facilitation video submission - The Institute for Performance and

Skill Demonstration Video Worksheet
Submission: Facilitation
Candidate Contact Information
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Date of Work Product Submission:
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Special Note: All work product submissions are shredded upon completion of the assessment.
Two written completed reference forms must accompany your work product assessment.
A digitally signed worksheet or signed scanned copy of your worksheet must accompany your work
product submission.
I certify that I am authorized to submit the enclosed materials for the purpose of the skill demonstration
portion of the CSTD certification assessment process.
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Signature of candidate
I certify that this submission is a product of my original work.
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Signature of candidate
copyright © The Institute for Performance and Learning 2015
facilitating training (30-minute video)
Preparing for your Live Skill Demonstration is a lot of work, and we want you to be successful. Before
starting this worksheet, you should read Competencies for Training and Development
Professionals© CSTD, pages 49-59 on Facilitating Training.
We have designed this worksheet to help you:
● Select content that meets all the requirements for the skill demonstration
● Include all the relevant documentation with your submission
● Show how you addressed all the quality criteria
Selecting a project that meets the criteria
Your video skill demonstration cannot last more than 30 minutes. Therefore, you need to select content
that allows you to demonstrate or comment on each of the Key Outputs identified in this WORKSHEET.
You may take a module from a course that you currently deliver to adults or design a business
focused course content specifically for this session as long as it gives you the opportunity to
evaluate learner achievement of learning objectives.
You will notice that the WORKSHEET has questions on it that have to be answered directly on the
Follow the WORKSHEET closely; it outlines exactly what’s required and the level of detail.
For example, your video facilitation session must demonstrate a brief formal welcome to training, group
discussion, addressing learner questions and comments, assessment of individual learner performance
and so on. We have shaded the Key Outputs that are mandatory and must be met for a successful
Showing how you addressed the quality criteria
From your written
answers in your
Go through the worksheet page by page and answer all the questions. On
some pages, you will be asked to provide a reference to your material, in
others you will be asked to provide a clear description of how you met the
quality criteria.
Include all the relevant documentation via a Drop Box
For the Facilitating Live Skill Submission via a Drop Box account, I have included:
● My chronological resume, with titles and dates
● Two reference forms fully completed
● A digitally signed or scanned copy of my worksheet
● A completed copy of my worksheet, saved as Facilitating Training Video WPS MY NAME.doc
copyright © The Institute for Performance and Learning 2015
facilitating training (30-minute video)
● My worksheet includes clear references to the location of specific information, as requested on
the pages of this form (The assessment team must be able to skip through your materials and
quickly locate the specific information you are referencing)
● All supporting documents are clearly labelled and attached to the following areas labelled as
Prepare to Facilitate
Create Learning Environment
Engage Learners
Foster Learning
Assess Learning
Please note: Paper files or email of files will not be accepted for your work product submission.
Provide Drop Box Link for Submission
Email certification@performanceandlearning.ca with the access link to your Drop Box account. Please
note the submission dates that apply.
Cancellation Policy
Scheduled work product submission dates that are cancelled with less than 30 days’ notice will be
subject to a cancellation fee.
copyright © The Institute for Performance and Learning 2015
facilitating training (30-minute video)
On the following pages of this form, you are asked to provide specific references to your recording, as
well as a clear concise description of how your demonstration meets the quality criteria. You’ll find an
example of a completed section in this worksheet.
Proposed Agenda for the 30-minute Video Skill Demo
Please provide an outline that accounts for the full 30-minutes of your demonstration. Refer to the
Certification Essentials, Writing Clear Learning Objectives job aid for support on writing effective
learning objectives and determining related activities.
Corresponding Learning Objective
1 min
Welcome participants and walk through
10 min
Walk through the feedback model using
Test for understanding using examples on PPTs
Given examples, participants can distinguish
objective from subjective verbal feedback.
15 min
Participants work individually to write feedback
Participants share examples and get coaching
Based on a personal situation, participants
write and deliver feedback following the
4 min
Participants share their insights in full group
Based on the session, participants identify
one personal insight about giving verbal
Corresponding Learning Objective
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copyright © The Institute for Performance and Learning 2015
facilitating training (30-minute video)
Example of completed section of the worksheet:
Key Output
Positioning of
(See the
Transfer of
section of the
for more
Quality Criteria
a. Learning content, examples and activities linked to job and organization
b. Importance of transfer activities positioned during training
c. Job aids and other relevant resources incorporated into training
For this Key Output, you will need to provide an example from a training program you have
facilitated where transfer of learning was an essential element of the solution.
Briefly describe the performance requirement(s) and the learning objectives.
I facilitate a half-day coaching program for Contact Centre Team Leaders where transfer of learning
is important.
The performance outcome is:
Given specific information from the Call Quality Group, conduct 15 minute coaching sessions with
service reps, following the 5 key steps of coaching.
The overall learning objective is:
Given information about the quality of a recent call, conduct a 15 minute coaching session in a roleplay with a colleague, following the 5 key steps of coaching.
Briefly describe how you linked content, examples and activities to the job and organization
requirements during training:
The examples I use throughout the session are based on my own experience as a Team Leader. The
role plays are based on realistic situations and during the debrief, I ask participants how they will
apply their learning with their team in the workplace.
Briefly describe how you positioned transfer activities during training:
After each section of the course, I provide time for participants to make notes in their action plans. I
also ensure there’s time at the end of the course for them to consolidate their plans, and then have
everyone commit to actions they will take over the next two weeks.
Briefly describe how you incorporated job aids or other relevant resources into training:
I make sure they use the job aid to prepare for and debrief the role plays, and suggest they continue
to use it to prepare and reflect on real coaching sessions back in the workplace.
copyright © The Institute for Performance and Learning 2015
facilitating training (30-minute video)
Context for Selected Project
Organization: Click here to enter text.
Please indicate whether the program was designed by you, or someone else. If someone else,
please include their name and title or role.
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Please provide a brief description of the background for the Training
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 1
Prepare to Facilitate
Key Output
Quality Criteria
Alignment of
training with
a. Client and training designer advised if learning objectives not aligned with desired
performance outcomes
b. Client and training designer advised if learning activities do not provide content
and practice to support achievement of learning objectives
Describe how you determined that training was aligned with desired performance outcomes:
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 2
Prepare to Facilitate
Key Output
Quality Criteria
a. Appropriate facilities and resources booked and organized
b. Learners and supervisors notified of administrative arrangements
c. Instructions for setting up and closing classroom and labs documented
d. Learner materials prepared
Indicate the specific location(s) in your materials where the administrative arrangements are
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Describe specifically how you ensured learners and supervisors were advised of administrative
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 3
Prepare to Facilitate
Key Output
Quality Criteria
a. Back-up plan in place in the event of disruption to training delivery
Indicate the specific location(s) in your materials where the back-up plan is documented:
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If back-up plan is not documented, briefly describe your contingency plan:
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 4
Create Learning Environment
Key Output
Quality Criteria
(classroom or
a. Arranged to specifications in facilitator materials
b. Available prior to commencement of training
c. Virtual classroom operates as expected with all materials pre-loaded 
Describe specifically how you ensured the learning environment was ready for training:
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 5
Create Learning Environment
Key Output
Quality Criteria
a. Welcome appropriate to learners and content of training
b. Welcome encourages learner interaction
to training
c. Learning objectives presented and clarified
d. Welcome clearly identifies responsibilities for training
e. Ground rules established and agreed to by the group
Welcome includes administrative information
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you welcome learners to training:
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Describe specifically how your welcome met the quality criteria:
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Create Learning Environment
Key Output
Management of
disruptive or
Quality Criteria
a. Response is fair and respectful
b. Response is appropriate and timely
c. Response is effective in reducing or eliminating disruptive or counterproductive behaviour
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where the output is demonstrated:
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Describe specifically how your management of disruptive or counterproductive behaviour met
the quality criteria:
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Describe specifically how your management of disruptive or counterproductive behaviour met
the quality criteria:
● What was the question or concern?
● How did you respond?
● What impact did it have on the report and recommendations?
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 7
Engage Learners
Key Output
Quality Criteria
a. Content delivered as designed, using appropriate methods and activities
b. Delivery of content does not reduce time designed for practice
Delivery of
c. Language, including examples, clear and appropriate for learners
d. Bridges and transitions clear and link sections appropriately
e. Non-verbal communication supports learner interaction
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you demonstrated use of language and
examples that were clear and appropriate for the learners. Briefly describe what you did.
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Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you bridged or transitioned between sections
or topics. Briefly describe what you did.
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Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you demonstrated use of non-verbal
communication to support learner interaction. Briefly describe what you did.
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Describe specifically how you ensured delivery of content did not reduce time designed for
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 8
Engage Learners
Key Output
Quality Criteria
Facilitation of
differences and
a. Differences encouraged to enhance learning of individuals and the group
b. Differences handled with composure and respect for individuals and the group
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where a group discussion is demonstrated.
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Describe specifically how you ensured group discussions met the quality criteria:
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 9
Engage Learners
Key Output
Quality Criteria
a. Questions encouraged to enhance learning of individuals and the group
Learner questions
and comments
b. Questions acknowledged and paraphrased to ensure understanding
c. Questions answered or deferred, as appropriate
d. Facilitator verifies that response addresses the learner’s question
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where your handling of learner questions and
comments is demonstrated:
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Describe specifically how you met the quality criteria when handling learner questions and
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 10
Engage Learners
Key Output
Quality Criteria
Facilitation of
differences and
c. Differences encouraged to enhance learning of individuals and the group
d. Differences handled with composure and respect for individuals and the group
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you encounter differences or controversy:
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Describe specifically how you met the quality criteria while handling differences or controversy:
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If you did not encounter differences or controversy, briefly describe a previous experience:
● What was the situation?
● How did you respond?
● What was the result?
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 11
Engage Learners
Key Output
Quality Criteria
Visual aids,
equipment and
online tools
a. Visual aids, equipment and tools used effectively to support achievement of
learning objectives, and in accordance with design and operating instructions
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where your use of visual aids, equipment or online
tools is demonstrated:
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Foster Learning
Key Output
Quality Criteria
a. Facilitator demonstrates understanding of content, organization and learners’
b. Learners acknowledge facilitator’s qualifications and credibility
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you established your credibility:
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 13
Foster Learning
Key Output
Quality Criteria
a. Instructions for activities and practice clearly presented
Activities and
b. Activities and practice linked to learning objectives
c. Activities and practice debriefed to reinforce learning
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where activities and practice are demonstrated:
Click here to enter text.
Describe specifically how you linked activities and practice to the learning objectives:
Click here to enter text.
Describe specifically how you debriefed activities and practice to reinforce learning:
Click here to enter text.
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facilitating training (30-minute video) | 14
Foster Learning
Key Output
Positioning of
transfer activities
Quality Criteria
a. Learning content, examples and activities linked to job and organization
b. Importance of transfer activities positioned during training
c. Job aids and other relevant resources incorporated into training
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you demonstrate linking content, examples
and activities to the job and organization requirements. Briefly describe what you did.
Click here to enter text.
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you positioned transfer activities during
training. Briefly describe what you did.
Click here to enter text.
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you incorporated job aids or other relevant
resources into training. Briefly describe what you did.
Click here to enter text.
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Assessing Learning
Key Output
Quality Criteria
Assessment of
individual learner
a. Individual learner performance assessed against each learning objective
b. Individual learner performance assessed as designed
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where individual learner performance is assessed:
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Describe two examples of how you assessed learner performance against specific learning
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Assessing Learning
Key Output
Feedback and
coaching on
provided to
Quality Criteria
a. Specific, balanced, constructive and respectful
b. Related to learning objectives
c. Provides corrective action where required
Indicate the specific location(s) in your video where you provide feedback and coaching:
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Describe specifically why the feedback and coaching were specific, balanced, constructive and
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Describe specifically how you related feedback and coaching to the learning objectives:
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