Release - Sigma Pharmaceutical Group

Media Release
Embargoed until 00.01 EST Wednesday May 28, 2014
28 May 2014
KidneyCheck self-management program exclusive to
Amcal and Guardian
Amcal and Guardian pharmacies are leading the way for those at risk of kidney disease,
introducing a new program to enable Australians to monitor the health of their kidneys.
One in three Australians is at increased risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD);
Diabetes and high blood pressure are two of the most common risk factors for kidney
disease requiring dialysis or transplantation;
Amcal and Guardian pharmacies are proud to announce the KidneyCheck selfmanagement program for people diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure;
Exclusive to Amcal and Guardian, the KidneyCheck program allows you to
conveniently check your urine for protein– one of the first signs of kidney damage.
To coincide with Kidney Health Week May 25-31, Amcal and Guardian Pharmacies are proud
to exclusively release a world-first self-management program, developed by Kidney Health
Australia, designed to allow at-risk Australians to check their urine for protein – one of the first
signs of kidney damage. People at higher risk include the over 60, diabetics, those with high
blood pressure or heart problems, smokers, the obese, and anyone with a family history of
kidney disease.
Those people at-risk can have a consultation with their Amcal or Guardian pharmacist, who
has received additional professional education on kidney disease, and learn how they can
check their urine and how to interpret the results. “When the customer does the urine test at
home and gets their result they can ask the pharmacist, Kidney Health Australia or their GP to
help them understand what their result means for them,” said Mark Hooper, Sigma CEO.
“The overall aim of the process is to facilitate early detection by driving at risk consumers into
their GP for a comprehensive test of their kidney function. It is not uncommon for people to
lose up to 90% of their kidney function before experiencing any symptoms, by which time it is
often too late to intervene – so early detection is key”, said Mr Hooper.
Kidney Health Australia CEO, Anne Wilson, is thrilled to be partnering with Amcal and
Guardian pharmacies to bring the KidneyCheck program to life.
“Currently, one in three Australians is at increased risk of developing kidney disease,” said Ms
Wilson. “Most people don’t realise that heart health and diabetes are very closely linked to
kidney disease, and that each condition increases the likelihood of developing the other –
which is why it is so important that those at risk are able to monitor the health of their kidneys.”
“Kidney Health Australia is very excited about the KidneyCheck program as this is the first
time that Australians at increased risk of kidney disease will be able to check the health of
their kidneys in the privacy of their own homes and, with the help of their pharmacist or GP,
identify the early warning signs of kidney disease,” continued Ms Wilson.
The KidneyCheck program continues the release of many new structured Professional
Services that Amcal and Guardian will be offering their customers in 2014 to help them better
monitor and manage health issues, said Mr Hooper.
Those seeking more information should visit their local Amcal or Guardian pharmacy to find
out more about this world-first exclusive program.
For more information please contact:
Gary Woodford
Corporate Affairs Manager
Sigma Pharmaceuticals Limited
Mob: 0417 399 204
Cassandra Bradshaw
Media and Communications Advisor
Kidney Health Australia
Mob: 0402 346 197