Assignment 3 Course Proposal

EDTC 804 Markey Cover A3
James Markey
EDTC 804
Global Issues in ET Leadership
Create a Course: Assignment 3
Dr. Twomey
December 5, 2014
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
NJCU Course Proposal
Abbreviated Course Title: Principles of Co-Teaching for K-12
Full Course Title: Principles of Co-Teaching: Co-teaching support in the K-12 Educational
Course Components: The course will utilize an online format
Course Level: This will be 600 level elective course in the Elementary/Secondary Education
Catalog Description: This course will examine importance co-teaching at the K-5, 5-8 and High
School level. The subjects covered will include development strategies, diverse planning,
respecting your partners cultural values and the universal role an effective co-teaching
partnership plays in the K-12 educational environment. The course will focus on the research of
co-teaching best practices in order to establish best practices in co-teaching.
Course Pre-requisites or Co-requisites: EDU 500 Classroom Management and EDU 628
Learning and Motivation. Knowledge and awareness of classroom management are an essential
part of a successful co-teaching model.
21st Century schools follow an all-inclusive model to meet the needs of general education
students as well as special education students. All-inclusive classrooms create the least
restrictive environment for students to learn. Co-teaching is the key to success in these
environments. Training teachers to cohabitate and function as one instructional unit is the goal
of this course.
Student learning outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
A. Reflect on co-teaching , differentiating styles of teaching and making reasonable
determinations of which method will be most effective.
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
B. Explain the concept of co-teaching as it applies to various levels of education and the
framework it can be applied.
C. Engage and collaborate within learning communities to discover creative and relevant
applications as they relate to student achievement.
D. Develop and simulate effective co-teaching models that can transform a classroom
while providing technology tools for colleague collaboration.
E. Display leadership skills by modeling a vision co-teaching, through collaboration,
mentoring and ongoing school, district and community support.
F. Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional development on a regular
basis to make effective use of current and promising co-teaching research and
resources in support of teacher development.
Instructional Procedures
Course Content:
Sept. 2– Sept. 7
Course Introductions
Student Bio
Sept. 8 – Sept. 14
Course materials
Go to Meeting Video Conference
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Sept. 15– Sept. 21
EDU 624 DB #1
Discussion board Posts
Due 11:59 pm
Sept. 22– Sept. 28
Sept. 28 – Oct. 5
Post Assignment 1 to
online thread
EDU 624 DB #3
Assessment 1 Due
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
Oct. 6 – Oct. 12
EDU 624 DB #4
Go to Meeting Video Conference
Previewing Assessment 2
EDU 624 DB #5
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
EDU 624 DB #6
Discussion board Posts
Due 11:59 pm
Post Assignment 2 to
online thread
Assessment 2 Due
Oct. 13 – Oct. 19
Oct. 20 – Oct. 26
Oct. 27 – Nov. 2
Nov. 3 – Nov. 9
Nov. 10 – Nov. 16
EDU 624 DB #8
Go to Meeting Video Conference
Previewing Assessment 3
EDU 624 DB #9
Nov. 17 – Nov. 23
Nov. 24 – Nov. 30
Dec. 1 – Dec. 7
EDU 624 DB #7
EDU 624 DB #10
Dec. 8 – Dec. 14
EDU 624 DB #11
Dec. 15 – Dec. 19
Course Reflection
Discussion board Posts
Due 11:59 pm
Discussion board Posts
Due 11:59 pm
Discussion board Posts
Due 11:59 pm
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Discussion board Posts
Due 11:59 pm
Post Assignment 3 to
online thread
Assessment 3 Due
Discussion board Posts
Due 11:59 pm
Assessment 4 Due
Graduate Course Status
This course qualifies as a 600 graduate level course based on the high expectations to complete
the course. Students are expected to be actively engaged in the course on a weekly basis. They
are required to utilize what they learn to reflect on co-teaching , apply the knowledge gained in
the course, collaborate effectively with colleagues and reflect on best practices. Additionally
students must simulate effective models and display leadership skills to turnkey information in
their educational settings. Finally, they must reflect on best practices and evaluate the need to
research best practices.
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
Week 1
C1 What is Co-teaching?
Week 2
C2 Common Challenges and
effective Solutions (Beninghof).
Week 3
Implementation of Solutions
C,E, F
Week 4
Week 5
Assessment review
The co-teaching kaleidoscope
Week 6
Week 7
A, B, C, D, E, F
Co-teaching with a technology
A, B, C, D, E, F
Week 8
CO-teaching with a special
education teacher (Beninghof).
A, B, C, D, E, F
Week 9
Co-teaching with a literary
Specialist (Beninghof).
Assessment review
Co-teaching with a ELL
Specialist (Beninghof).
Evolving partnership (Villa &
The role of students as coteachers Evolving partnership
(Villa & Thousand).
Assessment review
Redefining roles of co-teachers
Evolving partnership (Villa &
Allocating funds for co-teachers
Evolving partnership (Villa &
Maintaining a co-teaching
environment. Evolving
partnership (Villa & Thousand).
Reflection of the course
A, B, C, D, E, F
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
A, B, C, D, E, F
E, F
E, F
C,E, F
C,E, F
A, B, C, D, E, F
A, B, C, D, E, F
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
Specialized Accreditation Certification and Licensure:
The course will be utilized as an elective course in the elementary and secondary education
department at New Jersey City University. The MA in either Elementary Education or
Secondary Education requires 36 credits. In order to be certified by the State of New Jersey in a
content area, a Master's program must be accompanied by passing the Praxis II exam in a
specialized content area.
Assessments/Evaluation of student Outcomes
Assessment 1 (20%)– A 3-5 page research paper on the origins of co-teaching, while comparing
past and contemporary models. Include the benefits of co-teaching. 5 references required.
Assessment 2 (20%) Group project (3-4 members). The group must create a co-teaching
presentation modeling effective tools and planning across curriculums.
Assessment 3 (20%) Co-teaching observation and Interview Project . The student must observe
a co-teaching unit in a setting of their choice. The student must participate in planning session
with the co-teaching team and conduct a pre and post interview.
Assessment 4: (20%) Create a Professional Development session for Co-teaching. Students will
produce a professional development session that they would present to relative staff.
Participation (20%) Students will evaluate assigned weekly supplemental course materials and
post their responses via he course discussion board. A minimum of three posts per week is
mandatory. These will include responding to two classmates. The main post must include a
minimum of two peer reviewed references.
Student Assessment Rubric
Effectively selects and cites
appropriate external
sources such as journals,
books, newspapers, and
Web sites.
References appropriate
material from external
sources most of the time.
Outside resources are not
well-organized, welldeveloped, or logical.
Presents data and charts with
an elementary level of
Contains lengthy or
inappropriate citations.
Develops and presents
material with a thorough
Contains limited or poor
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
understanding of the data
use of outside resources.
Demonstrates poor
decision-making about
integrating external
Presents data in a clear and
insightful manner.
Meets the all of the criteria
of the assignment.
Meets most of the criteria of
the assignment.
Meets some of the criteria
of the assignment.
Develops and presents
material with a thorough
understanding of the topic.
Presents material at an
elementary level of
Lacks organization.
Contains well-chosen
supporting evidence that is
accurate, balanced, and
Addresses the main points in
a basic or cursory way.
Includes an original and
compelling synthesis of the
Contains conclusions that
somewhat support the
Lacks focus on the
required elements of the
Does not integrate external
Does not present valid
Contains conclusions that
do not support the
Contains a concise and
appropriate level of detail.
Contains fully developed,
valid conclusions.
Writing and
Is well organized and
demonstrates a compelling
use of standard English.
Contains few to no
grammar, spelling, and
punctuation errors.
Demonstrates a clear and
effective use of standard
English with occasional
Contains repeated errors in
grammar, punctuation,
usage and/or is not
effectively organized.
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
Follows APA Guidelines
and the Dept Style Guide
all or almost all of the time.
Generally follows APA
Guidelines and the Dept.
Style Guide.
Inconsistently follows
APA Guidelines and the
Dept Style Guide.
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
Required text:
Beninghof, A. M. (2012). Co-Teaching That Works: Structures and Strategies
for Maximizing Student Learning. Jossey-Bass Publishing.
Villa, R. A., Thousand, J. S., & Nevin, A. I. (2013). A Guide to Co-Teaching: New Lessons
and Strategies to Facilitate Student Learning. Corwin Publishing, 3rd Edition.
American Psychological Association (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association, 6th Edition.
Supporting Bibliography:
Brown, N. B., Howerter, C. S., & Morgan, J. J. (2013, November). Tools and strategies for
making co-teaching work. Intervention in School and Clinic, 49(2), 84-91.
Brusca-Vega, R., Brown, K., & Yasutake, D. (2011). Learning disabilities: Science achievement
of students in co-taught, inquiry-based classrooms. A Multidisciplinary Journal, 17(1),
Charles, K. J., & Dickens, V. (2012, November-December). Closing the communication gap:
"Web 2.0 tools for enhanced planning and collaboration." Teaching Exceptional
Children, 45(2), 24-32.
Common Core State Standards Initiative, (2014). Retrieved from
Conderman, G., & Hedin, L. R. (2014, January). Co-Teaching with strategy instruction.
Intervention in School and Clinic, 49(3), 156-163.
Driver, B. L. (1996). Where do we go from here?: Sustaining and maintaining co-teaching
relationships. LD Forum, 21(4) 29-32.
Friend, M., Cook, L., Hurley-Chamberlain, D., & Shamberger, C. (2010). Co-Teaching: An
illustration of the complexity of collaboration in special education. Journal of
Educational & Psychological Consultation, 20(1), 9-27.
Howard, L., & Potts, E. A. (2009, March). Using co-planning time: Strategies for a successful
co-teaching marriage. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 5(4).
ISTE Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
Kamens, M. W., Susko, J. P., & Elliott, J. S. (2013, June). Evaluation and supervision of coteaching: A study of administrator practices in New Jersey. NASSP Bulletin, 97(2),
Keefe, E. B., & Moore, V. (2004, Summer). The challenge of co-teaching in inclusive
classrooms at the high school level: What the teachers told us. American Secondary
Education, 32(3), 77-88.
Moorehead, T., & Grillo, K. (2013, March-April). Celebrating the reality of inclusive stem
education: Co-Teaching in science and mathematics. Teaching Exceptional Children,
45(4), 50-57.
Murawski, W. W., & Dieker, L. (2008, March-April). 50 ways to keep your co-teacher:
Strategies for before, during, and after co-teaching. Teaching Exceptional Children,
40(4), 40-48.
Perez, K. (2012). The Co-Teaching Book of Lists. Jossey-Bass Publishing.
Potts, E. A., & Howard, L. A. (2011). How to co-teach: A guide for general and special
educators. Brookes publishing company.
Scruggs, T. E., Mastropieri, M. A., & McDuffie, K. A (2007). Co-Teaching in inclusive
classrooms: A Metasynthesis of Qualitative Research. Exceptional Children, 73(4),
Sileo, J. M., & Van Garderen, D. (2010, January-February). Creating optimal opportunities to
learn mathematics: Blending co-teaching structures with research-based practices.
Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(3), 14-21.
Sutton, L. C., Jones, P., & White, J. (2008, Fall). Florida's class size amendment and coteaching: An uneasy partnership. Educational Considerations, 36(1), 17-20.
Walsh, J. M. (2012). Co-Teaching as a school system strategy for continuous improvement.
Preventing School Failure, 56(1), 29-36.
Relevant Periodical Sources:
American Secondary Education
Canadian Journal of Education
Teaching Exceptional Children
Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation
Intervention in School and Clinic
MarkeyEDTC804 A3
The budget for the course falls within New Jersey City Universities budget for the a course at the
Master's levels in Education. The course will not utilize any outside sources. The Blackboard
online system will hold all coursework and all resources are available through the Guarini
library either online or on campus.