- Serie Científica Latinoamericana

Thursday, September 11 th
Introduction to 4th SCL
Active and Healthy Lifestyle: A wide and challenging concept
9:05 am
Dr. Arturo Torres
Director of the Beverage Institute for Health and Wellness, México
Chairman, Scientific Committee of the Latin American Scientific Series
The role of physical activity in health and wellness
9:30 am
Dr. Michael Pratt
Chronic Illness Prevention and Control Center, Public Health Service, United States
Kids: Proposals for a more active generation
11:05 am
Dr. Margo Mountjoy
Health and Performance Center, Guelph University, Canada
Life quality during aging. The role of muscular training
12:10 pm
Dr. Jorge Cancino López
Medicine School at Major University, Chile
Practical and safe physical activity prescription
14:45 pm
15:50 pm
Dr. Patricia Sangenis
Director, Buenos Aires Sport and Health Institute, Argentina
Hydration Trend topics
a) Hydration and active and healthy lifestyle
Dr. Robert Murray
SportsScienceInsights Manager, United States
b) Effects of hydration on mental and cognitive processes in children and adults
17:15 pm
Dr. Matthew Ganio
Exercise Sciences at Arkansas University, United Stated
Friday, September 12 th
Human eating behavior. Strategies to deal with the obesity epidemic
9:25 am
Dr. Paul Rozin
Advanced Studies Center of Behavior Sciences, Standford University, United Stated
Pleasure and nutrition: reward system and decision making
10:30 am
Dra. Mónica Katz
Director of the Undergraduate Course of Medical Nutrition Specialist with Obesity field
at Favaloro University, Argentina
Science behind happiness
12:05 pm
Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky
Psychology Professor at California Riverside University, United States
10 years after the Golden Generation
Dr. Patricia Sangenis– Chair
Sergio Vigil
Argentine Female Hockey Team Ex trainer
14:40 pm
Claudia Medici
Argentine Female Hockey Team Ex manager
Mercedes Margalot
Argentine Female Hockey Team Ex player
16:35 pm
Panel – Conclusions and Recommendations
17:35 pm
Questions session
Conclusions and Closing of 4th SCL
18:05 pm
Dr. Arturo Torres
Director of the Beverage Institute for Health and Wellness, México
Chairman, Scientific Committee of the Latin American Scientific Series