Unit 1: Foundations- Beginnings through Reconstruction Time Spent HSCEs 10-12 Days F1 F2 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. How has the idea of freedom influenced the changing character of American political society prior to 1877? 2. How has America responded to challenges brought about by geographic, economic, and demographic changes in America prior to 1877? 3. How has America’s foundational values and principles influenced US foreign policy positions and America’s relations with the world prior to 1877? Important Terms Amendments Civil liberties Equality Federalism Inalienable rights Independence Judicial review Nationalism Oppression Popular sovereignty Primary and secondary source documents Republican government Sectionalism Benchmark F.1.1a F.1.1b F.1.1c F.1.1d F.1.1e F.1.2a F.1.2b F.1.2c F.1.2d F.1.2e F.1.2f F.2.1a F.2.1b F.2.1c F.2.1d F.2.1e F.2.1f F.2.1g U.S. History 2010 - LPS Correlation to Current Text Pages Adequate 55-58 Yes 69-75, 86-109 Yes 100-101 Yes 186 Yes 190-194 Yes 48-55, 68-77 Yes 78-80 Yes Federalists vs. AntiFederalists 108-109 80-81 122-123 120-123, 133-141, 953 33-36,124-127, 144151, 164-171 36 22-32, 134-135 35-36 124-125, 144-149 121,123, 136-141, 179 NO Yes Yes NO (early America’s role is lacking) Yes Yes NO (demographic/pop. Changes are missing) Yes Yes Yes Yes Unit 2: Growth of Industrial and Urban America Time Spent HSCEs 14-16 days 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. How did geography, technology, people, and government cause the growth of industrial and urban America? 2. How did industrialization and immigration transform life in the early 20th century and affect the meaning of freedom in American society? 3. How did the growth of an industrial and urban America help shape the meaning of freedom and equality? Important Terms Disparity of wealth Ethnicity Historical narrative Immigration Industrialization Labor movements Mechanization Migration Populism Social Darwinism Urbanization Correlation to Old Text Benchmark Pages Adequate 6.1.1a 365 NO 6.1.1b 257-260; 263Yes 266 6.1.1c 246-247 NO 6.1.1d 6.1.1e 266; 274-275 256-259 6.1.1f 252-254; 246249; 298-302 262-269 235-239; 255256 247 (map); 254(map) 252-254; 254 (map) 282-283 (map) 311-312 6.1.2a 6.1.2b 6.1.3a 6.1.3b 6.1.3c 6.1.3d 6.1.3e 6.1.4 6.1.5a 6.1.5b 6.1.5c 6.1.5d 274(story); 284-287(?); 289; 303-305; 312-313 Grossly insufficient 275-279 Not found Not found 305 (scant information) Not found Yes (inadequate coverage of govt. economic policies) Yes Yes Yes NO Y/N? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 6.1.5e 6.1.5f 305 441-442 NO NO Unit 3: Progressivism and Reform Time Spent 14-16 days HSCEs 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. How was the Progressive Movement a reaction to changes that took place in the United States during 1877-1915? 2. How does the automobile industry provide an example of the causes and consequences of major industrial transformations in America? 3. How successful was the Progressive Movement in addressing concerns facing Americans? Important Terms amendments conservation direct democracy federalism laissez-faire philosophy muckraking Progressivism reform movements regulatory legislation social issues/ social problems suffrage movement Benchmark 6.3.1 6.3.2a Correlation to Old Text Page #s 341-347 336, 356-358, 484 Adequate Yes Yes 6.3.2b 6.3.2c 260, 341-345, 349, 355 Supreme Court role in reforms Yes NO 6.3.2d 287, 331-332, 344-347, 354 Yes 6.3.2e 219, 235-239, 269, 276-279, 291-293 Yes 6.3.2f 274-287, 309-313 Yes 6.3.3 109, 338-340, 354-359 Yes Unit 4: Becoming a World Power Time Spent HSCEs 14-16 days 6.2.1 6.2.3 6.2.4 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. Why does the U.S. emerge as a world power at the turn of the century? 2. How did U.S. involvement in World War I affect the nation? 3. How was World War I and the controversy surrounding Wilson’s plan for peace indicative of instability in the world and disputes at home? Important Terms alliances annexation civil liberties imperialism internationalism isolationism militarism national interest nationalism neutrality yellow journalism Benchmark 6.2.1 6.2.2 Correlation to Old Text Pages Adequate 364-387 Yes 394-408 Yes 6.2.3 409-416, 430-435 6.2.4 417-421 NO (women’s suffrage is not explained as a result of WWI) Yes Unit 5: Great Depression and New Deal (Growing Crisis of Industrial Capitalism and Responses) Time Spent HSCEs 17-19 days 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. How did changes in society manifest themselves in cultural conflict? 2. How could the Great Depression have been avoided? (How did economic, environmental, political, and social choices in the early 1900s contribute to the Great Depression?) 3. How did the responses to the Great Depression represent a fundamental shift in the role of government in American life? Important Terms checks and balances consumerism depression economic indicators executive power fundamentalism judicial review limited government nativism social conflict social welfare Correlation to Old Text Benchmark Pages Adequate 7.1.1a 7.1.1b 7.1.2a 7.1.2b 7.1.2c 7.1.3a 7.1.3b 7.1.3c 468-477 452-457, 458-463 437, 489, 444-445, 482-489, 490-492 490-494 495-499 504-508, 511-516, 515 (chart), 531-535 508-510, 529-531 531-535 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unit 6: World War II Time Spent 18-20 days HSCEs 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. How did nationalism and isolationism influence the escalation of global conflict? 2. How did America’s involvement in World War II affect the war abroad and life at home? 3. How and why did individuals, nations and the international community respond to the Holocaust as they did? Important Terms appeasement civil liberties communism constitutional authority expansionism fascism genocide/Holocaust home front internment isolationism militarism mobilization nationalism nuclear age propaganda Correlation to Old Text Benchmark Pages Adequate 7.2.1 C. 16 S. 1&2 N/A 7.2.1a 542, 548NO- No Munich 553 Agreement 7.2.1b 544-545 Yes 7.2.1c 7.2.1d 7.2.2 546, 559562 564-565 578-593 7.2.3 7.2.3a C.17 S.1& 4 570-577 7.2.3b 571, 573 7.2.3c 7.2.3d C.17 S.1 600-601 7.2.4 554-558 Yes Yes NO- No real talk about Three Alliance N/A Yes NO- Role of women- Limited on military & labor Yes NO- do not feel it is adequate to cover issue NO- all specifics are vague or non-existent i.e. No est. of state of Israel Unit 7: Cold War Time Spent HSCEs 17 days 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. Why did conflicting ideologies and world views result in the Cold War? 2. How successful was the United State’s response to the threat of communism at home and abroad? 3. How did post-war prosperity and fears of communism result in demographic shifts in the United States? Important Terms United Nations Satellite Nations Containment Iron curtain Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift NATO Korean War Blacklists McCarthyism Brinkmanship Warsaw Pact U-2 Incident Eisenhower Doctrine Domino theory Ho Chi Minh Trail Tonkin Gulf Resolution Napalm Agent Orange Search and Destroy Credibility Gap Tet Offensive Vietnamization Vietcong Flexible response War Powers Berlin Wall Correlation to Old Text Benchmarks Pages Adequate 8.1.1a 8.1.1b 8.1.1c 8.1.2a 8.1.2b 8.1.2c 8.1.2d 8.1.2e 8.1.2f 8.1.3 606-609 592, 607608 610, 612, 626-627 Creation of American nat’l security agencies 615-618 611-612, 672676 722-755 626, 838-841 (Proxy wars severely lacking) 791-792 836-841 Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Unit 8: In the Midst of the Cold War: Civil Rights and Other Domestic Policies Time Spent HSCEs 17 days 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. How did the post-war era and the international context provide fertile ground for the civil rights movement? 2. How did individuals and groups use political, legal, and social pressure to realize the promises of the United States as reflected in our foundational documents? 3. How did socio-economic factors influence the course of the Civil Rights movement and the domestic agenda? Important Terms G.I. Bill of Rights Suburbs Baby boom Consumerism Planned obsolescence Beat movement Urban renewal New Frontier Warren Commission Great Society Benchmark 8.2.1 8.2.2a 8.2.2b Brown v. Board of Education SCLC SNCC De jure segregation De facto segregation Black Power Silent Majority Dove Hawk New Left Equal Rights Amendment Feminism Counterculture Détente OPEC SALT I Watergate Impeachment Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.3.1a 8.3.1b 8.3.1c 8.3.1d 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 Correlation to Old Text Pages Adequate 650-651, 834NO (completely lacks maps, 835, 880-883 charts and date to show the changes of this standard) 619-624 NO (other topics touched on but not enough to meet needs of students) 639 NO (no discussion of the 22nd Amendment except in the Constitution section, No Nat’l Defense Act and Inadequate federal highway act 686, 822-823 NO (nothing in the book comparing the three) 689,735-740, Yes 771-777, 793797 596-599, 697 Yes 698 Yes 698-710, 711Yes 717 NONE NO NONE NO 768-771, 830Yes 831, 894-895 760-767, 831833 Yes 711-712, 715717, 896-899 Yes Unit 9: America in the a New Global Age Time Spent HSCEs 17 days 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.3.1 Essential Questions (Objectives) 1. How has the United States contributed to and been affected by globalization? 2. How have modern social, economic, technological factors influenced United States’ interactions in the global community? 3. How has American politics and diplomacy shifted in the Post Cold War world? Important Terms New Right Conservative coalition Moral majority Supply-side economics Strategic Defensive Initiative NAFTA General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Dotcom/Internet Information Super Highway Correlation to Old Text Benchmark Pages Adequate 9.1.1 NONE NO 9.1.2a 818-821, 822Yes 826 9.1.2b 819-820 NO 9.1.2c 849-851 NO 9.1.2d NONE NO 9.1.2e NONE NO 9.2.1 840-841, 849, NO 878-879 9.2.2 NONE NO 9.3a 9.3b 9.3c 9.3d 9.3e 9.3f 9.3g 878-879 (No info post 1997) 853-857 (no info post 1997) 851, 896-899 (no info post 1997) 864-865 (no info post 1997) 827, 851, 862, 892-893 (no info post 1997) 829, 863-864, 888-891 (no info post 1997) 831-833 (no info post 1997) NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 2/18/2016