Bedroom #1 Responsibilities

Bedroom #1 Responsibilities
To Be Completed By CPH Staff
Apartment #_____________
Amount Due _________
Keys Returned ________
By signing this I understand I am released from my
lease and the following applies
Refund to me: $____________________
Amount Due to CPH: $_________________
Signature: ___________________________Date _____________
CPH Signature: _______________________ Date ___________
Tenant Column: to be filled out by the Resident
Manager Column: to be filled out by the Manager.
Are there any stains or excessively dirty areas on the carpet?
Are the walls damaged in any way? Explain:
Clean the inside of the window including the tracts.
Wipe down the blinds, (No dust or dirt)
Clean the light fixture (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced)
Clean the desk top and drawers (inside drawers clean and free of debris)
Wipe down the chair (One (1) chair must be in the room)
Vacuum the room (Including closet, under the bed and in the corners)
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean the vent
Clean walls of all scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Clean both sides of the door and frame with soapy water (Remove tape, stickers, etc.)
Additional Bedroom Notes:
Living Room
Are there any stains or excessively dirty areas on the carpet?
Are the walls damaged in any way? Explain:
Clean the inside of the window including the tracts.
Wipe down the blinds, (No dust or dirt)
Clean the light fixture (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced)
Remove garbage from the couch cushions
Vacuum the room (Including under the couches and in the corners)
Wipe down (1) coffee table and (2) end tables. (all must be in the living room)
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean the living room vent (vent and wall around it must be white)
Clean walls of all scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Clean both sides of the front door & frame. (Remove tape, stickers, etc.)
Sweep entry to edge of stairs and middle of both hallways. (no litter/debris)
Additional Living Room Notes:
Stove, Ventilation Hood, Microwave and Oven
Thoroughly clean the surface of the ventilation hood (under microwave)
Clean inside the microwave including roof and microwave plate
Thoroughly clean outside of the microwave including the door strip
Clean coils and drip pans thoroughly
Wipe down the entire surface of the stove removing all grease and spots
Clean the drawer underneath the oven
Pull out the drawer and clean the floor underneath the oven
Follow instructions of your individual oven cleaner to clean the oven and racks
Additional Area Notes:
*** All items must be thoroughly cleaned. Items found dirty/unsatisfactory at inspection will be charged a $7
per item cleaning fee.
Bedroom #2 Responsibilities
To Be Completed By CPH Staff
Apartment #_____________
Amount Due ___________
Keys Returned ________
By signing this I understand I am released from my lease
and the following applies
Refund to me: $____________________
Amount Due to CPH: $_________________
Signature: ___________________________ Date __________
CPH Signature: _______________________ Date __________
Tenant Column: to be filled out by the Resident
Manager Column: to be filled out by the Manager.
Are there any stains or excessively dirty areas on the carpet?
Are the walls damaged in any way? Explain:
Clean the inside of the window including the tracts.
Wipe down the blinds, (No dust or dirt)
Clean the light fixture (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced)
Clean the desk top and drawers (inside drawers clean and free of debris)
Wipe down the chair (One (1) chair must be in the room)
Vacuum the room (Including closet, under the bed and in the corners)
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean the vent
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Clean both sides of the door and frame with soapy water (Remove tape, stickers, etc.)
Additional Bedroom Notes:
Vanity Area #1
Clean light fixture _______ #Bulbs need replaced
Clean the pipes under each sink
Clean the mirror with glass cleaner (There should be no spots or streaks)
Scrub the entire surface of countertop removing all dirt and grime
Scrub faucets, drains and sink (Should shine showing no hard H2O/SOS pads work)
Clean the inside and outside of ALL vanity area drawers
Wipe down the baseboard stripping
Sweep and mop the vanity area, scrubbing where necessary
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean walls of all scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Additional Vanity Area #1 Notes:
Refrigerator #1 – closest to the sink
Clean out refrigerator items discarding ALL spoiled food and arrange items
Clean ALL shelves and drawers thoroughly
Clean the interior fridge walls and inside the door of the fridge
Clean out the freezer and arrange items
Thoroughly clean inside of the freezer
Thoroughly clean the door strips (No crumbs or debris should be left)
Wipe down the outside surface of the refrigerator. (Top, Doors and Sides)
Additional Refrigerator #1 Notes:
*** All items must be thoroughly cleaned. Items found dirty/unsatisfactory at inspection will be charged a $7
per item cleaning fee.
Bedroom #3 Responsibilities
To Be Completed By CPH Staff
Apartment #_____________
Amount Due ___________
Keys Returned ________
By signing this I understand I am released from my lease
and the following applies
Refund to me: $____________________
Amount Due to CPH: $_________________
Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________________
CPH Signature: _______________________ Date: _________________
Tenant Column: to be filled out by the Resident
Manager Column: to be filled out by the Manager.
Are there any stains or excessively dirty areas on the carpet?
Are the walls damaged in any way? Explain:
Clean the inside of the window including the tracts.
Wipe down the blinds, (No dust or dirt)
Clean the light fixture (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced)
Clean the desk top and drawers (inside drawers clean and free of debris)
Wipe down the chair (One (1) chair must be in the room)
Vacuum the room (Including closet, under the bed and in the corners)
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean the vent
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Clean both sides of the door and frame with soapy water (Remove tape, stickers, etc.)
Additional Bedroom Notes:
Bathroom #1
Are the shower curtain liner and rings present? (Campus Park Housing Property)
Clean light fixture. ______ #Bulbs need replaced
Thoroughly clean the vents (2 vents should be white)
Wipe down the towel rack/hooks and toilet paper dispenser
Wipe down the closet shelves and arrange the closet
Wipe down the door frame and both sides of the door
Clean the bathtub removing ALL dirt, grime, and soap scum
Clean the shower head/handle (Should shine showing no hard H2O/SOS pads work)
Scrub and disinfect the entire toilet
Get rid of any ring in the toilet (Use a pumice stone)
Wipe down the baseboard stripping
Sweep and mop the bathroom, scrubbing where necessary
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Additional Bathroom #1 Notes:
Coat Closet – In the Kitchen
Remove ALL items and discard of any garbage. Organize any items returned to closet
Wipe down the door frame and both sides of the door
Wipe down baseboards and closet walls
Sweep and scrub the closet floor
Sweep back entry of apartment to the stains and middle of the hallway. (no litter/debris)
Additional Coat Closet Notes:
*** All items must be thoroughly cleaned. Items found dirty/unsatisfactory at inspection will be charged a $7
per item cleaning fee.
Bedroom #4 Responsibilities
To Be Completed By CPH Staff
Apartment #_____________
Amount Due ___________
Keys Returned ________
By signing this I understand I am released from my lease
and the following applies
Refund to me: $____________________
Amount Due to CPH: $_________________
Signature: ___________________________Date:_________________
CPH Signature: _______________________Date: ______________
Tenant Column: to be filled out by the Resident
Manager Column: to be filled out by the Manager.
Are there any stains or excessively dirty areas on the carpet?
Are the walls damaged in any way? Explain:
Clean the inside of the window including the tracts.
Wipe down the blinds, (No dust or dirt)
Clean the light fixture (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced)
Clean the desk top and drawers (inside drawers clean and free of debris)
Wipe down the chair (One (1) chair must be in the room)
Vacuum the room (Including closet, under the bed and in the corners)
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean the vent
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Clean both sides of the door and frame with soapy water (Remove tape, stickers, etc.)
Additional Bedroom Notes:
Are the walls damaged in any way? Explain:
Are the cabinets damaged in any way? Explain:
Thoroughly clean the ceiling and wall vents (2 vents should be white)
Clean the (2) light fixtures (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced)
Clean the tops of the upper cabinets. (Clean to the touch, free of dirt and grease)
Clean inside the cabinets. (These should be clean of debris and marks)
Scrub the countertops
Scrub the sink to a shine. (Pour bleach down the garage disposal to sanitize it)
Clean inside of the dishwasher. (No debris should be inside the door frame)
Wipe down the outside of the dishwasher
Wipe down (1) table and (6) chairs (ALL must be in kitchen)
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Sweep and mop the kitchen floor, scrubbing where necessary
Additional Kitchen Notes:
Clean the light fixture (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced)
Wipe down ALL shelves and organize items
Wipe down baseboard stripping
Wipe down pantry door and door frame
Clean walls of all scuff marks, dirt, grease, etc.
Sweep and mop the pantry floor, scrubbing where necessary
Additional Pantry Notes:
*** All items must be thoroughly cleaned. Items found dirty/unsatisfactory at inspection will be charged a $7
per item cleaning fee.
Bedroom #5 Responsibilities
To Be Completed By CPH Staff
Apartment #_____________
Amount Due ___________
Keys Returned ________
By signing this I understand I am released from my
lease and the following applies
Refund to me: $____________________
Amount Due to CPH: $_________________
Signature: ___________________________Date ______________
CPH Signature: ______________________Date _____________
Tenant Column: to be filled out by the Resident
Manager Column: to be filled out by the Manager.
Are there any stains or excessively dirty areas on the carpet?
Are the walls damaged in any way? Explain:
Clean the inside of the window including the tracts.
Wipe down the blinds, (No dust or dirt)
Clean the light fixture (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced
Clean the desk top and drawers (inside drawers clean and free of debris)
Wipe down the chair (One (1) chair must be in the room)
Vacuum the room (Including closet, under the bed and in the corners)
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean the vent
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Clean both sides of the door and frame with soapy water (Remove tape, stickers, etc.)
Additional Bedroom Notes:
Vanity Area #2
Clean light fixture _______ #Bulbs need replaced
Clean the pipes under each sink
Clean the mirror with glass cleaner (There should be no spots or streaks)
Scrub the entire surface of countertop removing all dirt and grime
Scrub faucets, drains and sink (Should shine showing no hard H2O/SOS pads work)
Clean the inside and outside of ALL vanity area drawers
Wipe down the baseboard stripping
Sweep and mop the vanity area, scrubbing where necessary
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Additional Vanity Area #2 Notes:
Refrigerator #2 – Closest to the pantry
Clean out refrigerator items discarding ALL spoiled food and arrange items
Clean ALL shelves and drawers thoroughly
Clean the interior fridge walls and inside the door of the fridge
Clean out the freezer and arrange items
Thoroughly clean inside of the freezer
Thoroughly clean the door strips (No crumbs or debris should be left)
Wipe down the outside surface of the refrigerator. (Top, Doors and Sides)
Additional Refrigerator #2 Notes:
*** All items must be thoroughly cleaned. Items found dirty/unsatisfactory at inspection will be charged a $7
per item cleaning fee.
Bedroom #6 Responsibilities
To Be Completed By CPH Staff
Apartment #_____________
Amount Due ___________
Keys Returned ________
By signing this I understand I am released from my lease and
the following applies
Refund to me: $____________________
Amount Due to CPH: $_________________
Signature: ___________________________Date ______________
CPH Signature: ______________________Date _____________
Tenant Column: to be filled out by the Resident
Manager Column: to be filled out by the Manager.
Are there any stains or excessively dirty areas on the carpet?
Are the walls damaged in any way? Explain:
Clean the inside of the window including the tracts.
Wipe down the blinds, (No dust or dirt)
Clean the light fixture (Inside and Out) ______ #Bulbs need replaced
Clean the desk top and drawers (inside drawers clean and free of debris)
Wipe down the chair (One (1) chair must be in the room)
Vacuum the room (Including closet, under the bed and in the corners)
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean the vent (This should be white)
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Clean both sides of the door and frame with soapy water (Remove tape, stickers, etc.)
Additional Bedroom Notes:
Bathroom #2
Are the shower curtain liner and rings present? (Campus Park Housing Property)
Clean light fixture. ______ #Bulbs need replaced
Thoroughly clean the vents (2 vents should be white)
Wipe down the towel rack/hooks and toilet paper dispenser
Wipe down the closet shelves and arrange the closet
Wipe down the door frame and both sides of the door
Clean the bathtub removing ALL dirt, grime, and soap scum
Clean the shower head/handle (Should shine showing no hard H2O/SOS pads work)
Scrub and disinfect the entire toilet
Get rid of any ring in the toilet (Use a pumice stone)
Wipe down the baseboard stripping
Sweep and mop the bathroom, scrubbing where necessary
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, doors, ceiling, etc.
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Additional Bathroom #2 Notes
Clean light fixture. ______ #Bulbs need replaced
Clean hallway vent (This should be white)
Wipe down the baseboards
Remove ALL nails, pictures, adhesive, etc. from walls, ceiling, etc.
Clean walls of ALL scuff marks, dirt, etc.
Sweep and mop the hallway, scrubbing where necessary
Wipe down the door frame and both sides of the back door
Additional Hallway Notes:
*** All items must be thoroughly cleaned. Items found dirty/unsatisfactory at inspection will be charged a $7
per item cleaning fee.