SAT Proctor Script

SAT® proctoring using the TCA Online StudyGuide
This document is a guideline for use when administering a SAT diagnostic test for use with the
TCA Online StudyGuide. We have modified the script from an actual SAT in order to save time
during the administration. Feel free to modify these instructions in any way to accommodate your
diagnostic testing.
Coordinator for our school is _____________________________________
Test Booklets
Prior to beginning the testing make sure you have enough TCA scan sheets and are using a test
supported by the TCA Online StudyGuide for the SAT.
The supported tests change each year so refer to the Online StudyGuide if you’re not sure which
tests are supported.
Answer sheets
You must preprint the student information on the new TCA scan sheets. Printing instructions are
contained within the Online StudyGuide.
If you are using the old scan sheets where the students must enter their own information please
make sure the data is entered correctly. Failure to do so can lead to lost testing data. (These test
sheets are being phased out.)
SAT Essay
If you are going to give the SAT Essay as part of your diagnostic test AND score it using WritePrep
you must use a SAT WritePrep prompt contained in the Online StudyGuide.
If you are going to give the SAT essay AND NOT score it using WritePrep you can use any SAT
writing prompt.
For either prompt make sure you supply the writing answer sheets to your students.
Students can hand enter their essay into WritePrep for scoring any time after the test has been
NOTE: If you have students you think will qualify for special accommodations you may want to test
them in a separate setting using their accommodations.
NOTE: After all the students have been identified, admitted and seated, make sure they have #2
pencils and calculators. During a real SAT the proctor doesn’t have to do this so make sure to
remind your students of the importance of bringing pencils, erasers, and calculators with them to
the test.
All proctor verbal directions are in bold.
SAT is a registered trademarks of the College Board. which is not affiliated with the production of nor endorses the materials presented here.
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Hand out the TCA scan sheets to the students along with 2 lined essay writing pages if you’re
administering the essay as part of the diagnostic test.
If you are using NEW TCA scan sheets with the student’s info preprinted on the scan sheets
Begin verbal directions
We are now ready to begin testing. Please check that your name is on your answer sheet.
If you don’t have an answer sheet or you have one that doesn’t have your name please
raise your hand.
1. Make sure you have one scan sheet for each student with their info preprinted on the sheet.
2. If a student doesn’t have a preprinted scan sheet
a. Give the student a blank scan sheet
b. Using a pencil, write the student’s name on the scan sheet in the top corner.
c. Photocopies of the scan sheets will not scan
3. After the test is completed separate any sheets that you hand wrote the name on from the
preprinted sheets.
4. Give both sets of sheets to the school coordinator
5. Scan the sheets and upload them into the online StudyGuide for scoring.
If you are using OLD TCA scan sheets that you have to hand enter the student’s info on the
scan sheets. (These sheets are being phased out)
The more carefully this is done the faster and more accurately the data can be turned around.
The student info must be bubbled in to be scanned
Bubbling more than one letter or number in a column will result in a scanning error
Photocopies of the scan sheets will not scan
Begin verbal directions
We are now ready to begin testing. Please listen closely and follow my directions step by
step. If you don’t follow my directions we may not be able to score your test.
Write in your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial beginning in the left most column
 For hyphenated names leave a blank between the two names
 If your name is too long to fit in the columns provided just leave the extra letters out.
 Next, bubble in the letter corresponding to the letter in your name for each column.
 There should be ONLY one mark per column
 Double check that you have correctly bubbled in your name
When you’ve finished, put your pencil down and look up at me so I know you’re finished.
When all your students are done move on to the Student ID numbers
a. This MUST be the same student number that is used in the Online StudyGuide.
b. To speed the process give each proctor a student list with the students’ name and student
ID number.
c. If the Student ID Number you use in your school is longer than 9 digits drop numbers from
the beginning or end of the student ID number to reduce the number to 9 digits. (Decide
beforehand which numbers you drop -BE CONSISTANT!!)
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Continue verbal directions
In the box labeled Student ID Number write in your student ID number beginning in the left
most column. DO NOT leave any spaces between the digits. If you don’t know your
number or aren’t 100% sure of your number just raise your hand. (Only if needed Since
our student numbers are longer than 9 digits please drop the last X digits/first x digits
from your student ID number.)
 Next, bubble in the number corresponding to the number in your Student ID number
for each column.
 There should be ONLY one mark per column
 Double check that you have correctly bubbled in your Student ID Number
When you’ve finished, put your pencil down and look up at me so I know you’re finished.
When all your students are done move on to the Grade
Continue verbal directions
In the box labeled Grade bubble in the number that corresponds to your current grade.
When you’ve finished, put your pencil down and look up at me so I know you’re finished.
TCA SAT® proctoring script
When the students are finished with their answer sheet
Continue verbal directions
We are now ready to begin our testing. Today you will be taking a diagnostic SAT. The
purpose of this test is to help you identify areas you can improve before you take the real
SAT. We are simulating actual test conditions as closely as possible so you won’t be
surprised by anything on the day you take the real test. I know that you may have
questions about some of the instructions that I will read, so please do not hesitate to ask. I
want to be sure that everyone has all the information they need to do their best.
One important difference between today’s testing and the actual SAT is that we want you
to not guess on questions for which you really don’t know the answer – If you can’t
eliminate any answers you think are wrong then don’t guess. On the REAL SAT guessing
is an important part of your test taking strategy and you’ll learn when it’s best to guess or
not guess but for today if you really have no idea what’s the right answer leave that
question blank.
NOTE: This is a diagnostic test, the reason we want students to skip questions they REALLY don’t
know the answer to is that they may guess the right answer!
Continue verbal directions
The SAT is composed of nine separately timed sections: one essay and eight
multiple-choice sections. You may work on only one section at a time. I will tell you when
to begin and end each section. If you finish a section before time is called, check your
work on that section. You may not turn to any other section. The tests will be administered
under standard time conditions. If you think that you qualify for a time accommodation on
the actual test please see your counselor if you need assistance applying for the special
Note: if you’re not administering the Essay make sure to point that out to your students
You may not eat, drink or use tobacco products in this room. Reading materials are also
not permitted. You can’t have a timer, cell phone/smart phone or any electronic device,
other than a calculator, in this room. During the actual test you can’t use electronic
devices even on your breaks and you’ll be disqualified from the test if the monitors
discover you using one. Please put your calculator away, you can only use it on the
Mathematics test.
Please clear your desk of everything except your pencils, eraser and answer sheet.
When answering a question make sure you completely fill in the circle with heavy, dark
marks. Also, make sure you cleanly erase any answers you change. Any stray marks or
incompletely erased answers can affect your test score because the question can’t be
scored correctly. Are there any questions?
I will now hand out the test booklets. Do not open them until I tell you to do so.
Hand out the test booklets (along with an essay prompt if you’re using one that’s different from
what’s in the test booklet) to the students, make sure everything is facedown on the desk.
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Begin verbal directions
Once all testing material is in place
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 25 minutes
I am the official time keeper for this test. I will give you a five minute warning before the
end of each section. When I call time at the end of a section you must stop immediately
and put your pencil down. Look up at me so I know you’ve stopped.
Do not open your essay booklet or test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for
Section 1, the essay, is 25 minutes.
You must write your essay using a Number 2 pencil.
You can’t begin until I tell you to begin. You can edit your essay if you finish early or close
your answer sheet inside of your test booklet (or turn everything face down) and sit
quietly. If you finish before time is called, you may not turn to any other section. You have
25 minutes for this section. Open your test booklet to section 1 essay (give the page number
if desired), (or Turn your writing prompt over) read the assignment and begin.
Start your timer.
Section 1 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the twenty minute mark:
You have 5 minutes remaining
At the twenty-five minute mark:
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me.
Once the students have put their pencils down and are looking up at you continue your verbal
TCA SAT® proctoring script
You can’t use scratch paper during the test. You are allowed to write in your test booklet to
do any figuring or scratch work.
Mark only one answer for each question. You will only receive credit for questions that are
properly marked.
I’ll be walking around the room making sure that you’re working on the right test. If you
need something or have a question just raise your hand and I’ll come to you. If you’re
wearing a watch with an alarm you’ll have to turn it off. Having an alarm go off during the
test is a violation of test rules and you’ll be disqualified from the test. Please double check
that your watch alarms are tuned off.
Give the students time to check their watch alarm.
Continue verbal directions
You must keep your answer sheet flat on your desk so others can’t see it.
If you finish before time is up you can go back and recheck your answers in that section
only. Put your answer sheet inside your test booklet and sit quietly so you don’t distract
students who are still working.
There is to be no more talking from this point on. Listen carefully to the following
Note: The order of the math, critical reading and writing sections will vary from test to test you will
need to adjust the order of the remaining instructions to match the test you’re giving. There will
also be a missing section from the diagnostic test booklet(with the exception of the TCA
StudyGuide test for the SAT). This was an experimental test section that wasn’t scored and is left
off of all release SATs. – REVIEW THIS CAREFULLY to make sure you have your sections in the
same order as the test you’re administering. This script has the sections in the following order:
 Section 2-25 minute Critical reading
 Section 3-25 minute Mathematics
 Section 4-25 minute writing
 Section 5-25 minute Critical Reading
 Section 6-25 minute Mathematics (with grid-ins)
 Section 7-25 minute Critical Reading
 Section 8-20 minute mathematics
 Section 9-10 minute writing
We have modified the script from an actual SAT in order to save time during the administration.
Note: If all your students are using the same test booklet make a note of which page begins each
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Continue verbal directions
Make sure you use a Number 2 pencil. It is very important that you fill in the entire circle
for each answer darkly and completely. If you change your response, erase it as
completely as possible. It is very important that you follow these instructions when filling
out your answer sheet
Section 2
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 25 minutes
Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for Section 2 is 25
Please note: In each multiple-choice section of the test, there will be more spaces on the
answer sheet than there are questions. Be sure to mark your answer in the correctly
numbered space.
Now open your test book to Section 2, read the directions, and begin work.
Start your timer.
Section 2 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the twenty minute mark
You have 5 minutes remaining on this test
At the twenty-five minute mark
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me
Make sure everybody has stopped
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Section 3
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 25 minutes
Begin verbal directions
Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for Section 3 is 25
minutes. You may use a calculator for this section. You may not share or exchange
calculators at any time. Mathematics questions can be completed without a calculator. But
if you use a calculator, follow these guidelines:
 Keep it flat on your desk.
 If it malfunctions and you have batteries or a backup, raise your hand. I will see if
your substitute is acceptable.
 If you do not have a backup, continue to test. I do not have replacement batteries or
Please note: In each multiple-choice section of the test, there will be more spaces on the
answer sheet than there are questions. Be sure to mark your answer in the correctly
numbered space.
Now open your test book to Section 3, read the directions, and begin work.
Start your timer.
Section 3 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the twenty minute mark
You have 5 minutes remaining on this test
At the twenty-five minute mark
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me
Make sure everybody has stopped
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Section 4
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 25 minutes
Begin verbal directions
Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for Section 4 is 25
Please note: In each multiple-choice section of the test, there will be more spaces on the
answer sheet than there are questions. Be sure to mark your answer in the correctly
numbered space.
Now open your test book to Section 4, read the directions, and begin work.
Start your timer.
Section 4 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the twenty minute mark
You have 5 minutes remaining on this test
At the twenty-five minute mark
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me
Make sure everybody has stopped
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Section 5
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 25 minutes
Begin verbal directions
Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for Section 5 is 25
Please note: In each multiple-choice section of the test, there will be more spaces on the
answer sheet than there are questions. Be sure to mark your answer in the correctly
numbered space.
Now open your test book to Section 5, read the directions, and begin work.
Start your timer.
Section 5 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the twenty minute mark
You have 5 minutes remaining on this test
At the twenty-five minute mark
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me
Make sure everybody has stopped
We will now stop for a five-minute break. Testing will resume promptly at ____. You won’t
be allowed to make up lost time if you return late. If you have brought a snack, it may be
consumed in the hallway outside the room. You may not use a telephone. Your cell phone
must remain under your desk. You may talk quietly, but do not discuss the test or refer to
any testing materials. You are not permitted to go anywhere other than the restroom.
Remember, return promptly. No extra time will be given if you are late returning.
Break Start time
Break Finish time
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Section 6
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 25 minutes
Begin verbal directions
Please sit down. Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for
Section 6 is 25 minutes. You may use a calculator for this section. You may not share or
exchange calculators at any time. Mathematics questions can be completed without a
calculator. But if you use a calculator, follow these guidelines:
 Keep it flat on your desk.
 If it malfunctions and you have batteries or a backup, raise your hand. I will see if
your substitute is acceptable.
 If you do not have a backup, continue to test. I do not have replacement batteries or
This mathematics section contains questions that are not multiple choice. Follow the
instructions for marking your answers in the grids on page 2 of the answer sheet. To
receive credit for your answers to these questions, you must fill in the appropriate circles
in the grids. You will not receive credit for anything written in the boxes above the circles.
Please note: In each multiple-choice section of the test, there will be more spaces on the
answer sheet than there are questions. Be sure to mark your answer in the correctly
numbered space.
Now open your test book to Section 6, read the directions, and begin work.
Start your timer.
Section 6 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the twenty minute mark
You have 5 minutes remaining on this test
At the twenty-five minute mark
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me
Make sure everybody has stopped
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Section 7
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 25 minutes
Begin verbal directions
Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for Section 7 is 25
Please note: In each multiple-choice section of the test, there will be more spaces on the
answer sheet than there are questions. Be sure to mark your answer in the correctly
numbered space.
Now open your test book to Section 7, read the directions, and begin work.
Start your timer.
Section 7 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the twenty minute mark
You have 5 minutes remaining on this test
At the twenty-five minute mark
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me
Make sure everybody has stopped
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Section 8
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 20 minutes
Begin verbal directions
Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for Section 8 is 20
minutes. You may use a calculator for this section. You may not share or exchange
calculators at any time. Mathematics questions can be completed without a calculator. But
if you use a calculator, follow these guidelines:
 Keep it flat on your desk.
 If it malfunctions and you have batteries or a backup, raise your hand. I will see if
your substitute is acceptable.
 If you do not have a backup, continue to test. I do not have replacement batteries or
Please note: In each multiple-choice section of the test, there will be more spaces on the
answer sheet than there are questions. Be sure to mark your answer in the correctly
numbered space.
Now open your test book to Section 8, read the directions, and begin work.
Start your timer.
Section 8 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the fifteen minute mark
You have 5 minutes remaining on this test
At the twenty minute mark
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me
Make sure everybody has stopped
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Section 9
Make sure your stopwatch or timer is set to 10 minutes
Begin verbal directions
Do not open your test book until I tell you to do so. The standard time for Section 9 is 10
Please note: In each multiple-choice section of the test, there will be more spaces on the
answer sheet than there are questions. Be sure to mark your answer in the correctly
numbered space.
Now open your test book to Section 9, read the directions, and begin work.
Start your timer.
Section 9 (record times)
Start time
5 minute warning
At the five minute mark
You have 5 minutes remaining on this test
At the ten minute mark
Stop, put your pencils down, close your test booklet and look up at me
Make sure everybody has stopped
TCA SAT® proctoring script
Collect the answer sheets individually from each student, don’t have them pass them in. As you
collect each sheet, check to make sure they are filled in correctly if using the old sheets. If you
used the new preprinted scan sheets and you had students who had to write in their name,
separate those answer sheets from the others so their student info can be entered by your
If the students are going to enter their essay into WritePrep you may want to consider letting the
students keep their essay so they can enter the essay at a later time into the Online StudyGuide.
Return the tests and answer sheets to your school coordinator.