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April 21, 2014
CCMS Governance Council
Camp Creek Middle School
April 21, 2014
5:30 PM
Call to Order: Chair, Shaleen Connally-James called the meeting to order with the roll call of the SGC
Council Members Present: Shaleen Connally-James, Dione Belser, Linda Rhea, Kimira Jefferson, Kela
Ward, and DeMarcos Holland, the Principal.
Council Members Absent: Octavia LeGrand, Machelle Allen, and Keshia Fambro
Visitors: There were zero visitors that attended the meeting.
Approval of Minutes for March 25, 2014 – Chair, Shaleen Connally-James gave the SGC Members the
opportunity to read the minutes and make corrections as needed. Motion was made Linda Rhea to
approve the minutes from the last meeting. Kimira Jefferson seconded the motion. Chair, Shaleen
Connally-James asks for all in favor of the motion to raise their hand. All members of the board voted in
favor of the minutes.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
DeMarcos Holland, the Principal discussed the implementation of a new program for the 2014 school
year called AVID – Advancement Via Individual Determination. The purpose of the purpose of the
program is to increase school wide performance and performance. The school has received a $12,000
grant for staff to attend AVID training in Orlando, Florida to learn how to implement. Approximately 1012 staff members will receive training in will bring the strategies back to the school for implementation.
This is an ongoing three year project. Additionally, the school will have a half-time position for an AVID
Coordinator for the AVID Course. The school will start to incorporate this program with a core group of
60 male students. The goal is to prepare this group for advanced courses, college prep classes, etc.
Teach-to-One will allow for the school to use various strategies to individualize the math program. At
this time, many of the students are below grade level for Math. The Teach-to-One is a Math Lab concept
in which the computer will analyze the data and individualize the math based on students’ needs. This
program will change the dynamics of teaching Math in the school. Camp Creek Middle is waiting for
notification of acceptance to the program and Board approval.
Upcoming Projects
May 26, 2014 is the last official day at Camp Creek Middle School due to many upcoming improvements.
We will be relocated to Sandtown Middle School . Some of the improvements are:
- Line added to the Cafeteria
- Classroom Floors
- Sinks will receive new counter tops
- Media Center will receive new carpet
- Parking Lot
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April 21, 2014
CCMS Governance Council
Candidates for School Governance Council
Two positions are open for the School Governance Council. Anyone that would like to apply must
declare their candidacy by Friday, April 25th, 2014.
Future SGC Meeting Dates/Locations
Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 (5:30 PM Camp Creek MS Cafeteria)
Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 (5:30 PM Sandtown Middle School)
Tuesday, July 15th (5:30 PM Sandtown Middle School)
Future Agenda Topics
 Community Outreach (Linda Rhea)
 Teach-to-One (DeMarcos Holland)
 Summer School (DeMarcos Holland)
 Advanced Academy (Rising 6th Grade Students)
No announcements
Adjourn – Kimira Jefferson motions to adjourn the meeting. Linda Rhea seconds the motion.
Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Minutes taken by Dione Belser, Parliamentarian