2013 Annual Meeting Minutes

Town of Watertown
Annual Meeting
April 16, 2013 7:30pm.
N8302 High Road
Board members present: R. Gimler, M. Horack, R. Preuss, A. Winkelman, J. Wendt
Former supervisor Ed. Bielinski was also present. There were 13 residents in attendance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a Moment of Silence was held for those fighting or
who lost their lives in the war as well as Town residents who passed away in the past year.
Chairman Gimler introduced and welcomed Robert Preuss as a new board member. He
thanked Ed. Bielinski for his years of service on the board. He also thanked Mary Horack for her
serving as hall rental coordinator. She resigned her position as of May 1. The road
maintenance personnel, Steve and Dave were thanked for their work. He thanked his wife,
Joanne Gimler for all she does as a board members wife. Archie Monuments was thanked for
the donation of the new Town Hall Sign located at the entrance off High Road. He thanked HiWay Lighting for their assistance with upgrading the lighting around the Town Hall. He also
thanked the board and spouses for their work.
Cheryl Crawford moved to accept the minutes from the 2012 annual meeting as read. Juli
Logemann seconded the motion accepting the minutes of 2012. Motion carried.
Copies of the 2012 financial report were made available for those in attendance and reviewed
and explained by the treasurer. Larry Crawford asked why a “memorandum” only. Andrea
Schultz had reviewed the books and found them in order and her comments were read. Ed.
Bielinski asked where the extra miscellaneous monies were from. (The sale of the fire station in
Johnson Creek). Larry Crawford asked about the $500.00 donation to Farmington, (ball park
used by Town residents, nothing was motioned for 2013). Ed. Bielinski asked about the capital
outlay, general building. Monies received are gotten from taxes, shared revenue,
transportation aid, recycling grants etc. Ed. Bielinski stated that the money from the sale of the
fire station should be placed in a specific account for fire protection. Ed Bielinski moved to
accept the 2012 financial report as given. Mona Rihn seconded the motion to accept the
report. Motion carried.
Sheriff Deputy Peter Betanski was present and made note of comments received by those in
attendance. There is shooting of a semi-automatic rifle near Wesley and Pipersville Roads.
Salvatore Giammo stated that cars are not stopping for the stop sign at the corner of East Gate
Drive and River Road. Juli Logemann asked about the new DNR Warden. He is Ryan Ellison, and
is located east of Jefferson. Thomas Derleth mentioned that may cars come down Matthew
Lane, mostly teenagers and there is much trash being thrown out of the cars. Mary Horack also
mentioned that cars do not stop by the Jefferson Road and High Road intersection.
Building Inspector, John Moosreiner, gave a recap of 2012. It was better than 2011. Permits
issued were as follows, 33 building permits, 30 electrical permits, 10 plumbing permits, 7 HAVC
permits, and 5 driveway permits.
Kathy Retuzek represented Veolia. The name has been changed to Advance Disposal. She
stated that there were few complaints received during the past year. Several bins were
damaged on Navan Road due to vandalism. Julie Logemann asked about silo plastic. It
previously was able to be taken to Milford. Does Watertown have a place? Robert Preuss
mentioned old aluminum storage shed on the side of the road on Rock River Paradise by a
house that is rent to own. (The shed was gone prior to the meeting). Appliances will be picked
up, but the company must be called prior. If the appliance is gone before pick up, please call
also and indicate this.
Chairman Gimler gave the fire report for the Watertown Rural. The trucks are owned by the
surrounding townships. The funds in the account were given. A new truck has been budget for
2014, with the Town of Watertown portion being 34%. A grass rig (water rake) was purchased.
A town hall rental coordinator is needed. Chairman Gimler stated that this should be brought
up at a monthly board meeting and not the annual.
Salvatore Giammo said it took 10 years of his constant request to get the hill cut down by his
property on East Gate Drive. He complained of the snow plow pushing stones onto his
property. He feels that they should be removed by the town or someone.
It was stated by board members that this occurred all over the Town as there was not much
frost in the ground and gravel and sod were dug up when plowing. The wing of the plow floats.
Chairman Gimler will speak with the snow plow manager. The wing also ruined much of
Overland Drive. Mona Rihn wondered if the River Road stop sign could have flashing lights or
reflective strips placed. David Schoechert asked why the speed limit on East Gate Drive has not
been lowered as a petition was presented to the board previously. The road is under County
jurisdiction and because of it being a connector road; it is at its limit. (It was lowered several
years ago to its present limit). Juli Logemann feels the tax assessments of properties are too
high. Assessors are being looked into. A reassessment would have to take place to lower
assessments in the Town. William Reichertz asked about the status of the Whitney Cemetery. It
is still in the hands of the Watertown School District. After 5yeasrs of abandonment, it can be
turned over to the Town. The Town is willing to take it over, but it must be cleaned up prior
and a listing of burials given. There is a burial site from the Civil War. Attorney Griggs will
check on this. Ed. Bielinski wanted the residents of the town to approve the planting of trees in
memory of George Stuehler, former board member and Bernice Lange, former clerk. Approval
has previous been given by the board for a planting in memory of Robert Horack, former town
worker. Ed. Bielinski made the motion to plant a tree in memory of Bernice Lange and one for
George Stuehler paid for with private donations. William Reichertz seconded the motion
regarding the planting of tree’s as memorial’s. Motion carried.
Ed Bielinski gave personal comments regarding his years on the town board. He stated that
change orders for projects were not approved; Additional expenses due to various things were
occurred by the Town due to misinformation or lack of board approval. Otto Lane was repaired
without board approval. Several signs were placed that did not receive approval. Residents
complained of phone calls not being returned. Items were not being placed on the agendas for
meetings and either being discussed or being done without board approval/discussion. He
thanked Supervisor Horack and Clerk Wendt for getting the lighting updated along the driveway
and parking lot. He mentioned that he was the one who got the fire district changed for the
residence on the south/west side of Otto Lane. He felt there is a lack of overall protocol.
Mrs. Salvatore Giammo asked why the bridge on East Gate rives and River Road was not done.
A culvert was to be put in, but monies were not allotted for this in the budget. Also, Highway
16 may be reconstructed and Gopher Hill Road between East Gate and STH 16 may be removed
and a new connector road put in place, thus changing the bridge at that time. A planner was
contacted regarding this and the cost was $1700.00. There has been no bill received.
Ed. Bielinski moved to hold the 2014 Annual Meeting on April 15, 2014. Mona Rihn seconded
the motion regarding the 2014 meeting date. Motion carried.
Larry Crawford moved to adjourn. Ed. Bielinski seconded the motion for adjournment.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
James Wendt/Clerk