2015-16 Club Programme 11th September Opening night - Re-launch of club as Reading Camera Club A welcome to members old and new, giving a background to the name change, an introduction to the new programme, " lucky dip " competition theme selection, and a light buffet! 18th September “ My favourite images “ with John Sexton John, from Whitchurch Hill CC, shows us a selection of his wildlife and landscape photography, together with a short a/v sequence. 25th September David Sherwill ARPS presents “ From Brownie to DSLR “ Our member David shows us his new presentation. 2nd October Quarterly PDI competition no. 1 3 images per member correctly sized for projection 9th October Kenya's Masai Mara with Jacqui & Mark Bloomfield Jacqui & Mark show us images from their trips to this popular area of Africa. 16th October Club project evening Let's see how you interpreted this year's autumn project is MONOCHROME Up to 5 prints or DPIs per member. Back in vogue - how can you use this interesting medium ? * Print titles for print competition no1 should be submitted to the competition secretary tonight * 23rd October Quarterly print competition no. 1 - Open subject Up to 3 prints per member, minimum picture area 7"x5". MUST be handed in by 7.45 at the latest. 30th October Practical evening Portraiture, mounting, macro - share your skills with fellow members! More details nearer the date. 6th November Southern Counties Photographic Federation League competition. Reading CC hosts this PDI competition within our division of the Federation. 13th November “ By the Sea” with Robert Harvey Robert , making his first visit to the club, gives us an evening showing his superb seascapes. Examples can be seen at his website www.robertharvey.net. 20th November PDI competition no2 - set subject - " Going over, under and through " Think bridges, arches, tunnels - what can you find? 3 images correctly sized. 27th November An evening of digital audiovisual with Alan Copeland Regular visitor Alan shows us a mix of a/v sequences from other workers, plus hopefully some of his own. * Print titles for print competition no2 should be submitted to the competition secretary tonight * 4th December “ Print competition no. 2 - Set subject “ On the move Rules as previously 11th December “ Bulb Mode “ with Mark O'Neill Mark will focus on light painting and night photography, showing examples of his work. He will explain how he creates his shots, and explain his processing and lighting techniques. 18th December Club Christmas dinner - venue to be announced. 25th December No meeting - Happy Christmas! 1st January No meeting - Happy new year! 8th January Lucky dip evening At the opening evening everyone picked a random subject from the " lucky dip". Now's the time to see how the members interpreted their " choice " - up to 5 prints / dpis per member. All new work please - no raiding your files!! 15th January Getting the best from Adobe Lightroom with Dave Patterson Our expert member Dave gives us a demonstration of this image management software together with a question and answer session. If you have a specific question pleas, if possible, submit it to Dave two weeks before the evening. 22nd January Member's Presentations An evening of member's own work - this can be A/V presentations, talks on ( photographic ) subjects - what can you do? 29th January “ Shoot a Theme “ evening Choose your subject and produce a " storyboard " with up to 7 prints, illustrating a theme or telling a story. Maximum print size 7"x5" (18cmx13cm ) maximum entry 2 boards per member. 5th February PDI Competition no. 3 Open subject. 12th February “ Wildlife through a lens “ with Tom Way Following last season's widely-praised visit, Tom takes us on safari again, telling us tales of his travels in search of pictures. 19th February Southern Counties Photographic Federation Exhibition. 1st half - A chance to see the exhibition images shown at Salisbury recently, featuring the best work from all SCPF clubs in the South of England. 2nd half - a fun - packed quiz presented by committee members. * Print titles for print competition no3 should be submitted to the competition secretary tonight * 26th February Rules as previously Print competition no. 3 4th March “ Creative Landscape Photography “ with Slawek Staszczuk Slawek, our fourth new speaker this season, shows us how to tackle this sometimes challenging subject, with examples of his work. To see examples of his landscape photography go to www.photoss.net 11th March Brian Hodgson Trophy This year's subject – “ The shapes of nature “. Up to 3 mounted prints. 18th March “ Images in motion - filming with your DSLR” with Geoff Addis. Most modern DSLRs, and some compacts, can take movies. Geoff, a stills and video photographer, will show us what can be done using this feature. 25th March Good Friday ( No meeting ) ** JPCR 6 club battle will be held during April - date to be announced ** 1st April PDI competition no. 4 - Open subject Details as previously 8th April The Poveys present........ One of the season's most popular evenings, the twins present another evening of variety, laughter and possibly an appearance of the club's mascot! 15th April Club auction Bring along those unwanted items, photographic or otherwise, to help club funds. More details nearer the date. 22nd April Print competition no. 4 Final print competition of the season. Entry details as previous. 29th April Discussion evening. 1st half - general disscussion session, with reference to the AGM or any other topics that members may have questions or ideas about. 2nd half - Monochrome forum. How to make more use of monochrome, with advice and tips from experienced members, and a chance for members to express their views on this medium. 6th May Photograph of the year Print and PDI competition. Up to 2 entries may be entered in each category ( i.e. a total of 4 images per member ), not more than 2 entries to be entered in each category. Entries are the member's own choice from their entries for the competitions in the current season. They do not have to be highly marked, but what the member considers his / her best images of the season. 13th May The Great Outdoors ( hopefully! ) An evening spent outside the club room taking portraits or other subjects by available light. We will have coffee indoors, or transfer the session inside if the weather is not kind to us. Details to be confirmed. 20th May Annual General Meeting and trophy presentation.