Meeting minutes 17th June 2014 - Northgate School Association

Northgate Association Meeting
17th June 2014
Northgate School, Bishop’s Stortford
Present: Sue Commercial (SC), Mirka Sage (MS), Helen Badcock (HB), Peter Fowke (PF), Kay
Piper (KP), Nicky Brown (NB), Sarah Neill (SN), Paula Beades (PB), Mrs Hotson (LHo), Daniel
Badcock (DB), Wayne Greet (WG)
Caroline O’Dell (CO), Louise Vandenberg (LV)
Minutes of last meeting (11th March 2014) agreed.
Re-Cap On Events Since Last Meeting:
Quiz Night (PF/KP)
Organisers were happy with the way the evening went. This was the first time we had offered
a food included ticket price and whilst the take up of this was less than expected it appeared
to work well. We will continue with this at the next quiz night. The quiz night as whole is tried
and tested and remains popular. Profit £1,090.00.
A question arose as to whether we need to conclude with a disco. It is enjoyed but by then a
number of people have departed and time is short. Could we extend the quiz a little longer
and cut the disco thus increasing the profits, so further benefitting the school.
Thanks to Peter Fowke and Kay Piper for co-ordinating this event.
Read A Thon (SC)
41 entries were received, all of whom had obtained sponsorship. 11 books were reviewed. Our
thanks go to ‘Fuse 3 Ltd’ who kindly provided prizes in the form of book vouchers. Profit
Thanks to Lorraine Hayes for co-ordinating this event.
Easter Competition (SC)
81 entries received of which 68 counted the correct number of eggs. This seemed to be
enjoyed by a good number and will look to repeat this next year. We again benefitted from
financial support, this time from Intercounty who offered a family trip to the zoo along with a
£100 donation to the PTA funds. Thanks due to Intercounty.
Mothers Day (HN)
Very positive feedback was received on the quality of the gifts sourced within the £1.50
Fathers Day Gift (SC)
Financials to be advised.
Thanks to Helen Nicholls for co-ordinating both of the above two events.
May Fayre – (SC)
An impressive profit of £3,068 was made on this day. Despite the weather distraction the day
went very well due to the support and help of many individuals. The timing (May) suited the
school calendar better than a Summer Fete and the combination of having stalls and
entertainments inside as well as outside worked was successful. The inside bbq worked well.
For next year we may want to think about how the Fayre visitors enter the school. The plan
was to have everybody coming through the school but some went round the side so found
themselves at the Fayre without paying. We could add signage to make this clearer or man
the gate to ensure all entry fees are collected.
Last children's disco of school year (HB/ LP/ CO/ NB)
This went well. A total of just under 300 children attended the disco which is fairly typical of
past events. Financials to be advised.
Thanks to Nicky Brown, Caroline O’Dell, Liz Parker and Helen Badcock for co-ordinating this
Association web site update – (PB)
PB has worked hard with Rachel Duncan in getting this up and running and all attendees
agreed the results so far were impressive. PB is keen to receive feedback as to what should be
added and what is surplus to requirements. The thought is that we review the content and go
live over the summerIt was pointed out that to keep the website relevant and up to date then
we were going to need to share the responsibility as members and take ownership of
individual pages. Rachel has volunteered to update the web page on a weekly or bi weekly
Details on the Giving Machine are to be added to the news page.
All to review and to make comments known.
Update on Finances (HB)
Further update provided by HB on the Associations finances. Accounts are attached. We are
still to add the recent Fathers Day receipts and payments and have some small additional
costs to come off. The account is in good health showing a current account balance of
£21,705. When deciding on spending (see below) the practice in past years has been to
maintain a balance of £5,000 for the Autumn costs.
School's Wish List
It was agreed during the meeting that the money raised this year should be spent as close to
this current year as is sensible.
Pirate Ship
The main project discussed in previous meetings has been the construction of a pirate ship.
SC has looked at various suppliers. During the prior meeting the favoured option was a
£8,000 model supplied by Sovereign. Upon further review it was decided that this would be
too small and that a larger model would offer greater use and benefit and provide greater
value for money, though clearly with greater cost.
Further research has been carried out and the Pinta Columbus Galleon by Fawns stands out
for quality and cost reasons. To include safety surfacing (blue pulped rubber) and installation,
the cost quoted is £14,000. Details of the pirate ship are attached.
With this in mind a request has been made by Mrs Hotson to the School Finance Committee
for a £6,000 contribution towards the pirate ship. The next meeting of the Finance group is
scheduled for 23rd June. Mrs Hotson thought the benefit to the children in terms of
stimulating, creative play and thinking would be significant and would be a long term
tremendous asset to the school. The larger model will prove more physically challenging to the
children for many years to come. It was also agreed that at the same time as the pirate ship
would be installed that monkey bars would be installed on the trim trail, as this was
particularly requested by the children via the school council. The wood is guaranteed for 15
years and the rope for a couple although these figures are based upon park use.
School Hall Lighting
DB has very kindly used his theatrical background and interest to research the subject of
lighting for the school hall to create a more genuine stage feel for school plays. The first choice
is between permanent and temporary lighting, the latter on a stand. Experience suggests the
permanent lighting is more expensive but tends to last a good deal longer. DB has obtained
three quotes for permanent lights with the absolute minimum coming in at £3,500 from a
competent Harlow company. Another of the quoting companies offered perhaps a more
energetic and exciting prospect and if the budget could stretch further and we were able to
spend another £2,500 this gets us a real step up in terms of quality and flexibility.
Apart from the obvious long term benefits for the school of purchasing this equipment and
making the shows more special and enjoyable for the children, it is hoped that from this
advancement new roles will emerge for those with no interest in being on the stage. All those
present agreed this would be a good use of monies raised.
The installation would take a couple of days and could be considered for the first half term of
the 2014-15 school year. The school hall windows will be replaced and decorated in the
summer holidays and this will be just too soon to properly research and order lighting.
Forthcoming Events
School Sports Day – 4th July. Volunteers to provide teas, coffees and soft drinks.A
discussion took place regarding serving a bar with Pimms etc for parents during the
afternoon. Unfortunately due to the short notice this will not be possible at this years event,
but could be a consideration for next year, with the thought of extending the afternoon to
evening and to include bouncy castles, BBQ and maybe a family disco.
Family Barn Dance No tickets sold yet which may have been due to timing of the plans just
before half term. A big push is required this week through parent mail etc. The breakeven
number is for 36 family tickets to be sold for £22 a piece. Food is available on the night.
Northgate School in the Bishops Stortford Carnival Procession. This is scheduled for the
forthcoming weekend and is just too short a notice now. We will ask to hold over until the
2015 Carnival.
Cake Sale at end of term (LP) LP will be stepping down from this role so we need another coordinator. PB has volunteered to help out but is hoping to share the role with another. SC is
to send out a request to the PTA list. SC and LP are to decide on the most appropriate date for
this final cake sale of the year. This is a big fund raiser, over £500 so definitely worth doing.
New Intake Parents Evening
The next new parents in-take meeting is scheduled for 7th July at 7pm and the PTA will be in
attendance to try and recruit interested parents. The plan to purchase the pirate ship and
school hall lighting shows the material benefit of the PTA and can hopefully encourage others
to get involved. Anybody who can help serve drinks during this evening and would like to met
and greet the new parents would be most welcomed.
Leavers Assembly – 9.15am 17th July.
The Association have been asked to provide refreshments to the year 6 children and their
parents after the leavers assembly, if anyone is available to help set up, serve and clear away
on this day your help would be very much appreciated.
New Topics:
Sponsorship - update
Sadly Charles David Casson decided against sponsoring the school due the possible clash
between themselves and Intercounty.
We have received £75 from Baracudas for displaying a banner, distributing flyers and
including some information regarding their summer camp in the Newsletter.
This is an area we can look at in greater detail. Do we have anybody experienced in this field
whose skills we could use. LV has made great progress with this new role this year and we’d
like to continue to grow and develop this going into next year.
Trustee Membership
This can be tied into an effort to recruit more trustees. The hope is that both current and new
parents can be encouraged to join up and share their ideas and knowledge to raise funds for
the benefit of the school. Help with the running of the current events will allow a greater
spread of the work load as there is a lot of work being carried out by a few people – any help
would be much appreciated.
Next Years Events
Fireworks Night – 7th November
A volunteer has been requested to organise this annual event. The preparation involves the
team booking of the fireworks, organise helpers to sell tickets, running the bbq, disco and
merchandising. There is a formula and it all went well in 2013 and the checklists from then
can be called upon. Last year’s fireworks (from Cambridge) team did a good job and if
available would seem a good choice for the coming year. NB/ PB/ PF have volunteered.
Christmas Fayre – date tba
Much work associated with this so we need to get this onto the agenda and begin planning.
School leavers Gift (PB)
In the past the association have funded a leaving t-shirt for each child (£4) but it is agreed
this is only of a symbolic benefit. So for the 2014 leavers a contribution has been to the
school leaving party but with a view to researching other options.
A hoody to be gifted at the start of the school year, and it therefore being of use during the
last year on school trips has been discussed previously. PB has suggested another possibility
- the creation of a Leavers Book with children filling out a form and providing photographs.
This is being done elsewhere for £8 per child and PB will see how that goes this year. The
students do currently create their own though we do have Data Protection Act issues to be
aware of. This could be an idea for next year.
Date of next meeting Wednesday 2nd July 2014
This is for trustees only as this will be a discussion and planning session for next months
events. Mrs Hotson is unable to attend but will supply 2014-15 term dates to SC