A game changer in the science of life - Stop Selling Vanilla Ice

A science that will change your life
Let me tell you a little story about a young man whom I knew. He had excelled at school in his undergrad
and MBA program. He had experienced success early in his career. Because of his success, he was very
confident and aggressive. He was so sure of himself that he was convinced that other people just didn’t
“get it.” He thought they didn’t know what they were talking about. Then, this young man got back the
results of his first behavioral assessment and he realized that he knew nothing - nothing about himself,
or others. It was a life changing event. That ignorant young man is now a Certified Behavioral Analyst.
That young man was me.
Understanding behavioral science has been a game changer in my life. I used to think that I understood
other people but I really didn’t have a clue. I did not even understand myself. I did not understand my
own behavioral style and how to manage my emotions. As a result, my relationships with others were
not as healthy as they could be.
Behavioral science can be defined as the universal language of observable human behavior.
Simply put, it’s how people behave. Everyone has a different natural style that is developed by the age
of 7. A person’s natural behavioral style creates their unique perspective and determines how they
want to be communicated to. Behavioral science has helped me understand where other people are
coming from. When I started using behavioral science in my life, it was a big WOW moment for me. I
really understood other people better and their perspectives. It doesn’t mean that I always agree with
everything someone else is saying, but it helps me understand them better.
Behavioral science training has helped me learn how to communicate more effectively, which in
turn helps me build better relationships. This is true in both my professional and personal life. And I
have seen others have the same breakthrough experience.
Terry Albrecht, owner/president of Packer Fastener, says: “The behavioral science training
through SM Advisors has given me the skills to become a developer of people. I now have the
foundation to make an impact on the careers and personal life goals of our employees. I am building a
team of champions across our organization.” Terry is now changing the lives of others because he
understands behavioral science.
Behavioral science has had such an impact on my business and my personal life. For example,
each of my four kids understands their natural style, which has been critical in developing a career plan
that has set them up for success. Think about the power of having every high school graduate
understand their natural style before graduation. We study many other sciences in school but spend
very little time on the one science that impacts all of us every day – how we interact with other people.
When I am completing an assessment debrief or educating a younger person I tell them how
lucky they are to learn about behavioral science at a younger age. Regardless of where you are at in life,
the sooner you learn about behavioral science the sooner you start building healthier relationships in
your professional and personal life. It’s a game changer.
There are a lot of resources on the internet for you to study behavioral science and you can also
take a free behavioral assessment to understand your natural behavioral style, including at
I have seen the understanding of behavioral science change the lives of thousands of people. Could you
use a game changer in your life that leads to healthier relationships in your professional and personal
life? Behavioral science is the vehicle to help you do that. Remember, Those Who Plan – Profit!
Steve Van Remortel is a strategy and talent thought-leader and consultant, blogger, speaker, certified
behavioral analyst and author of the award-winning book, “Stop Selling Vanilla Ice Cream.” You can
reach him at steve@stopsellingvanillaicecream.com. Register for his free monthly strategy and talent
newsletter at steve@stopsellingvanillaicecream.com His column runs the first Sunday of the month.