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MSc in Conservation of Decorative Architectural Surfaces
This two-year multidisciplinary course will deal with the conservation of decorative architectural
surfaces (including wall paintings, stone, and mosaic). This is the only course offered in Malta which
leads to the Warrant of Conservator-Restorer, which is required in order to practice as a professional
conservator. The programme will contain an equal balance of theoretical and practical subjects,
including: conservation history and ethics; research methods; materials and technology in
architectural surfaces and sculpture; composition and properties of building and decorative materials;
scientific analyses applied to conservation; the deterioration of stone and related building materials;
environmental assessment for conservation; issues in the preservation and management of
archaeological sites; conservation materials and methods. The course will also include extensive hands
on works both in the laboratory and on site carried out both throughout the academic years and as
summer placements. A dissertation will be researched and written in the final year of the course.
Prior to the MSc, students are required to follow a preparatory year that will include science-based
topics for students with a humanities background, and arts-based subjects for students with a science
background. During this year, other topics to be covered include: documentation for conservation,
research methods and traditional materials and technology. Work-in-progress seminars and the
development of practical and manual skills will also be given great importance during this preparatory
year. Applicants holding a prior degree in conservation may be allowed to bypass the Preparatory
Year, to enter the MSc directly.
The curriculum for the 2015-2018 course is currently being finalized and will be posted shortly.
Admission requirements and details from the 2012-2015 course are still online, but should be
consulted for general information only, as they will be significantly revised. For more detailed
information about the 2015-2018 course, please contact Ms. Jennifer Porter .
Foreign applicants are invited to click here for additional information.
Preparatory Programme (opening in October 2015)
The one-year Preparatory Programme is designed specifically to prepare students to commence the
MSc in Conservation of Decorative Architectural Surfaces opening the following year (Oct 2016). It will
give students coming from a humanities background the opportunity to familiarise themselves with
science-based topics (20 ECTS), and conversely, students from a science background the opportunity
to familiarise themselves with arts-based subjects (20 ECTS). During the same year, other topics to
be covered by all participants (40 ECTS) include documentation for conservation, research methods
and traditional materials and technology. Work-in-progress seminars and the development of practical
and manual skills will also be given great importance during this preparatory year.
The curriculum for the 2015-2016 programme is currently being finalized and will be posted shortly.
Admission requirements and details from the 2012 course are still online, but should be consulted for
general information only, as they will be significantly revised. For more detailed information about the
2015-2018 course, please contact Ms. Jennifer Porter .
Foreign applicants are invited to click here for additional information.
Career opportunities and access to further study
Because of the multidisciplinary nature of conservation, the postgraduate course will offer job
opportunities in a diverse range of professions within the conservation and management of cultural
heritage. This includes in particular the ability to practice as a professional hands-on conservator. In
addition, graduates with a first degree in science may wish to continue their career in conservation
science, whilst those from the humanities may wish to embark on a managerial career in heritage
organisations. Such specialised professions are greatly lacking in Malta, whilst abroad, the
Mediterranean offers many such opportunities due to the wealth of cultural heritage it offers. This is
the only course offered in Malta which will lead to the Warrant of Conservator-Restorer, which is
required for practicing as a professional conservator.
Course intended for
This course is aimed at attracting graduates from the sciences, humanities and from those already in
the field of conservation. These can be accommodated in this postgraduate course because of the
inclusion of a one year common preparatory programme which will bring the graduates up to par in
the topics with which they are less familiar (science graduates doing subjects from the humanities and
vice versa). The course is a challenging and wide ranging one, focusing on developing professionals
with highly transferable skills. It is not expected that the candidates will have previous experience in
the field of conservation (though persons with such skills can also be accommodated in the course),
but a serious commitment to the subject is required.