Cell Layers
Molecular Layer
The most superficial layer
Sparsely cellular
Synaptic layer
Purkinje’s Layer
Middle layer
Discontinuous layer
Single row of cells which are o Large o Flask-shaped
Granular Layer
Receive major input into the cerebellum
Stimulatory components
Inhibitory components
Axons (parallel fibers) of Granule cells
Dendrites of Purkinje cells
Purkinje cells
Mossy fiber
Cerebellar Cortical Cell Layers
Climbing fibers
Stellate cells
Basket cells
Arise from Granule cells at the Granular layer
The axons bifurcate at this level, giving rise to 2 horizontal fibers
Generate tens to thousands of synapses with the o Purkinje cell dendrites o Stellate cells o Basket cells o Golgi cells
Arise from Inferior Olivary Nucleus of the Medulla Oblongata
Runs parallel to the dendrites of Purkinje cells
Stimulate Purkinje cells
Appears as thin black line around the dendrite of Purkinje cell in Renson’s method
Sparsely scattered
Small cell with branching of dendrites o Makes it appears like a star
Unmyelinated fibers runs parallel to the cerebellar folia
Special species of stellate cells
Close to the Purkinje cells
Axons run transversely in the molecular layer
Arborized around the Purkinje cells
Inhibit activity of Purkinje cells in coordinating muscular activity
Arises from the Purkinje cells of Purkinje layer
Each Purkinje cell gives rise to 2-3 main dendrites directed to the Molecular layer
Arborization of Purkinje cell dendrites give a distinctive characteristic of fan-shaped fibers
Purkinje cell dendrites run parallel to climbing fiber
o o o o
Give rise 2-3 dendrites
Projected to Molecular layer
Arborized into tens to thausands of smaller branching
Build synapses with
Stellate cells
Basket cells
Golgi cells
Axons of granule cells
Climbing fibers
Axons o Projected downward into Granular layer into medullary core o Marks the beginning of cerebellar outflow o Project upon
Deep cerebellar nuclei
Extracerebellar targets
Sends impulses outside the cerebellum
Inhibitory neurotransmitter always GABA
Terminations of fibers coming into the cerebellum
Olivocerebellar fiber
Granule cells
Golgi Type II cells
Fibers that constitute the Climbing fiber at the Molecular layer
The only fiber that does’nt terminate at the Granular layer
Sends axons into the Molecular layer
The axons bifurcate at the level of Molecular layer giving rise to horizontal layers
Makes synapses with o Purkinje cell dendrites o Stellate cells o Basket cells o Golgi cells
Located close to the Purkinje cells
Larger in size compared to Granule cells
Dendrites arborized at the Molecular layer
Produce synapses with Granule cells at the Gromeruli of Granule layer
In each of 10 Purkinje cells there’ll be 1 Golgi Type II cell
Molecular/Plexiform Layer
External/Outer Granular Layer
External Pyramidal Layer
Internal Granular Layer
Internal Pyramidal/Ganglionic Layer
Multiform Layer
The most superficial layer
Contains axons and dendrites of cortical neurons which are synapsing with each other
Closely packed small neuron
Contained numerous o Smaller Pyramidal/Betz cells
Shape of a pyramid
Apex directed outwards (to the
Molecular layer)
With apical dendrite runs upward
Periphery gives rise to the horizontally located basal dendrites
Multipolar in nature
Chiefly composed of Stellate cells o Stacked closely together
Medium and large sized Pyramidal/Betz cells
Intermingled with Granule cells
Contained o Fusiform cells o Various other kind of cells
Sparse nuclei cells are neuroglia, occasionally Horizontal cell of Cajal o Granule cells o Cells of Martinotti
Cerebral Cortex
Phylogenetics and Structural Division of Cerebral Cortex
The oldest part of cerebral primodial cortex
Consists only 1/12 of total cerebrum o
Limbic system o Olfactory cortex
Youngest part of cerebrum
Consists of 11/12 of total cerebrum
The most common
Makes up most of major part in o Frontal lobe o Parietal lobe o Temporal lobe
All 6 layers are developed
Difference in layer o External
Pyramidal layer o Internal Granular layer o
Pyramidal/Gangli onic layer
Mortor Cortex/Agranular
Localized at Area 4-6
(Precentral gyrus)
Sensory Cortex/Granular
Localized at
Area 3,1,2 o o
Postcentral gyrus
Area 41,42 of Temporal
Auditory cortex
Area 17-19 of Occipital lobe
Visual cortex
Molecular/Plexiform Layer
External/Outer Granular Layer
External Pyramidal Layer
Molecular/Plexiform Layer a.
Layer of Associative function b.
Cajal cells c.
Functional neurons
External/Outer Granular Layer a.
Layer of Receptory function b.
Very numerous neurons c.
Fibers i.
Projected to the molecular layer ii.
Projected a.
White matter b.
Turn back to Molecular layer d.
Golgi Type II cells
External Pyramidal Layer a.
Layer of Associative function b.
Pyramidal/Betz cells i.
Dendrites run toward Molecular layer ii.
Axons contact the Subcortical nuclei c.
Golgi Type II cells d.
Cell of Martinotti
Internal Granular Layer a.
Layer of Receptory function b.
Golgi Type II cells
Internal Pyramidal/Ganglionic Layer a.
Same to that of External Pyramidal layer
Multiform Layer a.
Irregular fusiform and Angular cells
Well developed o External Pyramidal layer o Internal Pyramidal/Ganglionic layer
Poorly developed o Internal Granular layer
Well developed o Internal Granular layer
Poorly developed o External Pyramidal layer o Internal Pyramidal/Ganglionic layer