Brisbane City Council Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan 2014 - 2015 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL ....................................................................................................................... 1 ANNUAL PROCUREMENT POLICY AND CONTRACTING PLAN 2014 - 2015 ......................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3 CHARTER AND VALUES OF BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL ........................................................................ 3 COUNCIL PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING OBJECTIVES ............................................................ 3 PROCUREMENT PRINCIPLES ................................................................................................................. 4 PROCUREMENT POLICY AND GUIDELINES........................................................................................... 4 STRATEGIC PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTING APPROACH ............................................................... 4 SUPPLY POSITIONING MATRIX............................................................................................................... 5 PLANNING FOR PURCHASES ................................................................................................................. 6 DISPOSALS ............................................................................................................................................... 7 CONTRACT MANUAL ................................................................................................................................ 7 COMPLAINTS PROCESS .......................................................................................................................... 7 TRAINING CAPABILITY AND COMPETENCIES ....................................................................................... 7 SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT POLICY ................................................................................................ 7 ZERO HARM .............................................................................................................................................. 9 SUPPLY MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND ENHANCEMENT ..................................................................... 9 FORWARD CONTRACTING SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 9 FORWARD DISPOSAL SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................... 9 DELEGATIONS POLICY ............................................................................................................................ 9 POLICY FOR SIGNIFICANT CONTRACTING PLANS ............................................................................... 9 SCHEDULE A (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE) ........................................................................................ 10 EXEMPTIONS FROM CONTRACT MANUAL PROCESS 2014 – 2015 ................................................... 10 SCHEDULE B .......................................................................................................................................... 11 ANNUAL CONTRACTING OBJECTIVES 2014 – 2015 ............................................................................ 11 SCHEDULE C .......................................................................................................................................... 21 ANNUAL FORWARD CONTRACTING SCHEDULE 2014 – 2015 ............................................................ 21 MAJOR CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 22 GOODS AND SERVICES (SIGNIFICANT) ............................................................................................... 25 GOODS AND SERVICES (NON-SIGNIFICANT) ...................................................................................... 27 SCHEDULE D .......................................................................................................................................... 30 ANNUAL FORWARD DISPOSAL SCHEDULE 2014 – 2015 .................................................................... 30 2 INTRODUCTION As a major entity headquartered in South East Queensland, Brisbane City Council recognises the importance and impact of its operations on the business and social community within Queensland. Council operates in a number of markets and undertakes procurement and disposal activities in relation to a range of goods, services and works. Expenditure by Council on goods, services and works in markets varies according to organisational need. Council must adapt to varying degrees of market complexity and supply market capability. Council recognises the importance that procurement has for the organisation and created the Strategic Procurement Office within its Organisational Services division. The Strategic Procurement Office operates with other Council business units and divisions to achieve the objectives outlined in the Council Charter and Values through the implementation of a strategic approach to procurement. The objectives of Council will be achieved through the sound contracting principles, as outlined in the City of Brisbane Act 2010. CHARTER AND VALUES OF BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL Brisbane City Council aims to: • enhance the quality of life of the people of Brisbane, build vibrant communities and improve the quality and value of services • support the sustainable development of the regional economy and improve the city’s infrastructure • protect and enhance the city’s natural and built environments • ensure the financial success and viability of Council. Council expects that all employees display the following values in their dealings with members of the public: • Passion for Brisbane • Responsive customer service • Respect for people • Courage to make a difference • Working together • Getting things done • Value for money COUNCIL PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING OBJECTIVES Council has adopted a Sustainable Procurement Policy that identifies the key objectives that any procurement will seek to further. The policy also seeks to combine a number of Council responsibilities and objectives in accordance with the Brisbane Vision 2031, including: • • • • • • • Social & Community: A commitment to advancing the social needs and requirements of Brisbane communities to advance the quality of life for all Accessibility: Ensuring that Brisbane is an accessible, connected city Environmental: Procurement outcomes that recognise the value and long term benefits of sustainable and best practices Workplace Health & Safety: Zero Harm is a consideration at every stage of the procurement process Business Development: The development of local business and promotion of innovative solutions to foster and support Brisbane’s economic development Financial: Value for money Compliance: Probity, accountability and compliance with legislation for procurement and disposal outcomes 3 PROCUREMENT PRINCIPLES Chapter 4 Finances and accountability, Part 3 Financial sustainability and accountability, Section 103 (3) of the City of Brisbane Act 2010, details the sound contracting principles that Council will apply to contracts for the supply of goods and/or services, the carrying out of work and the disposal of assets. The sound contracting principles are: A. B. C. D. E. Value for money Open and effective competition The development of competitive local business and industry Environmental protection Ethical behaviour and fair dealing The above sound contracting principles will be applied via the Contract Manual and the Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan. The sound contracting principles will be met through sourcing new arrangements and also ensuring that that current arrangements are reviewed to confirm they are meeting both business and performance expectations. It is the intention that contracts with optional extension provisions will be reviewed and extended, subject to value for money, satisfactory performance, ongoing business requirements and the sound contracting principles. PROCUREMENT POLICY AND GUIDELINES In formulating decisions that involve procurement, contracts, tendering or disposal activities, Council employees will have access to a number of policies, guidelines and procedures including the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • City of Brisbane Act 2010 City of Brisbane Regulation 2012 Corporate Plan Contract Manual Procedures for Procurement and Disposal Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan Significant Contracting Plans Project Governance Policy Project Management Centre of Excellence Corporate Sustainability Policy Code of Conduct Total Asset Management Framework Risk Management Policy STRATEGIC PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTING APPROACH Council has introduced a strategic contracting approach. Fundamental to the implementation is the introduction of a comprehensive approach to strategic sourcing and category management. This involves understanding the marketplace, the risks in the procurement process and how best to leverage value. Techniques used include: • • • • category planning including spend, market and risk analysis 7 Step sourcing methodology to control sourcing activity supply positioning matrix (to understand where to direct effort) ongoing value improvement through vendor management and demand management initiatives Further details on the 7 Step process and the supply positioning matrix are covered below. 4 7 STEP SOURCING METHOD Council utilises a 7 step best practice sourcing methodology to assist in achieving the Sound Contracting Principles. Profile Sourcing Group Select Sourcing Strategy Generate Supplier Portfolio Select Implementation Path Negotiate and Select Suppliers Execute Integration with Suppliers Benefits Tracking Compliance with the above methodology represents a best practice framework, which works towards meeting Council’s commitment to planning for procurement. SUPPLY POSITIONING MATRIX In analysing expenditure, the Strategic Procurement Office applies a Supply Positioning Matrix methodology that is based around identifying and classifying Council spend on the basis of procurement risks and relative expenditure. The Supply Positioning Matrix assists in allocating the responsibilities and delegations associated with the vast range of procurement activities conducted by Council. For routine activities, responsibility for adhering to Council Procurement Principles may be undertaken by divisions and business units, while the Strategic Procurement Office will focus on strategic or critical areas. The spend for the financial year 2014/15 will only be significant for a limited number of goods, services and works. The Strategic Procurement Office has developed a sourcing program that will deliver its mission to source goods, services and works that meet the needs and requirements of users within Council, represent the public interest and drive the best value for money for Brisbane. The Forward Contracting Schedule for the financial year 2014/15 is included as Schedule C. Bottleneck SPO Sources with support from Divisions & Business Units. Category Manager actively manages supplier. Procurement Risk Routine Either SPO or Divisions & Business Units Source. Limited Category Management will be provided. Critical Plan for Significant Contracting required. Strategic Procurement Office sources and intensively manages to drive value improvement. Leverage SPO sources with support from Divisions & Business Units. Category Management maintain an overview of supplier performance. Relative expenditure 5 PLANNING FOR PURCHASES The Strategic Procurement Office will develop effective sourcing strategies with suppliers, ensures appropriate business planning is conducted for areas of major spend and seeks to ensure vendors deliver benefits that include economic and qualitative outcomes. Business plans from divisions are incorporated into sourcing plans. These sourcing plans include a review of the supply market, market capabilities and limitations along with negotiation strategies and potential approaches to the market. For all areas of Council spend, an assessment is made as to the market dynamics, the complexity of securing supply and the relative expenditure. For all categories of spend, specific plans for the procurement and management of the activity are developed. Plans for purchases will vary from year to year and depend upon the operational requirements of Council. The analysis process measures the procurement principles against a number of criteria including competitive pricing, an ability to contribute to the environmental and social goals of Council and the avoidance of harm to Council and the community. An outcome of the planning process described above is the identification of items that may be required in the future by Council to meet operational and investment expenditure. These items are contained in the Forward Contracting Schedule. The types of procurement activities proposed for 2014/15 fall broadly into five categories which are Construction, Operations and Maintenance, Commodities and Services, Information and Communications Technology, and Fleet. Market assessments are continually updated by Category Management. The processes by which Council engages the marketplace and sources and obtains its requirements are detailed in Council's Contract Manual and procedures for Procurement and Disposal. The application of the sound contracting procurement principles will be measured by adherence to Council's Contract Manual and Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan. The Strategic Procurement Office will develop and prepare a business plan to link the overall Council Corporate Plan objectives to the sound contracting principles. Key procurement initiatives are to continue to use strategic sourcing measures for the upcoming capital procurement program and improving procurement practices to increase speed of service, enhance value for money and improve quality of supplier selection. Subject to approved exemptions, these procedures require that Council invite tenders or proposals for the carrying out of work or the provision of goods, services and works estimated to be above $250,000. Council has determined that frequent sourcing does not always ensure improved value for money nor does it necessarily deliver the best result in terms of sustaining open and effective competition. The duration of a contract within routine and bottleneck areas will be established through category planning and market analysis so as to maximise value for money. However, to deliver best value while also achieving open and effective competition, Council will apply best practice and engage the marketplace at least once in each five-year period unless approval is granted for greater than this period at the post market stage or on the basis a rationale is approved that it is in the public interest not to engage the market within the five year period. Council may engage the market more frequently in circumstances where there is change within Council, the overall market or given market changes, market research indicates that more frequent sourcing would deliver a better outcome, or the best practice benchmark change. Where existing suppliers demonstrate continuous value improvement and a high quality of service, arrangements are intended to be renegotiated and extended up to a maximum total contract period of five years. The effect of this approach will be to eliminate unnecessary sourcing activity and allow the Strategic Procurement Office resources to be directed at categories and contracts where value for money will be better achieved. Full details of exemptions from the standard Contract Manual processes are contained in Schedule A. 6 DISPOSALS The types of disposal activities proposed for 2014/15 fall broadly into five categories which are Commodities and Services, Operations and Maintenance, Information Technology and Telecoms, Construction, and Fleet. All Council disposals must be consistent with the objectives and values contained in this Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan. As part of its Procurement and Disposal Strategy, Council seeks to identify items that may have reached the end of their economic or useful life and/or may be surplus to Council requirements. Council will apply the principles detailed in its Contract Manual and seek outcomes in line with the sound contracting principles that achieve best value for Brisbane. Council will utilise a range of strategies that will include auctioning items to maximise the value and return on prior investments. Major items for disposal will be detailed in the Forward Disposal Schedule. The Forward Disposal Schedule for the financial year 2014/15 is included as Schedule D. CONTRACT MANUAL Procedures have been developed for the benefit of Council employees, both within the Strategic Procurement Office and other divisions or business units across Council for the procurement and disposal of goods, services and works. These procedures outline procurement delegations and the approaches to be taken when undertaking sourcing from the supply market and the management of subsequent contractual arrangements. These procedures also outline the sound contracting principles and the objectives of Council, ensuring consistency with Council’s Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan. COMPLAINTS PROCESS A complaints process has been adopted for handling complaints surrounding procurement and/or disposals and will follow the framework as established by the Executive Manager, Office of the Chief Executive. A process is in place for the receipt and handling of all complaint matters in accordance with Council’s complaints process. TRAINING CAPABILITY AND COMPETENCIES The development of skills and competencies in the areas of supply chain management, negotiation, category management, relationship and vendor performance management will continue to receive support from Council. The attainment and retention of professional skills and continuing education for procurement staff is supported by Council and will include using the training and certification offered by the Queensland Government Chief Procurement Office. The Chief Procurement Officer is responsible for the development of procurement capability within the organisation and the enhancement of competencies by individuals within the Organisational Services division. In order to achieve the human resource objectives of Organisational Services, the Divisional Manager will provide a range of career opportunities for procurement professionals from a range of providers and through developing a stimulating work environment that values creativity and innovation. The Strategic Procurement Office’s centre led organisational structure will greatly facilitate development and career advancement options. SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT POLICY Sustainable procurement as a process Sustainable procurement is a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services and capital projects, in a way that achieves value for money on a whole of life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society, the economy and the natural environment (working definition developed by the Queensland State Government, Chief Procurement Office). Principles and elements of Sustainable Procurement in Council Sustainable procurement involves Council buying goods, services and works in a way which complies with the sounding contracting principles set out in the City of Brisbane Act 2010 and achieves long term sustainability. 7 The table below lists each of the sound contracting principles and highlights key elements of each principle in a sustainability context. Sound Contracting Principle Key elements of sustainability Value for money Achieves value for money over whole of life, rather than just initial cost Open and effective competition Maintains accountability in the procurement process and the expenditure of public money The development of competitive local business and industry Manages demand and supply to ensure that competitive markets and the availability of resources are sustained in the long term (including disaggregation demand where appropriate to support local supply markets and avoid cultivation of monopoly suppliers) Promotes economic development Abides by the principles of sustainability, as set out in Council’s Corporate Sustainability Policy Minimises environmental harm and contributes to environmental sustainability Avoids unnecessary consumption Abides by the principles of sustainability, as set out in our Corporate Sustainability Policy Maintains probity of process Promotes socially responsible practices Achieves equitable access and Zero Harm Environmental protection Ethical behaviour and fair dealing Applying Sustainable Procurement in Council When we undertake our contracting activities, we will apply sustainable procurement by considering how we can make a contribution to sustainable procurement and a sustainable Brisbane when we are: (a) Examining our organisational, project and/or community needs for an anticipated contracting activity; (b) Developing strategies for a contracting activity; (c) Developing specifications for a contracting activity; and (d) Planning/undertaking evaluations as part of a contracting activity. Definitions In this plan: • • • “Sustainable Procurement” means the ‘principles and elements of Sustainable Procurement in Council’ as stated above. “Contracting Activities” means activities for the making of a contract for: (a) the carrying out of work; or (b) the supply of goods or services; or (c) the disposal of non-current assets. Contracting activities excludes contracts of employment. “Principles of Sustainability” means the principles stated in Council’s Corporate Sustainability Policy. 8 ZERO HARM Brisbane City Council is committed to Zero Harm for its employees and the community. That is safety is the first priority and it is not acceptable to cause harm to anyone. Council is an organisation that acts proactively to prevent injuries, and actively encourages innovative management of work processes to prevent injury or illness to anyone. The following are integral to achieving this goal: • • • Development of a safety first culture where the key focus is on preventing incidents, injuries and illnesses from occurring. Development of an active and healthy workforce to further reduce the potential for injury and illness. Excellent post incident systems to prevent re-injury and ensure effective injury management and return to work programs. SUPPLY MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND ENHANCEMENT Council supports the development of the local economy and the enhancement of supplier capability. Specialist industry groups such as the Industry Capability Network will be accessed to assist in the sourcing of competitive local suppliers. Where key supply markets are not meeting Council requirements, Council will seek to work with the supply market to develop that capability. Council is also keen to embrace sustainable procurement and has initiated a number of specific procurement initiatives in this area. FORWARD CONTRACTING SCHEDULE The Forward Contracting Schedule for the financial year 2014/15 is included as Schedule C. FORWARD DISPOSAL SCHEDULE The Forward Disposal Schedule for the financial year 2014/15 is included as Schedule D. DELEGATIONS POLICY Delegations for contracting activities have previously been approved by Council. Further delegations are also included in Schedule A of this Plan (Exemptions from the Contract Manual Process). POLICY FOR SIGNIFICANT CONTRACTING PLANS Significant contracts for which a plan will be prepared are those with: • estimated contractual expenditure of $10 million and above with procurement to be commenced in 2014/15 year; and • high value/high criticality/high risk procurements as assessed by the supplier positions matrix, to be sourced in the 2014/15 year. 9 Schedule A Exemptions from Contract Manual Process 2014 - 2015 Brisbane City Council Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan 2014 – 2015 (Currently unavailable) 10 Schedule B Annual Contracting Objectives 2014 - 2015 Brisbane City Council Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan 2014 – 2015 11 Desired Procurement Outcome Financial Procurement Objectives Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 Delivery of procurement efficiency objectives KPI / Measure to gauge success Target 14/15 Review of external Program to harvest spend nominated in benefits outlined in the Forward 2014/15 budget Contracting Schedule to identify benefits for OPEX and CAPEX Accountability When Category Management, Strategic Sourcing - Strategic Procurement Office Q1 – Q4 Divisions/business units Review existing contracts to ensure Council is continuing to receive value for money through contract reviews Savings opportunities implemented and benefits delivered for OPEX and CAPEX Delivery of benefits from category management program Category Management Plans agreed with internal customers All plans for strategic/critical categories updated and agreed in consultation with customers Category Q1 – Q4 Management, Procurement Professional Services – Strategic Procurement Office Vendor Management Vendor management Divisions/business Program enhanced plans updated in units consultation with customers and key suppliers Demand management/process improvement initiatives implemented Determine relevant categories to establish demand management/ process improvement initiatives Apply a supplier segmentation program for all new and existing suppliers Ensure supplier segmentation is completed for all contracted suppliers Process simplification Continuously review category management processes to identify opportunities for more efficient and effective practices 12 Desired Procurement Outcome Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 KPI / Measure to gauge success Improve the Implement automated efficiency of accounts payable the procure to system pay cycle Average time between receipt of invoice to scheduled payment Target 14/15 Implementation of automated purchase to payment system completed as part of BaSE R2 Accountability When Support Services Q1 – Q4 Strategic Procurement Office / Supply Services Q1 – Q4 >93% of payments made within terms Monitor the cycle time Reduce cycle time by to approve a 10% compared to shopping cart June 2014 levels Social Procurement Objectives Category Q1 – Q4 Management Strategic Procurement Office in consultation with Inclusive Communities, Brisbane Lifestyle Increase Council spend with Social Enterprises and improve procurement outcomes with current Social Enterprise suppliers Annual spend of $1.5m with Social Enterprises for financial year Goal of $1.5m spend for the financial year achieved Council staff members to liaise with current Social Enterprise suppliers to better understand Social Enterprise supplier capability and capacity and provide Social Enterprise suppliers with more information about Council’s requirements Council officers managing key social procurement contracts report improvements on supplier performance Increase the number of Social Enterprise suppliers to Council Review Council’s Social Enterprise data base and add suppliers where appropriate A 10% increase in the number of Social Enterprise suppliers against which spend (excluding grants) is accrued Category Q1 – Q4 Management Strategic Procurement Office in consultation with Inclusive Communities, Brisbane Lifestyle Engage the commercial sector to raise awareness of contracting/ subcontracting of Social Review upcoming tender processes to consider where it may be appropriate to include social procurement objectives in the evaluation criteria Quarterly reviews of Strategic Procurement’s sourcing plan Category Q1 – Q4 Management Strategic Procurement Office in consultation with Inclusive Communities, Brisbane Lifestyle Advertise internally regarding use of Social Enterprise suppliers. 13 Desired Procurement Outcome Accessibility Procurement Objectives Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 KPI / Measure to gauge success Target 14/15 Enterprises Engage some of Council’s commercial suppliers to promote procurement from Social Enterprise suppliers Regular contact with commercial suppliers regarding Social Procurement Improve Council’s procurement processes, procedures and increase organisational awareness of the accessibility requirements Accessibility addressed in all pre and post market submissions. Submission templates Procurement Q1 – Q4 to be updated. Professional Services – Strategic Procurement Office. Develop a standard evaluation approach for accessibility. Update the evaluation plan templates to include example wording for accessibility. Environmenta Waste l Procurement Minimisation Objectives /recycling initiatives Reduction in material Utilisation of proceeding to landfill recovered material in construction program (i.e. glass/tyres/ crushed concrete/ scalping) Accountability When Procurement Q1 – Q4 Professional Services – Strategic Procurement Office. Category Management– Strategic Procurement Office Q1 – Q4 Waste Services – Field Services Group Project manager awareness of Council City Projects Office, sustainability Brisbane objectives to be Infrastructure incorporated in procurement and project manager inductions and related training Renewable energy Energy efficiency Continue purchase of GreenPower accredited renewable energy for Council’s electricity needs (measured in %) Maintain Council’s spend on GreenPower in line with corporate targets to source 100% GreenPower for all of Council’s purchased electricity Category Management – Strategic Procurement Office Reduce electricity consumption (measured in gigawatt hours {GWh}) Optimise value for money outcomes for identified energy efficiency projects Category Management – Strategic Procurement Office Aim to purchase only minimum four star energy and water ratings for any Energy and Carbon – Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability Q1 – Q4 Energy and Carbon – Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability Q1 – Q4 14 Desired Procurement Outcome Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 KPI / Measure to gauge success Target 14/15 Accountability When All applicable ICT Vendors required to demonstrate conformance to Council’s e-waste minimisation conditions Category Management – Strategic Procurement Office Q1 – Q4 25% of the vehicles in the corporate car pool are to be hybrid and electric vehicles Fleet Management Group – Strategic Procurement Office Q1 – Q4 appliances to which ratings apply when available E-waste minimisation initiatives. Council specifications to require ICT vendors to provide information on their ewaste minimisation strategy Fleet emission Continue utilising targets hybrid and electric vehicles in the corporate car pool Energy and Carbon Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability Reduce average greenhouse gas emissions from the bus and City Cat fleet Evaluate alternative fuels and technologies and incorporate clean air objectives into the Council’s City Cat fleet and bus fleet procurement process Transport and Traffic Q1 – Q4 Brisbane Transport Energy and Carbon Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability Carbon offset fuel Purchase accredited offsets to negate greenhouse gas emissions from Council’s bus and vehicle fleets and stationary fuel use (diesel, CNG, natural gas, petrol) Offset 100% of Council’s fuel (this relates to the direct emissions associated with the combustion of fossil fuels, not upstream emissions involved with the manufacture and transport of the fuel) Energy and Carbon - Q1 – Q4 Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability Carbon neutral Brisbane by 2026 Manage the framework that encourages contractors to demonstrate responsible environmental performance Manage the framework and ensure assessment for all major projects (for example the contractor to provide an Environmental Management Plan) Category Management – Strategic Procurement Office Q1 – Q4 City Projects Office, Brisbane Infrastructure 15 Desired Procurement Outcome Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 KPI / Measure to gauge success Target 14/15 Accountability Require operators of Ensure contract Council owned and clauses in all new badged community arrangements facilities to source electricity from 100% GreenPower (includes Council operated swimming pools. Excludes sporting clubs, community groups, leased swimming pools and commercial revenue leases of Council owned property etc.) City Venues Greenhouse gas emissions reduced or avoided by procurement activity Category Management and Strategic Sourcing – Strategic Procurement Office Identify sourcing activities that are suitable for inclusion of carbon intensity as weighted assessment criteria that recognise reduced or avoided greenhouse gas emissions When Energy and Carbon Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability Brisbane City Legal Practice Energy and Carbon Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability City Projects Office Impact of changing climate Inclusion of impact of All applicable major changing climate projects over $10m assessment in the mandate and justification documentation of all Council projects and activities City Projects Office Q1 – Q4 Renewable resources. Council specifications and projects to require the use of renewable timbers in all Council construction and engineering projects. Category Management and Strategic Sourcing – Strategic Procurement Office Q1 – Q4 100% use of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) timbers in Council controlled construction and maintenance activities. Energy and Carbon Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability City Projects Office Environmental When assessing ly responsible products/services Identify sourcing activities that are Category Management and Q1 – Q4 16 Desired Procurement Outcome Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 KPI / Measure to gauge success Target 14/15 Accountability goods and services consideration is given to reuse, recycling and safe disposal of the product suitable for inclusion Strategic Sourcing – of reuse, recycling Strategic and safe disposal as Procurement Office weighted assessment criteria Increase sustainable procurement initiatives across Council's sourcing processes Increase the number of procurement activities that include a sustainable procurement outcome Continue to facilitate greater awareness of sustainable procurement benefits into Council's general procurement processes When Category Q1 – Q4 Management, Corporate Risk Management, and Procurement Professional Services – Strategic Procurement Office Waste Services – Field Services Group Energy and Carbon Natural Environment, Water and Sustainability Business Development Objectives Develop and maintain competitive supply markets Communicate “PreMarket” signals to suppliers in respect of Council’s requirements for goods and services Improved regional collaboration with other Local Government and State Government agencies in respect to focus on business and supplier community development Industry warm-up presentations along with the public communication of the Annual Procurement Plan and Forward Procurement Schedule Strategic Q1 – Q4 Procurement Office in collaboration with Economic Development Contribute to the Lord Mayor’s business engagement priority by encouraging businesses supplying Council to become part of the Brisbane Business Network Improved and by providing engagement with the general procurement business community, seminars at four ensuring that industry forums Brisbane businesses organised in understand Council’s conjunction with procurement Brisbane Marketing processes and how to become a supplier to Council Process of engagement Continue offering tender feedback to Mandatory feedback to Category Management and Q1 – Q4 17 Desired Procurement Outcome Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 KPI / Measure to gauge success Target 14/15 Accountability When of suppliers maintained successful and unsuccessful suppliers suppliers on all procurement activity valued at $1 million and over. Feedback to be offered within 2-4 weeks of tender award Strategic Sourcing – Strategic Procurement Office Improved supplier awareness of Council’s procurement methodology Simplify tender documentation and process to increase quality of responses and outcome of tender process for Council Implement face-toface briefing sessions to outline tender requirements for categories with track record of not responding with adequate detail of proposals. Category Q1 – Q4 Management, Corporate Risk Management, Procurement Professional Services and Strategic Sourcing – Strategic Procurement Office Ensure tender documentation and evaluation criteria is simplified and tailored towards audience that needs to complete program implemented with tier two, three or four suppliers Zero Harm Objectives Improving Council's procurement procedures and processes for Zero Harm Review suppliers performance during the contract term to ensure Zero Harm has been appropriately identified and addressed Incorporate into category management requirements For contacts with a high safety risk, obtain reporting at the end of a contract term to determine how many WHS incidents had occurred Incorporate into category management reporting Organisational Wellness Safety and Health Q1 – Q4 Procurement Professional Services – Strategic Procurement Office Category Management and Strategic Sourcing – Strategic Procurement Office Incorporate reporting Add to specification requirements into template contracts where the contractor needs to notify Council of WHS/zero harm incidents on Council’s sites 18 Desired Procurement Outcome Compliance Objectives Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 Improve the efficiency of the source to contract cycle Improvements in compliance with procurement and purchasing policy and processes KPI / Measure to gauge success Target 14/15 Sourcing commenced and completed to enable entering into contracts prior to expiry of existing contracts 100% of contracts are entered into prior to expiry of existing contracts Percentage of specifications completed at PreMarket approval stage 100% of specifications completed at Premarket stage Manage leakage on Council contracts Leakage on contracted categories maintained at current low levels Category Management – Strategic Procurement Office Monitor the volume and value of confirmation orders Reduction in the number of confirmation orders by 10% compared to 13/14 levels Supplier Services Support Services Monitor impact on blanket orders with the introduction of BaSE Accountability When Category Management – Strategic Procurement Office Q1 – Q4 Division/Business Units Q1 – Q4 Divisions/Business Units All blanket orders greater than $100k to be linked to a Corporate Procurement Arrangement Reduction in blanket orders from 13/14 levels by 20% (excluding construction contracts) Education and Deliver training on training Contract Standards, Procurement Board approval processes and specification writing Deliver procurement training as part of project manager inductions Deliver training to key Category business areas Management – including ISB Strategic Procurement Office Deliver training inductions to project manager forums Q1 – Q4 Procurement Professional Services – Strategic Procurement Office Corporate Risk Management and Procurement Professional Services – Strategic Procurement Office 19 Desired Procurement Outcome Initiative / Strategy Proposed for 14/15 Complaint resolution. KPI / Measure to gauge success Target 14/15 Accountability When Deliver training on new processes and systems relating to BaSE All training programs delivered before BaSE R2 go live Chief Procurement Officer and BaSE project Zero complaints received for the financial year Ensure that procurement processes continue to be conducted openly, fairly and in accordance with corporate rules Corporate Risk Q1 – Q4 Management and Procurement Professional Services – Strategic Procurement Office Maintain protocols and key performance indicators for compliance with complaints reporting process Appropriate areas of Council are briefed on the complaints process Include as part of Project Manager and executive inductions Number of complaints received, resolved and remaining unresolved tracked and reported Ensure value for money probity and accountability in the procurement process Manage the operation >90% first time of the Stores Board approval rate for and Procurement submissions Boards Coordinate the development of the Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan (APPCP) APPCP approved by Council in August Progress against objectives measured quarterly Report monthly on By 21st day after contracts entered into month end by Council > $100k Enhance effective and sustainable procurement governance Maintain and enhance the operation of the procurement boards, Stores Board and Oversight of Consultancies Special Committee to ensure effective decision making 20 Schedule C Annual Forward Contracting Schedule 2014 – 2015 Brisbane City Council Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan 2014 – 2015 21 MAJOR CONSTRUCTION Detailed below are major Council programs (Programs are defined as programs of like work) and projects against which major procurement activity is scheduled to occur during the 2014/15 financial year and later. The ‘Estimated Value of contracts…’ column shows an estimate of the sum of the procurement for which Council is scheduled to engage the market in 2014/15. Where the ‘Estimated Value of contracts…’ for a project or program detailed below reaches or exceeds $10 million or is designated a Significant Contract that Contract will be a Significant Contract for the purposes of section 210 of the City of Brisbane Regulation 2012. Major Projects (Greater than $2m) 2014-2015 Estimated value of contracts greater than $2m going to market in 2014-15 Expected Qtr at Market $2.10 million Q1-Q4 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Delivery Manager, Drainage Infrastructure Services, Construction Branch, 3178 6002 $6.00 million Q1-Q4 Manager, Civil Infrastructure Services, Construction Branch, 3403 7831 Build Karawatha Forest Environmental Centre $7.30 million Q1 Construction of Key Bikeway Links in Suburbs $14.40 million Q1-Q4 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Public Tender/Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Coorparoo Creek Park – Stage 1 $4.70 million Q2 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Principal Project Manager, Civic and Building, City Projects Office, 3403 5718 DDA Compliant Bus Stop Upgrades $6.50 million Q1-Q4 Senior Project Manager, Civil and Transport, City Projects Office, 3178 8898 DDA Compliant Ferry Terminals $31.80 million Q4 Public Tender/Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Bridge and Culvert Construction – New Bridges and Culverts – Reconstruction and Rehabilitation 1 Proposed Procurement Strategy Contact Details1 Senior Project Manager, Civic and Building, City Projects Office, 3027 4571 Senior Project Manager, Civil and Transport, City Projects Office, 3403 7731 Senior Project Manager, Civic and Building, City Projects Office, 3178 6391 Contact details may change. 22 Major Projects (Greater than $2m) 2014-2015 Estimated value of contracts greater than $2m going to market in 2014-15 Expected Qtr at Market $5.80 million Q1-Q4 $650 million (total project value not estimated value of contract) Q3 Local Drainage Construction $2.70 million Major Drainage Construction Major Traffic Improvements – Intersections Proposed Procurement Strategy Contact Details1 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Public Tender Manager, Civil Infrastructure Services, Construction Branch, 3403 7831 Q1-Q4 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Delivery Manager, Drainage Infrastructure Services, Construction Branch, 3178 6002 $7.20 million Q1-Q4 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Delivery Manager, Drainage Infrastructure Services, Construction Branch, 3178 6002 $8.80 million Q1-Q4 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Senior Project Manager, Civil and Transport, City Projects Office, 3403 7731 Melbourne Street Portal Safety Improvements $2.00 million Q3-Q4 Principal Engineer, Civil and Transport, City Projects Office, 3403 7585 Shorncliffe Pier $11.00 million Q1 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Site Works Bracken Ridge Pool $2.00 million Q-2 Senior Project Manager, Civic and Building, City Projects Office, 3403 6635 Sportsfield and Hard Court Condition Rehabilitation $2.10 million Q1 Stormwater Drainage Rehabilitation $3.20 million Q1-Q4 Public Tender/Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Key City Park Upgrades Kingsford Smith Drive – Future Upgrade Principal Project Manager, Civil and Transport, City Projects Office, 3403 8186 Senior Project Manager, Civil and Transport, City Projects Office, 3403 4385 Project Manager, Civic and Building, City Projects Office, 3403 6434 Delivery Manager, Drainage Infrastructure Services, Construction Branch, 3178 6002 23 Major Projects (Greater than $2m) 2014-2015 Upgrade Neighbourhood Parks TOTAL Estimated value of contracts greater than $2m going to market in 2014-15 Expected Qtr at Market $2.80 million Q1-Q4 Proposed Procurement Strategy Contact Details1 Quotes under existing Corporate Procurement Arrangement Manager, Civil Infrastructure Services, Construction Branch, 3403 7831 $770.40 million 24 GOODS AND SERVICES (SIGNIFICANT) Detailed below are anticipated significant contracts in relation to goods and services and against which major procurement activity is scheduled to occur during the 2014/2015 financial year and later. These contracts are considered to be Significant Contracts for the purposes of Section 210 of the City of Brisbane Regulation 2012. In some cases Council may elect to exercise an existing option to extend a contract rather than engaging the market with a view to entering into a new contract. Grouping Commodities and Services Construction and Operations Product Category Description Indicative Annual Spend $ $2.88 million Expected Qtr at Market Comments Contact Details Q2 Review of current contract arrangements or public tender Category Manager, 3403 9090 Batteries and cells and accessories Batteries, tyres and tubes Cleaning services for parks and outdoor public venues Cleaning services $4.36 million Q1 As above As above Consultancy engineering Infrastructure consultancies $40.00 million Q1 As above As above Construction machinery and equipment rental or leasing services Mobile plant for quarries and asphalt $5.30 million Q1 As above As above Gaseous fuels Natural gas $4.50 million Q3 As above As above Construction and maintenance of parks and related assets Landscape construction services $4.52 million Q2 Review of current contract arrangements or public tender Category Manager, 3408 8530 Ecosystems Ecosystem restoration $6.54 million Q3 As above As above Hardware General hardware, timber and tools $2.92 million Q1 As above As above Playground equipment Playground equipment $4.73 million Q2 As above As above Road profiling service Skid steer loaders asphalt/profiling $2.45 million Q2 As above As above 25 Grouping IT and Telecommuni cations TOTAL Product Category Description Printers Managed print services Storage Enterprise storage, RSA and services Indicative Annual Spend $ $3.00 million Expected Qtr at Market Comments Contact Details Q1 Review of current contract arrangements or public tender Category Manager, 3403 9109 $2.00 million Q1 As above As above $83.20 million 26 GOODS AND SERVICES (NON-SIGNIFICANT) Detailed below are further anticipated contracts in relation to goods and services against which procurement activity is scheduled to occur during the 2014/15 financial year and later. These contracts are not considered to be Significant Contracts for the purposes of section 210 of the City of Brisbane Regulation 2012. In some cases, Council may elect to exercise an existing option to extend a contract rather than engaging the market with a view to entering into a new contract. Grouping Commodities and services Product Category Description Indicative Annual Spend Expected Qtr at Market Comments Contact Details Advertising agency services Advertising creative services $0.25 million Q3 Review of current contract arrangements or public tender Category Manager, 3403 9090 Agricultural machinery for soil preparation Human resources consulting service Mowers, tractors and utility vehicles HR project aligning, workplace justice and mediation services Asphalt maintenance trucks Sweepers – bikeways $0.40 million Q1 As above As above $0.75 million Q1 As above As above $1.10 million Q1 As above As above $0.40 million Q1 As above As above Sweepers – large truck mounted Market research services Advertising – master media services Office supplies, paper, envelopes and toners Personalised public transport and Council cabs Marketing communication – community engagement $0.60 million Q1 As above As above $1.00 million Q3 As above As above $1.30 million Q1 As above As above $1.35 million Q1 As above As above $0.82 million Q1 As above As above $1.00 million Q2 As above As above Industrial trucks Market research Media placement and fulfilment Office supplies Passenger road transportation Public relations and professional communications services 27 Grouping Product Category Description Indicative Annual Spend Expected Qtr at Market $0.60 million Q2 As above As above Security and personal safety Compensation assessment and market valuations Security consultancy services $0.30 million Q1 As above As above Vehicle maintenance and repair services Bus air conditioning systems maintenance $1.73 million Q4 As above As above Cadastral engineering and construction surveys and survey drafting Cadastral engineering and construction surveys $0.68 million Q1 Review of current contract arrangements or public tender Category Manager, 3408 8530 Coloured pavement Coloured pavement $1.00 million Q4 As above As above Facility maintenance and repair services Lift maintenance $0.27 million Q1 As above As above Fencing Fencing services $1.68 million Q3 As above As above Highway and road construction services $1.52 million Q2 As above As above Public toilet facility Bitumen primes and spray seals – service Modular toilet blocks $0.58 million Q3 As above As above Road reserve cable installation Road reserve cable installation $0.25 million Q4 As above As above Sea and river walls construction service Bank stabilisation $0.26 million Q4 As above As above Traffic signals Traffic components $1.29 million Q3 As above As above Traffic signal hardware $1.35 million Q3 As above As above Traffic sign standards $0.26 million Q3 As above As above End to end business application monitoring and report $0.40 million Q2 Review of current contract arrangements or public tender Category Manager, 3403 9109 Real estate services Construction and Operations IT and Telecommuni cations Public safety and emergency responses Comments Contact Details 28 Grouping Product Category Scheduling and bookings TOTAL Description Car park management services Indicative Annual Spend Expected Qtr at Market $0.25 million Q4 Comments As above Contact Details As above $21.39 million 29 Schedule D Annual Forward Disposal Schedule 2014 – 2015 Brisbane City Council Annual Procurement Policy and Contracting Plan 2014 – 2015 30 The following items represent disposals of $5,000 or greater that the Council may seek to conclude during 2014/15. Actual disposal activity will be dictated by a number of factors that may include the level of operational activity and any purchasing arrangements implemented. Significant Disposal Plans for the identified disposal activities will be developed where disposals are not in accordance with the Contract Manual or the proposed disposal approach. Disposal Activity Computer Equipment Computer Desktops and/or Laptops Computer Server, Storage and Communications Equipment Proposed Disposal Approach Re-purchase by Vendor, ‘Green ICT’ arrangement or Public Auction or Tender Disposal Community disposal Re-purchase by Vendor, ‘Green ICT’ arrangement or Public Auction or Tender Procurement Outcome KPI/Measure to gauge success Economic /Environmental Return greater than book value Social Disposal Accountability2 Expected Timing ICT Service Delivery Q1 – Q4 Up to 300 functioning ICT Service Delivery / computers (desktops Community Q1 – Q4 or laptops) allocated to Development Services community groups Economic /Environmental Return greater than book value ICT Service Delivery Q1 – Q4 Passenger Vehicles Public Tender / Auction or sale by private treaty through the Auction House at the agreed reserve price if the asset has been passed in at a previous auction Economic Return greater than book value Fleet Management Group Q1 – Q4 Light Commercial Vehicles Public Tender / Auction or sale by private treaty through the Auction House at the agreed reserve price if the asset has been passed in at a previous auction Economic Return greater than book value Fleet Management Group Q1 – Q4 Trucks Public Tender / Auction or sale by private treaty through the Auction House at the agreed reserve price if the asset has been passed in at a previous auction Economic Return greater than book value Fleet Management Group Q1 – Q4 Public Tender / Auction or sale by private treaty through Major and General Plant the Auction House at the agreed reserve price if the asset and Equipment has been passed in at a previous auction Economic Return greater than book value Fleet Management Group Q1 – Q4 Public Tender / Auction or sale by private treaty through the Auction House at the agreed reserve price if the asset has been passed in at a previous auction Economic Return greater than book value Fleet Management Group Q1 – Q4 Special Vehicles 2 The area of Council responsible for the Disposal Activity. 31 Disposal Activity Proposed Disposal Approach Procurement Outcome KPI/Measure to gauge success Accountability2 Expected Timing Obsolete Inventory Public Tender / Auction Economic Return greater than five percent of current book value Supplier Services Q1 – Q4 Buses and Ferries Public Tender / Auction or sale by private treaty through the Auction House at the agreed reserve price if the asset has been passed in at a previous auction Economic Return greater than book value Brisbane Transport Q1 – Q4 32