Unit 2 Study Guide: The Northeast

Name: ________________________________ Class: 4B or 4M Date: ____________________
Study Guide: Unit 2 “The Northeast Region”
Complete this study guide by Monday, November 4. Our Unit 2 Test will be on Tuesday,
November 5.
A. How is maple syrup made? (Number 1 – 8 to put these statements in the correct order.)
Textbook page 114
_____ At the end of winter, in early Spring, the days get warmer.
_____ The syrup is bottled and sold.
_____ A metal spout is attached to the trees.
_____ Maple syrup is enjoyed on foods like French toast, pancakes, waffles, and bacon.
_____ As the days get warmer, a hole is drilled into the bark of sugar maple trees.
_____ The thickness of the syrup is checked.
_____ Sap from the trees is collected into buckets.
_____ The sap is boiled into syrup.
B. Pretend you sailed along the Atlantic Coast, starting at the north and heading south. What
features would you see as you travel? (Number 1 – 3 to put these features in the correct
order.) Textbook page 108
_____ Cape Cod peninsula in Massachusetts
_____ sandy beaches, Atlantic City & Cape May, New Jersey, and “The Jersey Shore”
_____ rocky cliffs and the lighthouses of Maine
C. How was Niagara Falls formed? (Number 1 – 5 to put these events in the correct order.)
Textbook page 105
_____ Ice began to melt.
_____ Glaciers covered the Northeast region.
_____ Niagara Falls became a tourist site & source of energy.
_____ The Niagara River plunged in to the gorge.
_____ Melting carved out the Great Lakes & the Niagara Gorge.
D. How does pollution reach the Chesapeake Bay? (Number 1 – 5 to put these events in the
correct order.) Textbook page 118
_____ In response, people and groups (like the Chesapeake Bay Foundation) try to stop
pollution & “Save the Bay!”
_____ Polluted soil washes into rivers.
_____ Factories produce waste.
_____ Pollution reaches the Chesapeake Bay, harming fish and shellfish.
_____ Waste is dumped onto land.
E. Put these events important to the Narragansett Indians in order.
(Number 1 – 7.) Textbook page 128
_____ The Narragansett lived in what is now Rhode Island.
_____ Now, every August, the Narragansett gather for an annual powwow.
_____ The Narragansett sided with other Native Americans and fought to protect their
_____ Dutch, French, and English settlers came to Rhode Island.
_____ Eventually, the Narragansett began to mistrust the European settlers.
_____ At first, the Europeans and the Narragansett were friendly with each other.
_____ In 1978, Rhode Island returned some land to the Narragansett reservation.
F. Put these events important to the beginning of the United States in order.
(Number 1 – 8.) Textbook page 131
_____ The first U.S. capital was in New York City, NY.
_____ The U.S. capital moved to Philadelphia, PA.
_____ More colonies were formed for a total of 13 colonies.
_____ The first colony was settled at Plymouth in 1620.
_____ The 13 colonies protested against England because of unfair laws and taxes.
_____ U.S. delegates wrote the Constitution in 1787.
_____ On July 4, 1776 leaders met to sign the Declaration of Independence. This was the
beginning of the United States.
_____ The U.S. capital moved to Washington D.C. and is still there!
2. Match the name of the mountain range with its correct location on a map of the
Northeast. Textbook page 98
Mountains of the Northeast Region
______ Allegheny Mountains
______ White Mountains
______ Adirondack Mountains
______ Pocono Mountains
______ Green Mountains
______ Catskill Mountains
3. Match the name of the state with its correct location on a map of the Northeast.
States of the Northeast Region
_____ Massachusetts
_____ Delaware
_____ Maine
_____ New York
_____ Maryland
_____ New Hampshire
_____ Connecticut
_____ Vermont
_____ New Jersey
_____ Rhode Island
_____ Pennsylvania
4. Match each Northeastern resource with where it is grown, produced, or found.
Textbook pages 113-119
_____ grapes
A. in quarries throughout the Northeast
_____ cranberries
B. from sugar maple trees in New
Hampshire, Vermont, and New York
_____ maple syrup
_____ seafood
_____ marble & granite
C. in vineyards near Lake Erie and the Finger
Lake region of New York
D. in bogs in Massachusetts and New Jersey
E. in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast and in
bays like Chesapeake Bay and Delaware
5. Complete the Venn Diagram describing features of the Chesapeake Bay and Shark Bay.
List at least 2 items unique to each bay and 2 more items which the bays have in common.
Textbook pages 117 – 121.
6. Match the people with a correct description. Textbook pages 117, 127, 137, 138
_____ waterman
A. a waterman who catches crabs
_____ abolitionist
B. people who fish the Chesapeake bay
_____ slave
_____ Women’s Rights leaders
C. a person who is owned as property by
another person
_____ Abolitionist leaders
D. a Native American chief
_____ sachem
E. William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick
Douglass, and Sojourner Truth
_____ crabber
F. a reformer who believed that slavery
should be erased
G. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott,
and Susan B. Anthony
7. Describe these features about the Narragansett Indians. Textbook page 127
A. Where in the Northeast did the Narragansett live?
B. What was their source of food?
C. What was their society like?
D. What type of homes did they have?
E. What was their government like?
8. What was the importance of these people in history?
A. Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth (Textbook page 137)
B. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony (Textbook page 138)
C. Roger Williams (Textbook page 128)
9. Name 2 reasons why Niagara Falls is important to the Northeast. (Textbook page 105)
10. Which two Northeastern states do not border the Atlantic Ocean? (Textbook page 108)
11. What did the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (passed in 1865) do?
Textbook page 137
12. What did the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (passed in 1920) do?
Textbook page 138
14. Write a paragraph (at least 3 sentences) to answer the following. Who do you think was
more important to the history of the Northeast: Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Frederick
Douglass? Why? (Textbook page 137-139)
Look at the vertical time line below. Then answer the questions.
15. In what year were African American men given the right to vote? __________________
16. How many years passed between the Seneca Falls Convention and the passing of the 19th
Amendment? _______________________________________________________________
17. Using the dates on the time line, do you think that it is likely that Elizabeth Cady Stanton
ever voted in an election? Why or why not? _______________________________________
Links to Vocabulary Practice and State Match Practice are listed on our 4 th grade web site: Social Studies
Vocabulary Practice: www.quizlet.com/14686774
State Match Practice: http://bensguide.gpo.gov/flash/states_game2.html