CPR Quality Metrics Data Dictionary

CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
CPR Metrics
Data Element Number: CPR.01
Data Element Name: Average CPR Rate/Min
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The average rate of CPR compressions per minute for the selected time
interval of the cardiac arrest.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 200
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.02
Data Element Name: Percentage of CPR Compressions Within 100-120
Compressions per Minute
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The percentage of CPR compressions within 100-120 compressions per
minute calculated based on each compression-to-compression interval.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 100
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.03
Data Element Name: Average Chest Compression Depth
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The average (mean) depth of the CPR chest compressions for the cardiac
arrest period.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Attribute: Decimal
Total Digits: 2
Min: 0
Max: 5.0
Fraction Digit: 1
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.04
Data Element Name: Percentage of Chest Compressions With a
Minimum of 2 Inches of Depth
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The number of chest compressions that are 2 inches in depth or greater
divided by the total number of compressions during the cardiac arrest time.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 100
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.05
Data Element Name: CPR Compression Fraction
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The percentage of the cardiac arrest time that CPR compressions were
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 100
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.06
Data Element Name: Average Pre-Shock Time
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The average number of seconds from the stoppage of CPR and the
delivery of the defibrillatory shock.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 200
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.07
Data Element Name: Longest Pre-Shock Pause
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: Of all delivered defibrillatory shocks, the longest pre-shock pause that
occurred during the cardiac arrest
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 200
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.08
Data Element Name: Average Ventilation Rate
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The average ventilation rate calculated based on the ventilation-toventilation time interval for the total arrest time.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest, Airway
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 300
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.09
Data Element Name: Percentage of Ventilations less than 12 per minute
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The overall percentage of ventilations, based on the ventilation-toventilation time interval, that were less than 12 ventilations per minute for the total arrest
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest, Airway
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 100
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.10
Data Element Name: Maximum Cardiac Arrest ETCO2
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The highest ETCO2 level documented during the cardiac arrest time.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest, Airway
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 100
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.11
Data Element Name: ETCO2 Used
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: Indication if ETCO2 was captured or monitored during the cardiac arrest
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest, Airway
Code List:
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.12
Data Element Name: External Mechanical CPR Device Used
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: Indication than an external mechanical CPR device was used during the
cardiac arrest time.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
No External CPR Device Used
ZOLL Autopulse CPR Device Used
Physio-Control Lucas Device Used
Thumper Device Used
Other External CPR Device Used
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPR.13
Data Element Name: Pre-External Mechanical CPR Device Pause
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The seconds between the stoppage of manual CPR and the start of
external mechanical CPR.
Recurrence: 0:1
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Attribute: Integer
Min: 0
Max: 200
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
CPR Time Measurements
Data Element Numbers: eProcedure.01 and eProcedure.03
Data Element Name: Start Time of Manual CPR by EMS
Documented through two existing NEMSIS Version 3 Data Elements:
eProcedure.01: Date Time Procedure Performed
eProcecure.03: Procedure
Code = 89666000 (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Manual)
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Numbers: eProcedure.01 and eProcedure.03
Data Element Name: Start Time of Mechanical CPR by EMS
Documented through two existing NEMSIS Version 3 Data Elements:
eProcedure.01: Date Time Procedure Performed
eProcecure.03: Procedure
Code = 429283006 (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Mechanical)
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Numbers: eProcedure.01 and eProcedure.03
Data Element Name: Time of First Defibrillation by EMS
Documented through two existing NEMSIS Version 3 Data Elements:
eProcedure.01: Date Time Procedure Performed
eProcecure.03: Procedure
Code = 426220008 (External Ventricular Defibrillation)
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: CPRTime.01
Data Element Name: Date/Time of Return of Spontaneous Circulation
National Element: No
State Element: No
Definition: The date/time the patient regained spontaneous circulation without
Recurrence: 0:M
Usage: Optional
Not Values: No
Not Values Accepted: N/A
Pertinent Negatives: No
Is Nillable: No
Performance Measures: Cardiac Arrest
Format and Constraints = eProcedure.01
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CPR Metrics and Time Measurement
Data Dictionary
Data Element Number: eArrest.15
Data Element Name: Date/Time at End of CPR Event
Documented through existing NEMSIS Version 3 Data Elements:
eArrest.15: Date/Time Resuscitation Discontinued
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