Report on Gauteng Climate Change Forum Meeting 24 June 2015 1. Overview The first Gauteng Climate Change Forum meeting took place on 24 June 2015 at the CSIR Conference Centre, Pretoria. It was hosted by the City of Tshwane Sustainability week event. The meeting was attended by representatives from the following organizations: City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Emfuleni Local Municipality Sedibeng District Municipality Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) Gauteng Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Gauteng Department of Economic Development (GDED) Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport (GDRT) Council for Scientific Industrial Research (CSIR) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability network National Business Initiative National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC) Independent consultant. 2. Purpose The main purpose of the Forum is to create a platform for coordination between different spheres of government and various stakeholders, to ensure mainstreaming of climate change considerations and the responses to climate change. The Province has made great strides in combating climate change, various Provincial Departments and local authorities have strategies, plans, programmes and initiatives in place to address climate change, including the Gauteng Climate Change Response Strategy (GCCRS) 2011, prepared by the GDARD. However, an identified obstacle to combating climate change effects was the absence of a platform at the Provincial level through which climate change response efforts may be consolidated, and where possible aligned to achieve greater results. To this end the Gauteng Climate Change Forum was established to fill this void. 3. Objectives The Gauteng Climate Change Forum seeks to address the following: Reporting to the Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change (IGCCC), National Climate Change Committee and other relevant structures; Provide a platform for all relevant departments and local authorities to share information on their various climate change-related policies and measures (including strategies, plans, programmes, legislation, systems and projects); Provide a platform for all relevant departments and local authorities to share knowledge and build capacity through sharing information on forthcoming national, regional and international climate change-related events and training courses; Monitor and report progress on the implementation of various climate change-related projects and initiatives in the province; Initiate joint projects/initiatives/campaigns that impact on, or require the active involvement of more than one department or local authority. This may take the form of shared capacity, budgets, joint steering committees and other relevant co-operative schemes; Facilitate the implementation of all Climate Change Strategies and Plans within Gauteng and to co-ordinate the regular review thereof; and Act as a reference group to ensure consistent, integrated and coherent provincial messaging for climate change-related outreach and awareness-raising activities. 4. Discussion Major presentations that were delivered during the first meeting were: A. National Climate Change Stakeholder Consultations - Pre-COP 21 preparation and Communication of South Africa’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) - - Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) is the country’s intended contribution, determined by the country nationally. It is a national contribution towards meeting the global goal of combating Climate Change. INDCs are vital to the 2015 agreement that will be reached in December 2015 in Paris, France as the Kyoto Protocol is coming to an end in 2020. SA has initiated a process of researching and preparing its INDCs. DEA will consult with all Provinces to gather information/inputs that will inform SA’s INDCs and position on COP 21 in general. - The Provincial Stakeholder Consultation will take place on 26 August 2015. B. National Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation System and National Climate Change Response Database - - - The National Climate Change Response Monitoring & Evaluation System will address four major areas: mitigation (or shift to low carbon economy), adaptation (or building climate change resilience), Climate Change financing and knowledge sharing. The objectives of the system are amongst other things: to provide evidence base of the impact of climate change in South Africa, inform response to climate change: scope of measures and their effectiveness, institutionalize reporting of South Africa’s reporting obligations in international Forums; e.g. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), inform SA negotiators under the UNFCCC, and support identification of resource requirements, allocations & opportunities in climate change response. In essence, the National Climate Change Response Monitoring & Evaluation System will be a “One-stop shop” of climate change information in South Africa and eventually integrate or link all relevant databases of sector departments and agencies and different spheres of government. The National Climate Change Response Database is the functional web-based database where Climate Change Project managers can record details of their projects (see attached or It will be in future incorporated into fully-fledged Monitoring & Evaluation System. C. Flagship Programmes and Climate Change Funding - Flagship programmes are programmes designed to play a transitional role in the shift to a more resilient and lower carbon economy was also presented. Key sources of finance include the UNFCCC financial mechanisms such as the Green Climate Fund and Adaptation Fund, Non-UNFCCC financial mechanisms such as the Multilateral Development Banks (e.g. World Bank and African Development Bank) and UN Agencies (e.g. UNDP and UNEP) and Bilateral Country Funds. Application for funding must be done through the focal point. i.e. DEA, DBSA or SANBI. D. Provincial Climate Change Projects. - All municipalities and Gauteng Provincial Departments presented a list of climate change projects that are underway. Notable projects include Industrial Symbiosis project between GDARD, GDED and NCPC, Non-Motorised Transport projects by City of Tshwane and GDRT, Solar Water Geyser rollout by City of Tshwane, feasibility studies on Waste to energy project in Sedibeng and West Rand by GDED and Sustainable Resource Management Projects by GDARD. 5. Key Resolutions Members of the Forum to comment on the Draft Terms of Reference and logo for the Forum. The Forum to ensure a wide range of stakeholders be part of the National Climate Change Stakeholder Consultation for the COP 21 and INDCs. GDARD to distribute a template to members to be populated with a complete list of Climate Change relevant projects (including the ones reported at the Forum). This information will be used as a provincial climate change response register for information sharing and potential upscaling. Members are asked to come up with feasible flagship project (consider possibility of joint projects) to be implemented within the Gauteng City Region for discussion in subsequent meetings or bilateral meetings.