III SIMPÓSIO INTERDISCIPLINAR FÍSICA + BIOINFORMÁTICA 22 A 25 DE ABRIL DE 2014 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE UBERLÂNDIA, UBERLÂNDIA, MINAS GERAIS Investigation of GU mismatch stability and parameters from melting temperatures by a mesoscopic model Tauanne D Amarante* (PG), Rodolfo V Maximiano (PG), Gerald Weber (PQ) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Instituto de Ciências Exatas - Departamento de Física, Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais CEP 31270-901, Brazil, Tel 55-31-3409-5633 Fax 55-31-3409-5600 e-mail: tauamarante@gmail.com Keywords: RNA structure, Peyrard-Bishop model, Hydrogen bonding, stacking. INTRODUCTION The mismatch GU is the most common base pair besides Watson-Crick in RNA. Due to this prevalence, it is essential to study GU base pairs to understand the secondary structure of RNA. In the wobble hypothesis, Crick proposed that GU could form two hydrogen bonds similar to the canonical AU pair. It was already discovered that this motif plays an important role for recognition of some biomolecules. There are experimental evidences that the stability of internal GU mismatches depends on the neighbor context. Also, if a GU base pair is followed by another GU mismatch in tandem, the way they are arranged strongly affects the thermodynamic stability: 5'-UG-3' is more stable than 5'-GU-3'. NMR experiments of some sequences show that the symmetric tandem GU base pair may have either one or two hydrogen bonds. METHODS We study the GU mismatch with a mesoscopic model [1], using the method developed by Weber et al. [2,3] to obtain the model parameters. With this technique it is possible to investigate the hydrogen bonds and stacking interaction of GU from melting temperatures. The set of experimental data was obtained from [4]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To take into account the context of the GU mismatch, we introduce a context dependent Morse parameter D. We then perform the minimization procedure and analyze the resulting Morse potential which allowed us to estimate the amount of hydrogen bonding for the specific GU context. In our preliminary results allowing 5'-GU-3' to be distinguishable from 5'-UG-3', we observed that the value obtained for the parameter D of the Morse potential is larger for 5'-UG-3' (see table 1). This result is in agreement with the experiments which indicate that except for 5′GGUC/3′CUGG, the 5′UG/3′GU motif is more stable than 5′GU/3′UG. For most of the GU internal mismatches the predicted value for Morse D is smaller and close to the predicted value for AU, as expected according to some experiments[4]. Table 1. Morse parameter D for GU mismatches in different contexts. The underline refers to terminal pairs. GU mismatches grouped by similar contexts D (eV) AGA/UUU ; AGU/UUA; AUA/UGU; UGA/AUU 0.026 AGC/UUG;AGG/UUC; AUC/UGG; AUG/UGC; 0.038 CGA/GUU; CUA/GGU; GGA/CUU; GUA/CGU AGG/UUU; AUU/UGG; GGA/UUU; UGG/AUU 0.004 AGU/UUG;GUA/UGU 0.002 AG_/UU_;AU_/UG_;UG_/AU_; UU_/AG_ 0.057 AUG/UGU; UGA/GUU 0.032 CGC/GUG;CGG/GUC;CUC/GGG; GGC/CUG 0.034 CGG/GUU;CUU/GGG;GGC/UUG; GGG/CUU 0.036 CGU/GUG;GGU/CUG 0.019 CG_/GU_;CU_/GG_;GU_/CG_; GG_/CU_ 0.052 CUG/GGU;GUG/CGU 0.040 CONCLUSIONS Using a mesoscopic model to study the GU mismatch, we were able to estimate both the hydrogen bonds and the stacking parameters. Our results agree with the experimental measurements. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CNPq, Capes, Fapemig and INCT for Complex System ________________________________________________ [1]Peyrard M and Bishop A R 1989 Phys. Rev. Lett. 62 2755-2757 [2] Weber G, Haslam N, Whiteford N, Prügel-Bennett A, Essex J W and Neylon C 2006 Nature Physics 2 55-59 [3] Weber G, Essex J W and Neylon C 2009 Nature Physics 5 769-773 [4]Chen, J. L., Dishler, A. L., Kennedy, S. D., Yildirim, I., Liu, B., Turner, D. H., & Serra, M. J. 2012. Biochemistry, 51(16), 3508-3522.