening of Assembly
B. Michael:
At Font
With a heart of thanks, and in a spirit of respect and solidarity,
I acknowledge that we gather for this Assembly on the
traditional territory of the Mississauga of New Credit First
Nations people.
Gathered into One by the Holy Spirit, we are now ready to
begin our work.
I, therefore, declare this 15th Biennial Assembly of the Eastern
Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada to be in
session, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen
B. Susan:
Robb, Troupe:
Sending Song
May God the Father grant us the grace that changes us.
May God the Song grant us the grace that saves us.
May the Spirit of life grant us the grace that makes us free.
Amen (Brazil)
Let’s go next door.
For love.
For the love of the world
Amen Siakudumisa (ELW #846)
Reconciliation and Right Relationships:
KAIROS Blanket Exercise
And Worship
Thursday, June 26th, 2014
¶When most of the people are in the chapel space, the leader begins singing. All are
invited to join in.
We are Standing on Holy Ground
Blanket Exercise
We Are Standing on Holy Ground
Flute (improvising)
While song is being played, troupe moves blocks into the shape of a cross, and covers
with blankets. Candles are placed on cross and lit. As a signal to stop the music,
Robb will place the last candle.
O God, We Call
¶Jennifer sings through once, people sing several times
Matthew 5:3-9 (The Casa del Sol Blessings of Jesus adaptation)
O God, We Call
Sending Text
O God, you have called your servants … (ELW p. 304)
The community leaves in silence.
Morning Prayer
Friday, June 27th, 2014
¶Instrumental music and nature sounds
Opening Dialogue
Satisfy us in the morning….. (ELW p. 299)
Genesis 2: A Paraphrase by Allen G. Jorgenson
During the reading, actors rearrange the central space, moving blocks, adding cloths
and other elements, indicating the creation of the garden
God the Sculpture of the Mountains (ELW #736)
Sister Anne:
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Sister Anne:
Let us pray
In the beginning of this day, O God,
assure us again of our origins in you.
Holy Root of being
Sacred Sap that rises
May we know that we are one with You
Together one.
Guide us as nations to what is deepest
Open us as peoples to what is first
Lead us as a world to what is dearest
That we may know the holiness of wholeness
That we may learn the strength of humility
That together we may live close to the earth
And grow in grounded glory.
Sister Anne:
For what else shall we pray?
Other Petitions are offered Kristen/Joy
Sister Anne:
Let us pray together.
O God, You have called your … (ELW p. 304)
Sister Anne:
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Sister Anne:
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Sister Anne:
Ever-living God, author of creation, …
Creating God, Your Fingers Trace (ELW #684)
Sister Anne:
Gracious God, who gives us a new birth…
Sister Anne:
The peace of Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
¶Share a sign of peace with one another.
Reconciliation and Right Relationships: A Conversation with Dr. Marie
Wilson – Truth and Reconciliation Commission with guest panelists
The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald and The Rev. Dr. Allen Jorgenson
And Worship
Friday, June 27, 2014
Good Hearted Women
Smudging and Teaching
10 minutes of singing, including Eagle Honour Song for Leona Moses
Introduction of Speakers
Speaker Presentations
Good Hearted Women
Humma, Humma (Lullaby)
From Iona Worship Book
We are called from the ends of the earth…
Tar a thighearna tar a thi
Gracious and Loving God,
In our learning and our growing,
may there be healing.
In the telling and hearing,
may there be healing.
In our recognition of the need for forgiveness and change,
may there be healing.
In the giving and receiving,
may there be healing.
In the honouring and sharing,
may there be healing.
Sacred One, Grandparent, Holy Presence,
Teach us love, compassion and honour,
That we may heal the earth
And heal each other.
Gospel Reading
Luke 15 (The Prodigal Son)
Blind Justice by Lee Maracle
Prayers in Four Directions
Prayers are led by Mark MacDonald, Good Hearted Women lead singing of ‘We, we,
we, we, we’ in response to prayers
Maori Lord’s Prayer
Good Hearted Women
Good Hearted Women lead singing and round dance for 10 minutes
Morning Prayer
Saturday, June 28th, 2014
The worship space has been prepared as a garden, with plants and bowls of water.
Paper cranes have been suspended and placed throughout the space. A pathway
between the plants allows for movement of the presider during the service.
Stay With Us
The choir sings this piece written by Ron Klusmeier, words by Walter Farquharson
Rev. Riitta:
In the stillness and beauty of this place, we come to remember the life and death of those in
the past biennium who have died, and also those congregations in the last two years who
have closed their doors. Our connections are fragile, and our life can be cut short. We come
to claim the steadfast love of God that endures forever, and the light of Christ that shines
Let us pray.
Blessed be God, the Source of all mercy and the God of all consolation, who comforts us in
all our sorrows so that we can comfort others in their sorrows with the consolation we
ourselves have received from God. Amen.
Christ, Be Our Light (ELW #715)
Sing refrain and vs. 1 only, ending with refrain
Names are read aloud
Wilfrid Luther Myra
Paul Langohr
Rolf Meindl
Irene Milembe Wa N’Senga
Joseph Williams
Barbara Weatherall
Shirley Minke
Rev. Riitta:
Florence Judt
Donald Walter Stroh
Margareta Weingartner
William Pugh
William (Gus) Gustafson
Norman Lewis Lange
Christine Susan Grahlman
Let us pray.
Gracious God.
For these sisters and brothers who we have loved and who have
loved us, we give you thanks. We remember their particular ways of
living life and their service to our Synod, and we give you deep
thanks for our shared journey. We remember too all those who
have died in these last two years, who go unnamed aloud, but are
deep in our hearts. Faithful God, bring hope and healing to all who
grieve. Nourish us back to life. We pray in Jesus name, Amen.
Names are read aloud
Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kirkland Lake
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sullivan
Rev. Riitta:
Gracious God.
For the ministries of these congregations that have served you for
years and now close their doors, we give you thanks. Walk with
those who are finding new faith communities. Embrace them when
they feel a sense of loss. Bless their new ministries and service with
a lively sense of call in mission for others. We pray in Jesus name,
Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying (ELW #752)
Isaiah 2:2-5
Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying
Rev. Riitta Hepomaki, Assistant to the Bishop
Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying
Rev. Riitta:
Let us pray silently, together, for peace in our hearts, and peace in
the world.
Time for silent prayers….
Loving God, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in us the gift of your Spirit,
confirm our faith, guide our life, empower us in our serving, give us
patience in suffering, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
The assembly leaves in silence.
Closing Service of Holy Communion
Closing of the 15th Biennial Assembly
Installation of Synod Council and Area Deans
Sunday, June 29th, 2014
Gathering Songs
Word of God, Come Down on Earth (ELW #510)
Great Is Thy Faithfulness (ELW #733)
Confession and Forgiveness
Read antiphonally, beginning with the choir side
God, you ask for our courage …
but we prefer to remain safe, …
Lord forgive our calculated …
Opening Hymn
B. Michael, Charlotte:
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (ELW #631)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and
the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
And also with you.
Mount Carmel Kyrie
1. Lord, create in us compassion and mercy.
Christ, show to us compassion and mercy.
Give us love, give us light, give us peace, give us grace to share.
When we’re together listening to each other’s song,
There’s a beauty when we all sing along.
Give us love, give us light, give us peace, give us grace to share.
2. Goodbye guilt! Goodbye fear!
A fresh star, a new beginning,
Start a new fire deep within us,
To share your love for all!
Good bye guilt! Goodbye fear!
You’re our God of second chances,
Who spreads grace to one and all!
Prayer of the Day
First Reading
Acts 12:1-11
Gospel Acclamation
Scott sings “Arise, Shine, for Your Light has Come”, followed by choir and assembly.
Repeat a few times, then lead into “Celtic Alleluia”, ELW #174)
John 21:15-19
Bishop Susan Johnson
Hymn of the Day
We Are Called (ELW #720)
Installation of New Synod Council and Area Deans
Bishop Michael:
The following people have been elected to positions of leadership in
our community of faith. I invite them to come forward as their names
are read:
¶Those newly elected and those in the middle of their four year terms come forward
as their names are read, including officers.
Bishop Michael:
In the waters of Baptism, you have died to self-serving ways and been
initiated into the church in order that you might serve others for
Christ’s sake. Through the celebration of Holy Communion you are
nurtured for the work that God has given you. I ask you, do you
accept the responsibilities with which you have been entrusted and
will you serve the people of this synod with respect, humility and
genuine compassion? If so respond, “We will.”
We will.
¶Bishop Michael addresses the people of the synod:
Bishop Michael:
Members of the Eastern Synod, will you pray for these people,
encourage them in their work, offer your services as you are able and
work to build up the ministry of this Synod which is a ministry shared
by all who are baptized?
We will.
Bishop Michael:
I now declare ….
(First names of newly installed are read)
… 2members of our new synodical leadership team. May God bless
you with just wisdom, generous hears, good humour and rich vision
so that the reign of God might be made known in this place. Amen.
Prayers of Intercession
¶Each portion of the prayers ends with the following sung response, which is
introduced the first time by Charlotte.
Heal us Lord, and renew our lives.
B. Michael:
The peace of Christ be with you always.
And also with you.
Offering Prayer
Bless the Lord, O My Soul - Lee Dengler
Blessed are you, O God, Maker of all things.
Through your goodness you have blessed us with these gifts: our
selves, our time and our possessions. Forgive us when we misuse
these gifts or take what is not ours. Use us, and what we have
gathered, in feeding the world with your love, through the one
who gave himself for us, Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.
Great Thanksgiving
Kanata Sanctus
¶The assembly echoes the leader
Eucharistic Prayer
Lord’s Prayer
Bishop Michael:
A Paraphrase
Let us pray together the Maori version of the prayer that Jesus
taught us:
Eternal Spirit, …
Holy Communion
Bishop Michael:
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Thanks be to God.
Lamb of God
Oi, Jumalan Karitsa (ELW #197)
1 time in Finnish (solo), 2nd time in English
Communion Hymns
What Feast of Love (ELW #487) Choir sings verse 1
Listen, God is Calling (ELW #513)
Light Dawns on a Weary World (ELW #726)
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High (ELW #857)
You Are Holy (ELW #525)
Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ (ELW #674)
Prayer after Communion
Closing of Assembly
Bishop Michael Pryse
Sending Song
When You Walk