CLINICAL ETHICS SERVICE REFERRAL FORM 3A FERTILITY PRESERVATION (Pre-Pubertal) CHECKLIST 1. Pre-pubertal child – use Referral Form 3A (FP Pre-pubertal) attached 2. Post-pubertal – use Checklist below If one or more items ticked below, clinical ethics meeting will be held - use Referral Form 3B (FP Postpubertal) If no items ticked, no clinical ethics referral needed, no meeting required. The procedure will delay or interfere with the cancer treatment The procedure is itself of greater than usual risk (eg because of a co-morbidity) The procedure has a significant risk of not leaving one gonad intact (eg if the child has only one gonad) The risk of loss of fertility due to chemotherapy is low The potential for retrieving tissue that might be useable in the future is lower than usual, for any reason The treatment for cancer is not being undertaken with the intent of cure or long-term survival The child or adolescent is unlikely to be able to use any stored tissue for fertility purposes in the future, but parents still want the procedure done The child or adolescent objects to having the fertility preservation procedure, but parents still want to go ahead The parents are unwilling to inform the child or adolescent about the procedure (where developmentally appropriate to inform), but want the procedure done. Any treating clinician has an ethical question or concern about the procedure 1 Referral Form 3A (FP Pre-pubertal) v1 May 2015 REFERRAL FORM 3A FERTILITY PRESERVATION PRE-PUBERTAL 1. Child Name, DoB and UR: Male 2. Date of referral: Female / / 3. Treating clinician and contact person (if different): 4. Diagnosis: Please briefly answer the following questions: 1. What is the level of risk to fertility due to chemotherapy/radiotherapy? Is the risk sufficient to justify doing the procedure? 2. Is the treatment for cancer or other condition being undertaken with the intent and reasonable expectation of cure or long-term survival? 3. Does the child have a condition which raises significant questions about their capacity to use the stored tissue for fertility purposes in the future? 4. Will the procedure delay or interfere with treatment for the presenting condition? 5. What risks are associated with the procedure? - is it greater than minimal risk for this child? (eg because of a co-morbidity which makes the procedure more risky than usual or child has only one gonad) Is the risk low enough to justify doing the procedure? Consider short term risks and long-term risks 2 Referral Form 3A (FP Pre-pubertal) v1 May 2015 6. What impact will the procedure have on the child short-term (pain, discomfort, psychological effects) – is there anything about this child which might exacerbate negative short-term effects? 7. Is there reduced potential for retrieving viable tissue from this child? (eg damage to gonadal tissue by previous treatment or the underlying condition) 8. Do the parents have a good understanding that: (a) the procedure will not guarantee fertility in the future, but simply offers a possibility, dependent on future technology, and (b) that it has some degree of risk? (Was the Fertility Preservation Toolkit used?) 9. (a) If the child is old enough to understand the procedure, even in basic terms, has the procedure been explained to the child? (b) Does the child have objections or worries? 10. Any other relevant matters: Please email referrals to: Clinical Ethicist, Lynn Gillam, at,au, and Cc to: Team Leader, Jenny Hynson, at and Ethics Project Officer, Karen Fellows, at Office use only Date of clinical ethics review: ____ / ____ / ____ Reviewed by: ……………………………………………………………………… Outcome: Procedure is ethically appropriate More information needed CERG meeting needed Notify Karen Fellows 3 Referral Form 3A (FP Pre-pubertal) v1 May 2015