effectiveness of virtual science labs - Corinne Blake`s E

Effectiveness of Virtual Science Labs
Corinne Blake
Liberty University
Foundations of Educational Technology and Online Learning
Dr. Kelly Paynter
June 25, 2013
This research explores the effectiveness of virtual science labs. Students from elementary level
to collegiate level were explored using virtual science labs in their online or traditional school
environments. Most studies include a comparison of students in a traditional face-to-face (F2F)
lab environment to students in a virtual lab environment. Limitations such as the type of
participant, the evaluation of effectiveness, and the type of technology used for the virtual
science lab are also discussed. Correlations between the effectiveness of the virtual science lab
with the science concept being taught were found. In addition, a correlation could be found with
the type of research method used and the student’s perceived effectiveness of the virtual lab. In
conclusion, the research showed that virtual science labs increase student test scores. It was also
found that students enjoy using virtual science labs and prefer this method most of the time.
Virtual labs can in fact be considered an effective way to complete experiments.
Keywords: computer-assisted instruction, effectiveness, face-to-face (F2F), science, labs, virtual
Effectiveness of Virtual Science Labs
Science and technology have always gone hand in hand. The use of computers for
instructing students has grown exponentially in recent years. Many students have switched to
learning from distance education while on-ground schools have adopted bringing technology in
the traditional F2F classrooms. Computers have transformed the way that students learn
information. Science education is not exempt from these changes. What makes science
education different is the need for hands-on experience when completing science labs. Can a
student obtain these hands-on experiences via the computer? Well teachers have surely tried.
Therefore, one dramatic change that has come to the science department is an increase in
teaching these labs in a digital way. Instead of using flashlights and prisms there are simulations
available on the computers that allow students to explore the refraction of light. Therefore, the
rise in technology has definitely impacted the way science is taught. This research paper focuses
on the effectiveness of changing traditional methods of teaching science labs into a virtual
format. This author will review the research found and attempt to find correlation between
student understanding and perception in order to conclude the effectiveness of science labs as a
Literature Review
Though using technology has been incorporated into science lab experiments for years
the trend of attending classes completely at a distance and using technology as the primary way
of completing experiments is new. Several studies have been done in order to determine the
effectiveness of virtual science labs in specific settings.
Finkelstein, Adams, Keller, Kohl, Perkins, Podelesky & Reid (2005) observed the effects
of using physics circuit simulations through the popular PHET program developed by the
University of Colorado to teach university students. The students used the simulations to
construct circuits. They were then tested on their abilities to master their understanding of circuit
concepts and be able to build working circuits. Finkelstein et al.’s results found that the students
involved in the experiment were more proficient when it came to expressing their knowledge in
written form and creating circuits. The authors did note that giving the students the ability to
reflect throughout the experiment on their understanding on the concept could be a key
component in the success of this experiment (Finkelstein et al, 2005).
Both Gilman (2006) and Flowers (2011) completed experiments on undergraduate
students involving concepts from the field of Biology. Gilman specifically targeted the student
understanding of cells. Various websites were used to aid students in exploring what cells would
look like under a microscope. Using student quiz results, Gilman found that the students that
performed the lab online scored better than those using the traditional equipment in the
classroom (Gilman, 2006). Unlike Gilman, Flowers used labs designed specifically for the
course being taught. Flowers utilized the McGraw Hill labs that come with the purchased
textbooks for an undergraduate Biology course for non-science majors. At the end of the course
there was a research questionnaire given to gauge the effectiveness of these labs. The outcome
showed that students prefer to participate, learned how to perform labs, and overall learned more
in a virtual lab than without using this system. The only aspect that students felt they were
lacking due to using the virtual labs was that they didn’t know how to use the lab equipment if
required to do so in class (Flowers, 2011).
Stuckey-Mickell and Stuckey-Danner (2007) researched virtual labs in a Midwestern
community college using a point and click lab simulation CD-ROM in order to understand basic
biology subjects such as osmosis and diffusion. The lab included virtual test tubes that could be
manipulated. The outcome of the research showed through open-ended survey questions that the
students preferred the face-to-face lab. Having a dislike of using technology for labs was
uncommon and the author pointed out several reasons why this would have been the case. It was
stated that the instructor was not engaging the students and the face-to-face and virtual labs were
not identical enough in content enough for students to make a fair comparison. Furthermore,
“Though the F2F labs were better received overall, student responses indicate that many of them
perceived the virtual labs as useful to their learning experiences” (Stuckey-Mickell & StuckeyDanner, 2007, p. 109).
Though most research about this topic is done using college students, information can
also be found involving secondary education students. Kerr, Rynearson, and Kerr (2004)
developed labs that were used in a high school chemistry classroom. The students were split into
two groups; one learning in traditional hands-on labs while the other group used e-labs or virtual
science labs. The authors used a pretest and posttest to determine if student understanding was
affected by using online or traditional F2F schooling. The understanding of the student’s
showed no significant difference as a result of this research [t (205) = -1.044, p = .298].
Therefore, the students did not prove or disprove the effectiveness of virtual labs. The authors
argued that using the virtual labs could potentially be better for students in the future as they now
have a skillset for performing labs online that would be helpful in college or in their potential
workplaces (Kerr, Rynearson, & Kerr, 2004).
Experiments were performed in and outside of the United States. Chang (2001) and Shin
(2004) both performed experiments in Asia on high school students to determine how students
learned about Earth Science topics using computer-assisted instruction. Chang used a test
method to determine the effectiveness of using virtual labs. He found that students scored higher
in knowledge [F (1,155) = 7.74, p < .017] and comprehension [F (1,155) = 5.73, p < .017] levels
when using virtual science labs versus F2F (Chang, 2001). Shin also used a test to conclude the
effectiveness of the virtual lab but instead of judging students on content, he asked for student
personal responses within the test. Shin found that 74.6% of students found using the virtual lab
to be positive (Shin, 2004).
In addition, Rajendran and Veilumuthu (2010) completed research on the effectiveness of
virtual science labs using interviews. Their participant population age range was from 16-17
years of age. The authors questioned the students on their preference using computer assisted
instructional labs instead of traditional textbooks and equipment. The findings were remarkable
where 90% would recommend using the virtual labs over traditional F2F labs and all that
participated said they would like to use the virtual labs in the future (Rajendran & Veilumuthu,
The research discussed so far is that of high school and college students. There is little
research available discussing the effectiveness of using virtual labs in a primary school setting.
This does not mean that students are not using these resources at a young age nor does it imply
that virtual labs do not exist for this age group. One article by Sun, Lin, and Yu (2007) described
research using web-based labs on elementary students in Taiwan. The researchers used a
LINUX Redhat program to develop the labs concerning topics on natural science. In order to
test the effectiveness of the program the students were divided into two groups, one using
traditional F2F methods of experimentation, and the other group worked on the instructor’s
virtual science lab. The students were then asked questions about their experiences. The
questionnaire research concluded that web-based labs had a positive influence on the elementary
school students (Sun, Lin, & Yu, 2007).
To further support this finding, Harlow & Nilsen (2011) used two elementary schools and
a middle school to virtually go on field trips and perform science lab investigations. Students
were looking at insects in a macroscopic and microscopic view as well as collaborating with the
other schools. The teachers observed the students being engaged and excited during the process.
“Providing opportunities for children to interact with a larger research community allowed the to
gain an appreciation for how scientific knowledge develops” (Harlow & Nilsen, 2011, p. 45).
However, no correlation was made between the effectiveness of the labs with student perception
or performance. One can argue that the fact that the students enjoyed the experience can account
for the effectiveness of the virtual lab experience.
The literature provided accounts for several research opportunities done by various
scientists in various areas of the globe. Overall, students of all ages seemed to have a positive
experience when using the virtual labs and additionally there was some data providing proof that
virtual labs increase the understanding of the scientific topics being discussed. There are a few
discrepancies in the research that can be possibly explained due to the limitations of the study as
well as the correlations between the virtual lab and subject matter or research methodology.
Limitations of These Studies
The amount of information on this topic is vast and limited at the same time. Though
several published research experiments can be found on virtual science labs, there is little
repeating information where direct relationships between virtual science labs and their overall
effectiveness can be determined. The studies researched show an inconsistency in the evaluating
methods to determine effectiveness, the types of technology used, and the variety of students
participating in the studies.
Evaluation limitations. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (2004) defines
“effective” as “producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect” (p. 389). However, there is no
definitive criterion mentioned in the research to measure the effectiveness of virtual science labs.
Therefore, the research uses either test scores or response questions to evaluate this
effectiveness. The questionnaire questions were not the same for each research experiment and
therefore, the results could be skewed because of this. For example, Flowers (2011) used a 5point Likert scale for students to answer questions about what they thought about the virtual lab
experience and Stuckey-Mickell and Stuckey-Danner (2007) used an open-ended survey where
students could speak freely about their experiences. This limits the amount of connections that
can be made between the experiments that were evaluated by response questions. In addition,
the open-ended questions can be up for interpretation of the reader and therefore a margin of
error is established in those experiments for the represented satisfaction of virtual science labs.
Similarly, the test questions used to determine the effectiveness of the virtual labs were not the
same throughout the experiments and varied by science topic. This also limits the bonds that can
be made between the experiments researched.
Technological limitations. One limitation of using virtual science labs can be the fact
that the students must rely on technology to work. “It is worth noting that computers are subject
to the same vagaries of breaking down that plague real equipment” (Finkelstein et. al, 2005, p.
6). Another limitation in the research provided is that the types of virtual labs varied drastically
from one experiment to the next. In one lab students used instructor-made labs, others used
website provided lab simulations and then some labs used were purchased CD-ROMs from
scientific services like McGraw Hill. This irregularity could play a role in student understanding
of the effectiveness of the labs. For example, in both labs where website simulations were used
as virtual labs to support the class the students scored higher on their assessments than those that
did not whereas when using labs created by the instructor the students showed no difference in
understanding level between students that used a F2F method or virtual science lab. In addition,
the complexity of the virtual science lab could also cause a change in student perception. When
comparing the two CD-ROM based labs the students showed dislike for a simple point and click
scenario but gave positive feedback when using the McGraw Hill labs where more aspects could
be manipulated. The difficulty level of the lab can be linked to the type of science concept being
taught. Some science concepts are more difficult by nature and therefore the more difficult the
lab the easier it is to use virtual science labs. Therefore, this leads to a correlation between the
effectiveness of a lab and the science content being taught.
Demographic limitations. The research participants had various age ranges as well as
locations. The students in the found research were elementary to collegiate level and located
across the globe in the United States, Asia, and India. Due to the fact that various school
districts and age levels were used, the demographics create a barrier in correlating the
information found in the research. In addition, since few research experiments can be found on
an elementary and middle school level the amount of data is insufficient to be able to use to
connect an age group with the effectiveness of the virtual science labs.
Students not only were located in different areas but the types of classrooms were also
varied. Some of the experiments researched consisted of students that were partaking in an
online education. This also provides a limitation. “Although no virtual lab can be a perfect
substitute for a real one… is a good way to go for those students who want to take an online
science course for whatever reasons” (Jacobson, 2003, p. 5). Since the reasoning behind why
students were taking the online classes were not given there cannot be a connection made in
whether or not virtual science labs were their only option and therefore distorted their opinion of
the effectiveness of the labs.
Even through all of the limitations, some correlations can be made from the research.
The relationship between the types of science topics and the perceived effectiveness of the
virtual labs seem to be related. In addition, the research methodology can also be correlated to
the success of the virtual labs.
Subject matter. The effectiveness of the virtual science labs can be connected to certain
science topics. For example, the students participating in Chang (2001) and Shin’s (2004)
studies were looking at concepts dealing with Earth’s structures. Students have a “problem of
not being able to explore or observe the inside of the earth or the universe by themselves” (Shin,
2004, p. 62). This problem can make the virtual lab more enjoyable for the student and increase
the effectiveness of using virtual science labs in Earth Science related courses and in other
classes where the subject matter is not easily accessible in traditional F2F lab form.
Both Flowers (2011) and Stuckey-Mickell and Stuckey-Danner (2007) completed
experiments using CD-ROMs for Biology topics. Flowers (2011) had a more positive outcome
in his experiment but the experiments were also more involved conceptually. In addition,
Finkelstein et al. (2005) had positive feedback when dealing with physics labs. Therefore, a
connection can be made with the difficulty level of the science topic and the effectiveness of
using a virtual lab within a class.
Research methodology.
Most of the research that was done involved participants where the sample group was
split into two different groups. One group completed the lab in class while the other used the
virtual lab experience. In four out of five of the experiments completed with this research
method the outcome showed the virtual labs to be effective due to the fact that the students either
scored higher on tests or expressed a positive experience in their responses. The experiment that
did not find a positive result did not find a negative one either. Kerr et al.’s (2004) research
resulted in a neutral outcome determining the virtual science lab to neither add nor subtract to the
student’s understanding.
The other research method used was taking one group of students and allowing them to
experience both the virtual and traditional F2F labs. The only research to have done this was
Stuckey-Mickell and Stuckey-Danner (2007) and consequently this is also the only research
where the participants showed a negative outcome towards the virtual science labs when stating
that they preferred the F2F labs. This experiment could have been distorted due to the fact that
the participants were exposed to the virtual labs first and then the traditional F2F method.
Students may have attributed some knowledge acquired during the virtual labs to the traditional
F2F method therefore creating a percentage of error in the results from this lab.
Conclusions and Future Study
Completing assignments online is becoming increasingly popular but is using science
labs online a valid option? The research concludes that yes, virtual science labs are an effective
way for students to complete experiments. The research shows that not only do students enjoy
doing their labs in a digital format but they also increase their test scores when compared to F2F
labs. It is necessary for research to have more consistency in the evaluation of effectiveness,
technology type, and student participants. In addition, future study could include if age or
learning modality changes the effectiveness of virtual labs. Even through all of the limitations
the results are clear that there is some validity in using virtual science labs in today’s world.
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