ST. SYLVESTER/ ST. WILLIAM CATHOLIC CHURCHES March 14-15, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT FROM THE PASTORS DESK: This Sunday we find ourselves just fourteen days away from the beginning of Holy Week. Our Lenten journey is quickly coming to an end. It is my hope that it has been filled with special times to renew our faith in our Lord and each other. At this time of the year we find that lifting up our minds and hearts to God in repentance and prayer are special ways to celebrate our Lenten journey. The Fourth Sunday of Lent is traditionally known as “Laetare” Sunday. The word “laetare” means “rejoice.” As the days of Jesus’ passion and death approach, the Church wants us to rejoice in the mercy and love of our Savior which led him to lay down his life for us. The gospel today says it all in that famous passage from St. John: “God so loved the world that he sent us his only Son.” The first reading from the Book of Chronicles shows that the human story is marred by sin, and yet God answers our “no” to him with an always-merciful “yes.” The death of his Son on the Cross is proof of his abiding readiness to forgive us. When God could have left the people of Israel in their Babylonian Exile, he devises a way to bring them back to their homeland. And so too for us, he is always finding ways to bring us back to him and forgive. Let us rejoice this day that God is rich in mercy and grace. God Bless, Fr. Peter NEW BISHOP - On Thursday of this week, Pope Francis appointed Conventual Franciscan Father John Stowe as the Third Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington. We congratulate Bishop John Stowe on his appointment as the Bishop of the Diocese of Lexington. We thank him for his ministry in our Diocese and pray that he will be a great Shepherd to his new flock!!! With praise and glory to God for bringing us Bishopelect Stowe, all are invited to a Mass of Thanksgiving on Wednesday, March 18th, at 7:00 PM at the Cathedral of Christ the King, with a light reception following. PLEASE NOTE PENANCE SERVICE CHANGE AT ST. SYLVESTER - St. Sylvester Penance Service has been changed to Friday, March 20th at 6PM. CHRISM MASS 10:30AM, SAT., MAR. 28: Two parishioners from St. Sylvester are needed to carry the banner and to receive the oils at this year's Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. Please contact Fr. Peter if you are able to go to this beautiful Mass. We must send our info back to the diocese by March 18th. GARRARD COUNTY BUILD-A-BED PROJECT There will be a "build" on May 9 to provide beds to children in Garrard County who are in great need of a comfortable bed of their own. Twin size bed frames with mattresses will be provided, along with "bedtime bags" containing: toothbrushes, toothpaste, blankets, nightlights, books, twin sheet sets, pajamas, & pillows. Several other donated items are also needed: *lumber/materials to build frames * new quilts, either home-made or purchased * volunteers needed to help with the build St. William will have some sort of "angel tree" where parishioners can choose what they would like to donate to this awesome project. Monetary donations are also appreciated. If you wish to participate, please bring your donations by Sunday, April 19th. Lenten Rice Bowl What you give up for Lent changes lives. You are invited to participate in Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowl during Lent. Rice Bowls are available in each vestibule. Please be sure to take one home to deepen your Lenten experience. Your prayers, fasting and almsgiving will help CRS to care for the poorest in our world and to end global poverty. LOOKING AHEAD TO EASTER WEEK HOLY THURSDAY: St. Sylvester: Thurs., April 2nd at 6:00PM St. William: Thurs., April 2nd at 7:30PM GOOD FRIDAY: St. Sylvester: Fri., April 3rd at 3:00PM St. William: Fri., April 3rd at 7:00PM EASTER VIGIL MASS St. William: Sat., Apr. 4th at 8PM EASTER SUNDAY MASS St. William: 9:30AM St. Sylvester: 11:30AM LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES St. Sylvester: Friday, March 20th at 6:00PM (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE) St. William: Thursday, March 26th at 6:30PM LENTEN JOURNEY STUDY GROUPS St. William: Tues., Mar. 17th from 6-7PM in rectory. MASS INTENTIONS NEEDED – Although we have recently received several Mass intentions for weekend Masses, we especially need weekday intentions. SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND - A collection for Catholic Relief Services will be taken up at all Masses this weekend. Please be generous. THANK YOU FROM THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR LIFE MINISTRY: Thank you for your participation in the recent Opportunities for Life Annual Appeal collection. Through your generous support this statewide ministry is available to offer support, encouragement, hope, and referral information to those who are experiencing an untimely pregnancy. Please continue to keep the Opportunities for Life Ministry and those who are in abortion vulnerable situations in your prayers. CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK!! We now have a presence on Facebook, hoping to reach a host of people. You can find us here: Sts Sylvester William Lancaster. ST. SYLVESTER/ ST. WILLIAM CATHOLIC CHURCHES March 14-15, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT NEW EMAIL ADDRESS FOR PARISH OFFICE is: ST. SYLVESTER COLLECTING ALUM. CANS - Eileen Sneed is collecting aluminum cans for the building fund. Please bring her any you have on hand to donate. ST. WILLIAM DONUT HOSTS Mar. 15: Debbie O'Nan & Terri Ragland Mar. 22: Pam & Dave Ruda ST. WILLIAM NEWS March Church Cleaning: Kathy Kluesener April Church Cleaning: Kathy Peters CCD: Class today. NO CLASS next Sunday, Mar. 22. Spanish Mass: Sunday, March 15th ST. SYLVESTER NEWS Building Fund collection: 526.00 Bldg. Fund Account to date: $48,017.90 Fundraising assessment due to date:(due next yr) 382.82 Bldg. Fund don. box to date (included above) 554.76 One in Faith Paybacks to date:(for bldg. fund) $13,835.32 MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. 03-16: 03-17: 03-18: 03-19: 03-20: 03-21: 03-22: NO MASS 6:00PM SW NO MASS 8:30AM SW 8:30AM SW 4:30PM SW 9:30AM SW 11:30AM SS Stephen Dattoli Nour Neshiewt Ada Mae Sergent STEWARDSHIP FOR LAST WEEK: St. Sylvester Offertory 03/08/15 879.00 Offertory Budget to meet: 948.00 (-69.00) Initial Offering: 25.00 Building Fund Collection: 526.00 Perpetual Care Cemetery donation 100.00 Cath. Mutual Ins. incentive rebate 100.00 (Any weeks you don't attend Mass, please remember to include your missed offertory when you come back to church. Utility bills, etc. keep coming no matter how many couldn't make it to Mass.) Offertory fiscal yr. to date 34,109.74 (100.2%) Budgeted Offertory yr. to date 34,038.66 St. William Offertory 03/08/15: 1049.00 Weekly Budget to meet:1220 (-171.00) Cath. Mutual Ins. incentive rebate 100.00 (Any weeks you don't attend Mass, please remember to include your missed offertory when you come back to church. Utility bills, etc. keep coming no matter how many couldn't make it to Mass.) Offertory fiscal yr. to date 42,297.84 (96.6%) Budgeted Offertory yr. to date 43,800.51 MINISTRIES FOR THE WEEK ST. WILLIAM LECTOR Sat., Mar. 21: Ruth Rakestraw Sun., Mar. 22: David Feldman EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Sun., Mar. 22: Tony Kluesener David Feldman Terri Ragland SERVERS Sat., Mar. 21: Chase O'Nan Sun., Mar. 22: Anna Lei K., Madeline Jordan, Lindsey Owens ST. WILLIAM OFFERTORY COUNTERS Sun., Mar. 15: Pam Ruda & Tony Kluesener Sun., Mar. 22: Terri Ragland & Steve Clark ************************************************************** ST. SYLVESTER LECTOR: Sun., Mar. 15: Sara Fitzpatrick (Alt: Garland Elkins) Sun., Mar. 22: Sherry Osterman (Alt: Tom Granczewski) ST. SYLVESTER EUCH. MIN: Sun., Mar. 15: Betty & Mike Schuler, Joe Morhinners Sun., Mar. 22: Garland & Brenda Elkins, Sherry Osterman ST. SYLVESTER GIFTBEARERS: Sun., Mar. 15: Garland & Brenda Elkins Sun., Mar. 22: Betty Estes & Carol Philpot ST. SYLVESTER OFFERTORY COUNTERS Sun., Mar. 15: Jenny Schuler, David K. Sun., Mar. 22: Brenda Elkins, Mary Lemons Alternate counters: Keith Lemons and Raymond Schuler ST. SYLVESTER SERVERS Sun., Mar. 15: Charlie Harmon & Jake Schuler Sun., Mar. 22: Kaylynn & Shelby Smith BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 03-17: Mike & Marti Brown PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Joey Maggard, Loretta McWilliams (Kathy Peters' mother), Trent (Dorothy Morhinners' nephew), Doug May, James Fletcher, Jeff Young, Charlie McIntyre, David Ruda, John Ford, Patty Mink, Evan Goddard, Margaret Giddings, Joyce Doxtader, Stefanie Elam, Lorene Denny, Toni Baumgartner (Linda Oros' mother), Bud Osterman, Danny Purcell, Haylee Olds, Elvie Dowell, Joey Maggard, Stephen Legere, Cheyenne Bridgham, Dwayne Sutton, Jeff Young, Helen Stitchick, Beverly & Cris Zulueta, Katie Nicole Arnold, Roy Brackman, Paul Brumett, Stacy Clark, Clara DeBord (for continued good health), Steve Denny, Lea Fletcher, Jimmy Flynn, Jean Frederick, Fred Friedmann, Minnie Granczewski, Bro. Dan Gutenson, Carol Henderson, Carson Hindmon, Debbie Hoechst, Bro. Darrell Hodge, Anna Joseph, Jim Kluesener, Ruth Kluesener, Charlotte M.(infant), Ronnie & Velva Miracle, Lee & Estelle Norris, Larry & Clarice Norris, Mildred Purcell, Millard and Ruth Rakestraw, Maggie Rue, Elnora Simpson, Mona Simpson, Smokey Simpson, Virginia Simpson, Debbie Smothers, Joyce Spurling, Mary Wheeler. Please pray for the sanctity of life and the rights of the unborn. We also pray for all those parishioners not with us at Mass today, due to illness or other reasons. Let us remember to reach out to them and their needs.