Name: Gurkeerat
date: Feb,
You are a member of the Norse barbarian tribe called the Sweentars
– a Viking group famous at the end of the first millennium for
exploration, technology and trade. You are on the pursuit of three
“quests” to prove yourself a worthy Viking.
This package and all of the website links for this project are on
my wikispace:
There are three Viking Quest Activities:
I. Developing Your Viking Identity
II. Viking Exploration – Mapping & Journaling Your Raids
III. Chronicling the “Saga” of Your Adventures
All classes will take place in the Library so you have access to both print and internet
materials for research.
When you have completed each task, use the chart below to evaluate your productivity give yourself a score out of five on the Portfolio Assessment Checklist below.
The due date for this project is: February, 25th, 2010
Self Evaluation of your work on the project 5 4 3 2 1
QUEST I - Your Viking Identity
(use of time)
Viking Name & Motto
Viking God – Questions & Paragraph
Viking Attire – Self Portrait
QUEST II – Mapping & Journaling Your Raids (use of time)
Completing the Map
Journals of your Journey
Geography data -calculating distance & time
QUEST III – Your Saga
(use of time)
Paragraph 1________________________
Paragraph 2 ________________________
Paragraph 3 ________________________
QUEST I - Your Viking Identity
1. Your English first & last name: Gurkeerat Kang
2. Use the Runic Alphabet below– rewrite your English name (use paint and copy text below)
3. Refer to the links on the wiki for Viking names – There are male & female lists.
Select a name for yourself, and then one for your mother and father
Your Viking name: Saxi son/ daughter of Bui and Inga
4. Think of a “motto* that would reflect your persona as a Viking warrior, explorer, trader or
craftsperson . ( a motto is a short statement that stands for your character or beliefs) Select two
to four words, such as: “Exploring Without Fear” or “Creative Carpenter”
Write out your motto in English:
Translate your motto using the runic alphabet.
Fight and drink.
5. Refer to the website on Norse Mythology (also a link on the wiki)
 What was the Viking idea of heaven? Valhalla warriors only
 Who would escort the Vikings? Valkryries
 Describe them : Beautiful Blondes
 What did you have to do to get here? Die in battle
 From the table on the right of this page - read about the characteristics of each of the top ten gods/
goddesses, select one of as your “patron” (the god who will use their supernatural powers to protect
you or represents your values). The Norse god I have chosen for my patron is:Thor
Thor is the almighty god of thunder, lord of the thunderstorm. He is the
son of Odin and Jord. He is the god that has the powerful Scandinavian
hammer. He’s married to Sif and has a daughter named Thrud. I chose
Thor as my god because I think he is a powerhouse with the power of
thunder, and that he has the almighty hammer in his possession.
QUEST I - Your Viking Identity continued.
7. Refer to the map link on the Wiki. Where in Scandinavia are you from?
8. VIKING ATTIRE - Refer to the websites on the wiki and/or books in the library for research.
In the space provided below, create a full body picture of yourself in your authentic Viking clothing,
carrying a weapon or tool of your trade. Label all items of clothing and any tools or weapons.
This picture can either be created digitally, or drawn and then scanned to be included in the space
below. (Need help with scanning? Ask Mr. Sweeney)
Name: Saxi
8. Once all of that is complete, create a facebook account for your Viking – you can use your FirstClass
address as the email. Be sure to include all of the personal information that you have just entered above.
Then, join the group Sweeney’s Vikings. I’d like these to be open accounts, so keep in mind that the only
information you should be posting is details about your Viking – nothing about you!! This is a chance for
you to be creative with your character – so BE CREATIVE!
QUEST II- Mapping & Journaling Your Raids
Now that you’re a Viking, it’s time to do what Vikings do best – burn and pillage!
Follow this link Viking Game to discover the scenario under which your raid takes place. You can try the
game a few times, but the details of the decisions you make are what’s important. Please record the
choices so that you can illustrate them when you create a detailed Google Map to show your journey.
Your map must include at least 7 different stops – 2 at the beginning, 2 during the voyage (there and
back), 2 during the raid, and 1 final stop. Each stop must include a detailed log entry (min. 5 sentences).
You must also include a picture (here’s a chance to be creative, include digital images that you’ve
created). There should be a clearly delineated route that your journey follows – refer to the Google Maps
tutorial video on the Geography Project wiki if you forget how to do this.
QUEST III– The Saga of your Adventures
You are going to record some of the interesting information about you for future generations.
These will be primary sources of information that would be written on vellum.
You must select TWO of the following topics, and complete them in a word document.
1. A persuasive paragraph to convince readers that Vikings were not bloodthirsty
raiders, and had interests similar to many people at the time.
2. An expository paragraph that explains what it makes to be a good Viking warrior
3. Write a descriptive paragraph about your first journey. Use all of your senses to
describe your shipboard experience.
4. Write a descriptive paragraph about your most valuable Viking possessions and
why you want them to be buried with you.
Although I, Saxi the king warrior am enjoying my noble life time now, I know
one day I won’t walk on this world I walk on right now, one day I will face
death. I refuse to be buried alone, I want to bury with my valuable possessions
that I’ve been pondering on to this day. For sure my Viking helmet will be
buried with me. I want my helmet to be buried with me because every time I go
out there for battle I feel the pride of being a Viking with this helmet on, and
every time I walk out to war with this helmet, I’ll come back victorious with
this helmet. It’s my type of a good luck charm. My woollen shirt and trousers
will also be buried with me because they belonged to my late father,”Bui the
Great”. He was a wonderful man filled with spirit and pride, that’s how I will be
until the die I die. To those who read this, please fulfill my dearest commands
and fight for the Viking name.
First Journey
My first shipboard experience was when I was travelling to Sweden. We were
happily sailing until a huge kraken had appeared. My captain Meldun tried
fighting the beast but he thought we were all behind him helping. Little that he
knew most of the crew fled jumping off the ship and sailing off in safety boats.
I was running toward the Kraken attempting to stab it with my seax but at that
point the Kraken had bashed Meldun with his tentacle and the whole ship had
buried apart. The Kraken had left thinking we were all gone but I was still there
in shock. I knew there was nothing I could do so I left with the left over
supplies and Meldun’s body so he could have a proper burial.
Things to remember:
Follow good paragraph- writing rules. Each paragraph must be a minimum of 8
sentences,. Pre-write to incorporate as much as you can about what you have learned
about the Vikings. Start with an interesting a topic sentence, supporting descriptions and
details, close with a concluding sentence.
The last task is to choose something about the Vikings that you are interested in and research it.
Once you’ve researched it, you need to present what you’ve learned. This can take a variety of
forms – written document, glog, powerpoint, video, the choice is yours. Whatever form you
choose, you need to be able to communicate why you’re interested in the topic, what you
learned that you didn’t know before, and why it might be important to other people.