To: From: Date: RE: Missouri Western State University Faculty Senate Csengele Barta, Chairperson, Academic Regulations, Standards and Honesty Committee March 5, 2015 Annual 2015 Report Committee members from Aug 1, 2014 – July 31, 2015: Csengele Barta, Adrienne Johnson, Bob Long, David McMahan and Philip Nitse. William Church serves as the Faculty Senate Liaison. The Registrar, Director of the Center for Academic Support, and one counselor are exofficio (non-voting) members. Purpose: The Committee provides for faculty participation in the establishment, ongoing review and revision of academic regulations and standards and serves as the final review board for violations of the Academic Honesty Policy. Academic Regulations and Standards Charges/Duties: a. Act as an appeal board for students placed on scholastic probation or suspension. b. Act as final review board in case of student grade appeals. c. Review and recommend academic regulations concerning grading, grades on transcripts, admission standards, test-out programs, etc. d. Review criteria for scholastic status: probation, suspension, honors, etc. e. Forward reports regarding student and faculty personnel matters to the appropriate administrator with a copy to the Senate President for inclusion in the Senate locked file (see Duties of President, paragraph 8). f. Forward recommendations to the Senate Executive Committee for appropriate action. Academic Honesty Charges/Duties: The committee acts as the final review board for students who have been accused of violating the Academic Honesty Policy. The Academic Honesty Policy, as well as the policies and procedures governing the committee’s activities, are outlined in the current Student Handbook. Unless otherwise instructed by the Faculty Senate, this committee adheres to the Academic Honesty Policy and the operational policies and procedures outlined in the current Student Handbook. Narrative: The committee met during the Fall 2014 Faculty Planning Days to discuss and accept the Academic Standards, Regulations and Honesty charges listed above given to the committee by Faculty Senate. The committee met on the 7th of January, 2015 to review and discuss 13 suspension appeals from the Fall of 2014, adhering to the attached Guidelines for Review of Appeals Form. Of the discussed appeals, 9 were submitted by students Admitted with Conditions (AWC). The committee determined that none of the reviewed appeals satisfied the criteria required for the reinstatement at that time and upheld in each case the decision of academic suspension. On the 11th of January the committee has been notified that additional evidence surfaced in the case of one of the earlier discussed suspension appeals and met again on the 12th of January to review the additional supportive documents. After discussions, in light of the additional evidence, the committee determined that a) by eliminating 10-year old college credit from the student’s GPA calculation would alleviate the circumstances leading to their suspension and that b) based on the student’s academic record and individual circumstances, the appealing student has a reasonable chance of success if reinstated. Therefore the committee recommended overturning the original suspension and reinstating the student. The committee will meet in May, 2015 to review suspension appeals from the Spring of 2015. In an effort to better serve the student population of Missouri Western State University the committee recommends the continued revisiting of the Academic Renewal procedure. In early January the committee was also asked by the Provost’s Office to resolve two academic honesty issues. In its January 7th, 2015 meeting committee reviewed and discussed one of the two cases of allegations of Academic Honesty Policy violation and plagiarism a student has been reported for and reviewed the student’s appeal. The committee reviewed all evidence and found that the student did violate the MWSU Academic Honesty Policy and unanimously recommended upholding the standing violation charge, overturning the appeal. The committee also met on the 16th of January, 2015 to discuss the second case brought in the committee’s attention by the Provost’s Office, reviewing an appeal of Academic Honesty Policy violation and plagiarism decision. After reviewing submitted evidence and discussions, the committee found that the student did violate the MWSU Academic Honesty Policy and unanimously recommended upholding the standing violation charge, overturning the appeal. Additionally, the committee has also been charged with a) working on updating the Academic Honesty Policy Guide language, with particular emphasis on clarifying the somewhat vague phrases, present in the current policy which are open to ambiguous interpretation. An example of such would be: “If the student’s grade is affected, the faculty member must file a MWSU Academic Honesty Violation Report”. Clarifying the language would provide a straightforward guide to requirements and procedures of reporting violations. b) making a recommendation on possibilities for adopting a secured centralized data-base system, logging repeat offenses of academic dishonesty. The committee currently works on the above charges. Recommendations to the Faculty Senate will be made prior to the concluding of the Senate’s 2014-2015 sessions. Please note, this committee is in session until the 31st of July, 2015. Respectfully Submitted, Csengele Barta – Chairperson Guidelines for Review of Appeals Submitted by Academically Suspended Students When reviewing an appeal submitted by an academically suspended student, the Academic Regulations and Standards Committee must follow a procedure consistent with the current University catalog. The Committee may reinstate a student based on documented circumstances beyond the student's control or because their GPA is adversely affected by grades over ten years old. Each of the following must be satisfied for reinstatement: 1. Determine if the student experienced circumstances beyond his or her control. 2. Determine if these circumstances were actually the cause of the student's poor performance. 3. Determine whether the student has provided documented evidence supporting claims that such circumstances caused the poor performance. 4. Determine whether documented evidence has been provided that these circumstances have been alleviated for the coming semester. 5. Determine, based on the student's past academic record, if he or she has a reasonable chance of success if reinstated. OR 1. Determine whether eliminating ten year old college credit from the student's GPA calculation would alleviate the circumstances leading to their suspension. 2. Determine, based on the student's academic record and individual circumstances, if the student has a reasonable chance of success if reinstated.