notes17 - Spokane Public Schools

Ch. 17 Sec. 6 notes
17.6- Precipitation and separation of ions
Up till now we have placed ionic substances in water so it can
dissociate until it saturated and reaches equilibrium.
Write equation here:
Does a precipitate form when 0.050 L of 2.0  102 M NaF is mixed
with 0.010 L of 1.0  102 M Ca(NO3)2
What compound will precipitate?___________Ksp= _____________
In 0.050 L of 2.0  102 M NaF there are:
Equilibrium can also be reached by mixing who solutions containing
the ions to create a ______________________.
By mixing _____________and _____________together will create a
precipitate of ______________ if the product of the of the ion
concentrations, Q = [Ba2+][SO42-], greater than Ksp.
Write equation here:
Q is referred to simply as the ______________________
Will a Precipitate Form?
In a solution,
If Q ___ Ksp, the system is at equilibrium and the solution is
If Q ___ Ksp, more solid will dissolve until Q = Ksp.
If Q ___ Ksp, the salt will precipitate until Q = Ksp.
0.010 L of 1.0  102 M Ca(NO3)2 there are:
Plug in numbers into Ksp expression
SAMPLE EXERCISE 17.15- Will a precipitate form when 0.10 L of
8.0  103 M Pb(NO3)2 is added to 0.40 L of 5.0  103 M Na2SO4?
What precipitate COULD be made?_______________________
Look up the Ksp in Appendix D:__________________________
To determine if PbSO4 will precipitate, we have to calculate the ion
product, Q=[Pb+2][SO4-2] and compare it with Ksp.
In 0.10 L of 8.0  103 M Pb(NO3)2 there are:
In 0.40 L of 5.0  103 M Na2SO4 there are:
Selective Precipitation of Ions
Consider a solution containing Ag+ ions and Cu+2 ions then HCl is
added, AgCl precipitate will form and the CuCl2 is soluble and remain
as ions in solution.
Separation of ions in an aquesous solution by using a reagent that
forms a precipatate with one or few of the ions is called selective
A solution contains 1.0  102 M Ag+ and 2.0  102 M Pb2+. When
Cl is added, both AgCl (Ksp = 1.8  1010) and PbCl2 (Ksp = 1.7  105
M) can precipitate. What concentration of Cl is necessary to begin
the precipitation of each salt? Which salt precipitates first?
We have to convert the moles in to molarity but use the combined
We know that both Ag+ and Pb+2 would form a precipitate with Clbut which will form first?
Lets look at Ag+ with Cl-:
Substitute the values into the Ksp expression and solve for Q
Lets look at Pb+2 with Cl-:
Which concentration is smaller?
This means that it will _________ precipitate as such a _________
concentration verses ________________.
A solution consists of 0.050 M Mg2+ and Cu2+. Which ion
precipitates first as OH is added?
What concentration of OH is necessary to begin the precipitation
of each cation? [Ksp = 1.8  1011 for Mg(OH)2, and Ksp = 4.8  1020
for Cu(OH)2.]
Lets look at Mg+2 with OH-:
Lets look at Cu+2 with OH-:
Which concentration is smaller?
This means that it will _________ precipitate as such a _________
concentration verses ________________.