Fall 2011 Agriscience Final Name (print large and clearly): Date: Hr

Fall 2011 Agriscience Final
Name (print large and clearly):
Directions: Do NOT open this packet until instructed to do so. There should be absolutely NO TALKING during the exam
unless you have raised your hand and have been called on by the instructor. Failure to do so will result in one verbal
warning, and then a failed test grade.
Students should sit on opposite sides of the lab tables for this exam. DO NOT sit together on the same side.
Select the BEST answer to each question from the options given (more than one may sound right, but there is only one
entirely correct answer per question). Be sure to clearly mark your answers on the Scantron sheet. You may write on
your test packet, but only answers on the Scantron will be considered.
You may use one and only one 3x5” note card with your own handwritten note. This notecard must stay on the desk in
front of you at all times.
Exam test taking tips:
Treat each question like a short answer question if you can. Cover the answers, create an answer in your head, and then
match that answer to those given to find the best answer.
If you do not know an answer, skip it and come back later.
Use information from other questions to help you. One question may help you answer another question.
Cross off answers to eliminate and lower possibilities. If you cannot narrow the options to just one, select the answer
that sounds the best to you and makes the most sense.
Read each question AND each option carefully. Do not select an answer until you have read them all!
Good Luck!
1. What is the difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell?
a. Plants have prokaryotic cells; animals have eukaryotic cells
b. Animals have prokaryotic cells; plants have eukaryotic cells
c. Eukaryotic cells have organelles like a nucleus and mitochondria; prokaryotic do not
d. Prokaryotic cells have organelles like a nucleus and mitochondria; eukaryotic do not
2. Which of the following is represented by X?
a. Mitochondria b. Nucleus c. Membrane d. Chloroplast
3. Which of the following is represented by Y?
a. Mitochondria b. Nucleus c. Membrane d. Chloroplast
4. Which of the following is represented by Z?
a. Mitochondria b. Nucleus c. Membrane d. Chloroplast
For the next questions, use these pictures below
5. Which of these is ATP?
6. Which of these is ADP?
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
7. Which of these is ATP Synthase?
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
8. What is the function of ATP Synthase?
a. It re-charges ADP and Pi into ATP
b. It turns sugar into ATP
c. It turns ATP into sugar
d. It turns CO2 into sugar
9. In what organelle are we most likely to find ATP Synthase?
a. Mitochondria b. Nucleus c. Cell Membrane d. Vacuole
10. What is used to turn ATP Synthase?
a. Sugar b. Hydrogen from sugar
c. Oxygen from sugar
d. ADP
11. In the picture below, which is ATP Synthase? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E
12. In the picture below, which is Hydrogen? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E
13. In the picture below, which is ATP? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E
14. In the picture below, which is ADP? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E
15. In the picture below, which is Inner Membrane? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E
16. Why does the body need oxygen?
a. It is the main ingredient in ATP
b. It is what powers ATP Synthase
c. It removes used hydrogen so that ATP Synthase can keep turning
d. Cells are made primarily from oxygen
17. The hydrogen used by the cell primarily comes from…
a. Glucose from broken down carbohydrates
b. Protein
c. Water
d. Carbon Dioxide
18. In the Musgrave experiment, increasing oxygen levels led to greater performance in bean plants. Why would
this happen?
a. Oxygen provides more energy to the cells of the plant; oxygen is the main source of energy in a plant
b. Oxygen is the main component in ATP; the more oxygen beans have, the more that ATP can be made
c. Oxygen is used to make more cells
d. Oxygen improves the performance of ATP Synthase by removing hydrogen more quickly, allowing more
ATP to be made.
19. In order for a plant to be able to perform photosynthesis, what organelle is necessary?
a. Mitochondria b. Chloroplast c. Ribosome d. Vacuole
20. In the picture above, what is represented by A?
a. Grana b. Thylakoid c. Stroma d. Vacuole
21. In the picture above, what is represented by B?
a. Grana b. Thylakoid c. Stroma d. Vacuole
22. In the picture above, what is represented by C?
a. Grana b. Thylakoid c. Stroma d. Vacuole
23. Chlorophyll mostly absorbs
colors of light.
a. Red and Green b. Red and Blue c. Blue and Green
24. What is Photosystem II?
a. The process in which a water molecule is split in order to provide the thylakoids with the hydrogen
necessary to power ATP production needed for the production of glucose
b. The process in which carbon is removed from CO2 and added to Rubisco in order to create G3P, make
glucose, and re-charge Rubisco
c. The process in which the hydrogen from glucose is removed and placed in the membrane of the
mitochondria to power ATP production needed for cell activities
25. What is the Calvin Cycle?
a. The process in which a water molecule is split in order to provide the thylakoids with the hydrogen
necessary to power ATP production needed for the production of glucose
b. The process in which carbon is removed from CO2 and added to Rubisco in order to create G3P, make
glucose, and re-charge Rubisco
c. The process in which the hydrogen from glucose is removed and placed in the membrane of the
mitochondria to power ATP production needed for cell activities
26. What is the role of the sun in photosynthesis?
a. Sunlight is used to split a water molecule into pure hydrogen and pure oxygen
b. Sunlight is used to split a carbon dioxide molecule into pure carbon and pure oxygen
c. Sunlight is used to make a sugar molecule
d. Sunlight is used to re-make Rubisco
27. Cells do not directly use sugar for energy. What does a cell use for its source of energy? What do cells use
directly as their source of energy?
a. Sugar b. G3P c. ATP d. Hydrogen e. Calvin Cycle
28. What organelle is primarily used for respiration?
a. Chlorophyll b. Chloroplast c. Mitochondria d. Photosystem II e. Eukaryotes
29. What organelle is primarily used for photosynthesis?
a. Chlorophyll b. Chloroplast c. Mitochondria d. Photosystem II e. Eukaryotes
30. What is the role of sunlight in photosynthesis?
a. It is turned into ATP
b. It is absorbed by chlorophyll and used to split a water molecule
c. It powers the production of G3P
d. It powers the Calvin Cycle
31. Why is oxygen necessary for respiration?
a. It is used to create ATP
b. It is used to power the Calvin Cycle
c. It is used to remove hydrogen so that ATP Synthase can continue to function
d. It is not needed for respiration
32. What are the waste products of respiration?
a. CO2 and oxygen b. CO2 and hydrogen c. CO2 and H2O d. H2O and carbon
33. What is the primary purpose of respiration?
a. To produce sugar b. To produce oxygen c. To produce ATP d. To produce hydrogen
34. What is the primary purpose of photosynthesis?
a. To produce sugar b. To produce oxygen c. To produce ATP d. To produce hydrogen
35. Why is it necessary to split a water molecule during Photosystem II?
a. To provide the hydrogen necessary to power ATP production in the mitochondria
b. To provide the hydrogen necessary to power ATP production in the thylakoids of the chloroplasts
c. To provide the hydrogen necessary to power Rubisco
d. To provide the oxygen necessary to remove hydrogen from the mitochondria
36. How is chlorophyll different from a chloroplast?
a. Chlorophyll is a pigment found on a chloroplast organelle
b. Chloroplast is a pigment found on a chlorophyll organelle
c. There is no difference
37. What is the primary function of a chloroplast?
a. To produce oxygen b. To produce sugar c. To produce ATP
d. To power the cell e. None of these
38. What is the primary function of ATP Synthase?
a. To produce oxygen b. To produce sugar c. To produce ATP
d. To power the cell e. None of these
39. Where does the hydrogen that powers ATP Synthase in the chloroplast come from?
a. Chlorophyll b. Oxygen c. Water d. Carbohydrates e. None of these
40. Where does the hydrogen that powers ATP Synthase in the mitochondria come from?
a. Chlorophyll b. Oxygen c. Water d. Carbohydrates e. None of these
41. Where does the hydrogen that powers ATP Synthase in the respiration come from?
a. Chlorophyll b. Oxygen c. Water d. Carbohydrates e. None of these
42. Where does the hydrogen that powers ATP Synthase in the photosynthesis come from?
a. Chlorophyll b. Oxygen c. Water d. Carbohydrates e. None of these
43. Why is it necessary to produce ATP in two different locations (the chloroplast and the mitochondria)?
a. If only the mitochondria produced ATP, there would not be enough for the cell’s needs
b. Some ATP is needed to produce the sugar; the rest is used to power the whole cell
c. The chloroplast is better at producing ATP than the mitochondria
d. None of the above; ATP is only produced in the mitochondria
44. What would happen if hydrogen was not removed from the mitochondria by oxygen?
a. Mitochondrial ATP production would speed up
b. Mitochondrial ATP production would stop
c. Sugar production would stop
d. Sugar production would slow
45. What is Rubisco?
a. A structure that produces ATP
b. A structure that produces oxygen
c. A molecule that, with CO2, is used to make G3P and then sugar
d. A molecule that removes hydrogen from the mitochondria
46. What is G3P?
a. The molecule that is used to make glucose and all other molecules in a plant
b. A molecule that removes hydrogen from the mitochondria
c. A molecule that removes hydrogen from the chloroplast
d. A structure that produces oxygen
47. What directly powers the process that creates G3P and then sugar?
a. ATP b. Sugar c. Hydrogen d. Sunlight e. None of these
48. This is a measurement of variability only.
a. Mean b. Standard Deviation c. Standard Error d. Error Bars
49. This is a measurement of accuracy of data that included variability and sample size.
a. Mean b. Standard Deviation c. Standard Error d. Error Bars
50. This is the average of the data
a. Mean b. Standard Deviation c. Standard Error d. Error Bars
51. This visually shows the margin of error.
a. Mean b. Standard Deviation c. Standard Error d. Error Bars
52. When it comes to data & accuracy, we want ______ variability and a _______ population size.
a. Maximum
b. Maximum
c. Minimum
d. Minimum
53. The _____ our data varies, the more reliable it is.
a. Less
b. More
54. The _____ data we have, the more reliable it is.
a. Less
b. More
Two graphs are shown below. Use these graphs to answer the following questions.
55. In which graph are the two sets of data statistically different from each other?
a. Left
b. Right
56. In which graph do the error bars overlap?
a. Left
b. Right
57. In which graph are we least likely to have different results if we repeated the experiment?
a. Left
b. Right
A researcher has the following data: 8, 6, and 5 cm. Use this information to answer the following questions. (NOTE: n=3)
58. What is the mean of the data above?
a. 5 cm b. 6.33 cm c. 7 cm d. 15.67 cm
59. What is the standard deviation of the data above?
a. 0.68 b. 0.91 c. 1.52 d. 1.25
60. What is the standard error of the data above?
a. 0.88 b. 0.53 c. 0.39 d. 0.41