Signatures Due: Thursday, August 20, 2015
Please keep this document in the math section of your binder for the entire school year.
Student’s Responsibilities
Be Prepared – please have the following ready before math class begins:
Personal needs
 Use your transition time – please don’t use our precious class time
to ask for water or bathroom breaks unless you are honestly in an
emergency situation.
o 2 sharpened pencils
o Straight-edge
o Covered textbook – treat this like GOLD
o Homework binder with plenty of blank graph paper
o An attitude ready to FOCUS and WORK HARD
Be an engaged learner
Give your best answer when I call on you (no “I don’t knows”)
Ask clarifying questions by raising your hand in class.
Talk to me if you have a problem with math or math class.
Come see me outside of math class if you need help:
 Mondays – lunch recess
 Tuesdays – lunch recess
 Wednesdays – snack and lunch recess
 Thursdays – snack recess
Use a learning posture.
Understand that wrong answers are part of learning and use mistakes as
an opportunity to learn and grow in your math abilities.
Prepare and STUDY for quizzes and tests.
When you receive a graded test, complete your test corrections along
with a sentence explaining what went wrong and a parent signature.
Work through your struggles – don’t give up! Remember – the harder you
work, the more you will learn.
 “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems
longer.” - Albert Einstein
Homework will be assigned 4 days per week (Monday-Thursday).
You need to attempt EVERY problem assigned.
 Having a blank answer with no attempt means the homework is
INCOMPLETE, which means ACT (even if it is only one problem)
If you get stuck on a problem while you are doing your homework:
1st. Help yourself: Look at your notes, your textbook,
www.bigideasmath.com videos.
2nd. Ask a friend or parent for help.
3rd. Ask Mrs. Jones: email christine.m.jones@gmail.com describing
what you are having trouble with AND what you have already
done to try to figure it out and then FOLLOW UP at a recess the
following day.
Keep your scored homework assignments organized in your binder
because you need to hand in all your chapter’s assignments before each
chapter test. This affects your homework grade.
Write down your assignments in your planner every day and be sure to
turn in make up work if you are absent.
Maintain Academic Honesty
o You may help a classmate with a homework question – but do not
give answers or allow anyone to copy your work. Make sure your
friend understands how to do it.
o Be honest in your homework corrections & scoring.
o Keep your eyes on your own paper during tests and quizzes.
Parent’s Responsibilities
Encourage Organization and Independence
o Please check in with your child regularly about their math work.
o Provide quiet space necessary for concentrated effort.
o Encourage your child to come to math help sessions.
o Be clear on your home rules on accessing the Internet to do math
o Please promptly sign graded tests and be sure your child has done
his/her test corrections properly.
o Please communicate your questions or concerns as soon as
possible through one of the following methods:
 Email: christine.m.jones@gmail.com
 Written note: send with your child
 Phone: if you need to speak with me via phone, please
email or leave a message with the office and I will call you
within 24 hours.
Teacher’s Responsibilities
o I will be sure that each class is run in an organized manner so
students know what to expect.
o I will be sure current assignments are written on the board.
o I will give at least 3 days notice before each test – but there may
not be notice before a quiz.
Grading Policy:
o 30% Homework / Math Projects
o 20% Classtime Focus (staying on task, giving best effort)
o 50% Tests and Quizzes
We are launching a new middle math curriculum this year to help us align with
the California State Common Core Math Standards. The curriculum for 7th grade
is called “Big Ideas Course 2” Each student will be given a hard cover text book
to borrow for the school year and a Record and Practice Journal which is a
consumable workbook that they will get to keep at the end of the year.
A component of this curriculum includes access to a “Student Dynamic eBook”
along with other online math help and resources through the bigideasmath.com
website. Students will set up student accounts and select a username and
password during the second of school. All students need to share this
information with both their parents and their teacher. Also, students need to
discuss Internet access with parents and follow any home rules on using the web
to utilize these math resources.
Specific Rules on use of the Big Ideas Course 2 Textbook (hardcover):
1. The textbook must be covered at all times – a sturdy brown paper cover
or a purchased stretchy cover is allowed. If the cover becomes too worn
to protect the book, it must be replaced.
2. Absolutely no writing at all is allowed on any page of the textbook.
If the Big Ideas Math Course 2 Textbook is lost, damaged, or defaced, the
student and family are responsible for replacing the book at a charge of $100.
If the Big Ideas Math Record and Practice Journal is lost or damaged beyond
functionality before the end of the school year, the student and family are
responsible for replacing this workbook at a charge of $20. Writing is allowed in
the journal.
By signing below, both students and parents agree to adhere to all the above
math class expectations.
STUDENT SIGNATURE _____________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE_______________________________________
Students will need to use the following username and password to access the
“Student Dynamic eBook” and other online math resources at
username: _____________________
password: ______________________