Anatomy and Physiology
Reproductive Systems
Organs of the Male Reproductive Systems:
Produce make sex cells, or ____________________________________ cells
Secrete male sex hormones
The primary sex organs are the gonads, or the _______________________________________
The testes produces sperm cells and male sex hormones
The Testes:
There are _____________________________ testes
Within each testis are lobules that contain coiled seminiferous
Sperm cells are _____________________________________________ within the seminiferous
The tubules eventually join the epididymis.
The epididymis eventually becomes the ___________________________________________.
The vas deferens unites with a seminal vesicle to form an ejaculatory duct and empties into
the __________________________________________________________.
The urethra is the tube in which both _________________________________________ and
___________________________________________________ are excreted.
The prostate gland enhances ________________________________________ of sperm cells &
helps ______________________________________________ the acidic vaginal secretions
The bulbourethral glands, a.k.a. ______________________________________________
glands, secrete fluid that lubricate the end of the penis in preparation for sexual intercourse.
Semen is the fluid secreted during _________________________________________. This contains nutrients, prostaglandins and sperm cells.
Formation of Sperm:
Spermatogenesis is the process of forming
Sperm cells form through meiosis and have only ___________________________
chromosomes (instead of the normal 46 chromosomes of every other cells).
Male External Reproductive Organs:
The Scrotum:
The _________________________________________ is the external pouch of skin that hangs
posterior to the penis and contains the testes.
It is divided in two by the medial ____________________________________________ (2 chambers, each carrying one testis).
It protects the testes and aids in ________________________________________________
regulation (important in the production of sperm cells).
The Penis:
The ___________________________________________________ is the organ that conveys
both semen and urine through the urethra.
The __________________________________________, or prepuce, is a loose fold of skin that
is sometimes removed during a circumcision (a surgical procedure).
Male Sex Hormones:
Prior to the age of 10, sperm cells are immature in males.
The hypothalamus controls the reproductive changes that occur in males by releasing
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (_______________________________).
GnRH signals the anterior ______________________________________________ gland to
release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
In males, LH and FSH eventually trigger the release of
_____________________________________________________ (the main male hormone).
Male sex hormones are termed androgens.
___________________________________________________ is the time of life when sex
hormones are increased in the bloodstream (beginning between 13-15 in males).
Testosterone Effects:
Testosterone stimulates the _____________________________________________ of testes &
enhances the development of the secondary sex characteristics.
The secondary sex characteristics:
-increased body ______________________________________ (face, chest, pubic)
-lower voice
-______________________________________ skin
-increase muscle mass, broadening of shoulders, narrowing of waist
-thickening & lengthening of ___________________________________________
Testosterone increases cellular metabolism, rbc production, and stimulates
__________________________________________ activity.
Organs of the Female Reproductive System:
The primary sex cells are the egg cells, or
The primary sex organs, or ____________________________________________, are the
The ovaries produce the ova and female sex hormones.
The Ovaries:
There are __________________________ ovaries.
____________________________________ birth, meiosis has already begun.
The egg cells degenerate & the female only releases ~400-500 in her lifetime.
__________________________________________________ is the process of egg cell
Egg cells have only _____________________________ chromosomes (instead of the 46 chromosomes of most other cells).
When an egg cell and a sperm cell unite they form a
_______________________________________ which has 46 chromosomes (23 + 23= 46)
Once puberty in females is reached, the anterior pituitary gland secretes FSH and this acts on
the ovaries.
This matures the primary ___________________________________________________one of
the ovaries (the functional units of the ovaries). Note: the ovaries take turns each month.
As the follicle matures, the egg is released from the follicle (this makes the follicle rupture).
This is ________________________________________________________.
Female Accessory Organs:
Remember, the female sex organs are ALL internal!
The uterine tubes, a.k.a. ________________________________________ tubes or
_________________________________________, connect the ovaries to the uterus.
Name: Period:
The ______________________________________________receives the embryo and holds it
while it develops. It is a muscular pear shaped organ that contains several parts:
The uterus contains:
3 layers of the uterine wall are: ______________________________________,
myometrium, (both shed during reproductive cycles & pregnancy) and perimetrium
_________________________________________ (lower third); this extends into the
_________________________________________________: receives the penis during
intercourse, is the pathway for sperm cells and is the birth canal.
It is partially covered by a thin layer of connective tissue called the
The ________________________________________ is a small projection on the female that
corresponds to the male’s penis (and has a similar structure).
It has erectile tissue & sensory nerve fibers.
Female Circumcision?
Female Sex Hormones:
At about age 10, the female body’s hypothalamus secretes GnRH.
_____________________________________________ stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete FSH and LH to act on the
The ovaries produce ____________________________________ and progesterone.
Estrogens stimulate the enlargement of the ____________________________________ organs
(vagina, uterus, tubes, ovaries & external structures) & develop and maintain the secondary sex
-increased __________________________________________ deposits (fat tissue) in breasts,
thighs and buttocks
-increased ____________________________________________________ of skin
In the non-pregnant female, progesterone promotes
___________________________________________________changes, affects the mammary
glands & regulates gonadotropin secretions.
Name: Period:
Androgens (secreted by the adrenal cortices) in females (extremely low) promote
______________________________________growth in the pubic & under arms and narrowing
of shoulders & broadening of hips.
Female Reproductive Cycle:
a.k.a the _____________________________________________________ cycle, consists of regular changes of the __________________________________________ lining ending in
menses (or menstrual bleeding).
The ovarian cycle is the changes in the ovary that generally
_________________________________________________________ to the menstrual cycle.
This cycle ranges from around age 13 to middle age.
The first menses is called _____________________________________________________.
The hormone cycle:
1. GnRH (hypothalamus) signals the pituitary gland to release
______________________________ & __________________________________.
2. FSH acts on the ovary: _________________________________________ matures.
3. The follicle (technically ovary) produces estrogen & some progesterone.
4. Meanwhile, LH signals increased production of estrogen (ovary).
5. Estrogen signals the uterine lining to ____________________________________________
& the maintenance of the secondary sex characteristics.
6. Ovulation occurs on day __________________________________ of the cycle (follicle
ruptures & ______________________________________ is released).
7. The follicular body, a.k.a. ___________________________________________________ or
corpus luteum, is left behind (ovary) & eventually
____________________________________________. It secretes progesterone (prior to
8. Progesterone (ovary) stimulates the uterine lining to become
• The increased lining and blood flow to the uterus provides a favorable
environment for embryo development.
9. Around day 24, the corpus luteum (if the egg is not fertilized) begins to degenerate.
Name: Period:
10. Menstrual flow begins about the __________________________________ day of the
cycle. The cycle begins again.
__________________________________________________________is the period in
life when menstrual cycles cease. Aging ovaries are the cause of menopause.
The mammary glands are accessory organs of the female reproductive system that secrete
____________________________________ following pregnancy.
Birth Control and Sexually Transmitted Diseases:
Birth control is a means of ___________________________________________ regulating how
many offspring produced (and at the time in which they are produced).
Contraception is generally the means in which this is accomplished. This is the
____________________________________________ of fertilization. (to avoid conception).
There are several methods:
______________________________________________ FROM SEXUAL INTERCOURSE!
Coitus Interruptus is the __________________________________________ method (before
Rhythm Method, a.k.a. coitus or
is the method accepted by the Catholic Church (married couples).
This requires the abstinence of sexual intercourse a few days prior to and after
_________________________________________ to avoid pregnancy
Birth Control:
Mechanical Barriers
________________________________________ sperm cells from entering the reproductive
tract during intercourse.
These include:
Male ______________________________________
Female condom
Diaphragm (must be fitted by a physician & used with a chemical spermicide)
Cervical ____________________________________
Name: Period:
Chemical Barriers
have _______________________________________________ properties that create
unfavorable environments for sperm cells.
These include:
Doctor-Approved Methods:
Oral Contraceptives , a.k.a. ____________________________________________________, are chemicals that are taken by women that contain hormones (or synthetic hormones) that
disrupt normal or prevent ____________________________________________________.
They also prevent uterine lining buildup (which would interfere with embryo
Injectable Contraception, like Depro-Provera, protects against conception for 3 months.
This alters the _____________________________________________ lining.
Contraceptive Implants are rods of progesterone capsules surgically inserted under the skin
that prevent ovulation for up to 5 years.
Intrauterine Devices (IUD) are inserted into the uterine cavity and interfere with implantation.
(ie: ______________________________________________________________)
Surgical Procedures, such as vasectomies in males and tubule ligations in females, are a little more drastic.
A vasectomy removes a section of the _____________________________________________
near the epididymis & ties the cut ends together.
This is an outpatient procedure.
This separates the sperm cells from leaving the body (but it may take a
____________________________________________________ for this to be effective).
A _______________________________________________________ cuts the uterine tubes
and ensures that sperm cannot reach the eggs.
This is internal surgery!
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs):
These are _______________________________________ infections b/c the symptoms don’t
show in early stages.
Many STDs have similar symptoms to other diseases & allergies (that are not sexually
Human Papilloma Virus (____________________________________):
_____________________________________________ infection causing warts; if left untreated can cause ______________________________________________ cancer.
Genital __________________________________________:
_____________________________________________ infection causing warts
Chlamydia: ________________________________________________ infection
____________________________________________: bacterial infection
Pelvic inflammatory disease: complication of
__________________________________________ & Chlamydia; bacteria gain entry into the
vagina and spread throughout the reproductive organs.
Starts with cramps and then results in fever, chills, weakness & severe cramps.
Hospitalization & IV fluids (and antibiotics) are necessary. Can result in sterilization.
Hepatitis A, B & C: _______________________________________________________________
A: runs its course (flu-like symptoms)
B: no treatment (~10% develop liver damage)
C: no treatment (most develop ___________________________________damage)
_______________________________________________________ infection
Symptoms: ulcers, rash, flu-like, warts, patchy hair loss,
_________________________________ & CVS complications can occur.
Must be treated ___________________________________ with antibiotics.
_________________________ (acquired immune deficiency disease) destroys the immune
Caused by ____________________________, human immunodeficiency virus, (passes
from the body fluids from one person to another)
From fertilization (conception) until the birth of the infant
Gestation= development of the _______________________________________
_________________________________________= 1 st
8 weeks
_________________________________________= week 9 until birth
Infant= at birth
Pregnancy (_____________________________________): internal development of the
Divided into 3 trimesters
________________________________trimester: fertilization, cleavage, blastocyst,
implantation, organogenesis, & neurulation all occur
2nd trimester: rapid growth, embryo now a fetus, very active
3rd trimester: activity decreases, rapid growth
The Stages of Early Embryological Development
Fertilization- egg & sperm fuse
___________________________________________________________________- cells divide
(partitions the zygote; morula blastula)
Gastrulation- rearranges the blastula into 3 layered embryo (endoderm, mesoderm &
Occurs ~15 days after fertilization; takes about 20 days
_______________________________________________: becomes nervous system &
Endoderm: becomes mucous layers & several glands
_______________________________________________: becomes almost all other
Organogenesis- (a.k.a. _____________________________________________________) organs
form, “larva” forms
Neurularion or Neural Tube Formation- development of the neural tube
(____________________________________________ &
_____________________________________________) or the nervous system.
Occurs ~18 days after fertilization; takes ~23 days (overlaps gastrulation)
Physiological changes associated with Pregnancy:
Morning sickness (first few months)
Frequent urination and/or stress incontinence
Difficulty breathing
Increased blood pressure and pulse
Look up in text or online! Know the following: prostate cancer, gonorrhea, pelvis inflammatory disease, cervical cancer, breast cancer, abortion, Braxton Hicks contractions,
Cesarean section, afterbirth, pseduohermaphrodites, & hermaphrodites.