Minutes Oct 2015 - Newcastle University

Miss Yasmin Ahmed
Mr Navin Balagopal
Miss Roshni Bhudia
Mr Matt Byrne
Mrs Ruth Fisher
Professor Dianne Ford
Ms Kendal Kagney
Mr Maxwell Larweh
Miss Kirsty Sanderson
Miss Julia Whitehall
Miss Joanna Wilson
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Professor Ford welcomed those present to the meeting and introductions were made.
The purpose and format of the meetings was outlined and it was noted that following each meeting, the
Minutes would be posted on the Graduate School web page along with a less formal report from the DPD.
Apologies for absence
Professor Zofia Chrzanowska-Lightowlers, Mrs Erika Gavillet, Mrs Barbara Sumner, Professor David Young,
Professor Steve Yeaman, Professor Mark Pearce, Ms Linda Errington, Mrs Sue Vecsey, Mr Awen Salar Hasan.
Minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2015
Reported that the minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated to members and no amendments
were received. They had therefore been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from previous minutes
There were no matters arising to report.
Library / IT
Reported that the sessions provided during induction had been very useful.
Terms of Reference for Student Staff Committees (SSC)
Received Student Staff Committee Terms of Reference (ToR) as agreed by the Student Union.
A brief synopsis of the ToR were given from which it arose that the MRes SSC would only meet 3 times per
year rather than the recommended 4 due to the length of the Project element of the Programme. As per the
ToR, it was noted that a Student Chair would lead future meetings.
MRes Graduate School Representative
Reported that the MRes Graduate School Representative has yet to be appointed.
Noted that a report from the Graduate School Rep (GSR) was a standing agenda item and once in post, the
MRes GSR would be required to give an oral report at each meeting, covering relevant information
encountered within their role. [Secretary’s note: it has since been announced that Sara Khodayari has been
appointed as the MRes GSR. Sara has been invited to the future SSC meetings and will be included in all SSC
Oral Feedback on Admissions / Induction and Module Selection
Considered oral feedback from the student reps on the Admissions, Induction and Module Selection
- That students had asked whether the availability of “Clash Forms” had been widely publicised at the
time students were given instructions on how to make their module selections. Professor Ford
responded stating that module choices are limited by the timetable, however exemptions were
possible on occasion. It was agreed that this information would be made available to students next
year. Action Kirsty [Secretary’s note: Kirsty Sanderson has made a calendar note to ensure that for
2016 entry, the covering email that is sent regarding pre-selection of modules indicates that we will
allow combinations of certain modules where timetable clashes are limited and that there is a form
that students can complete to request such combinations].
That the induction week lectures had been well received and the information given was very useful.
It was noted that some students would have preferred the sessions to be timetabled closer together
to avoid large gaps in between sessions. Action: Kirsty [Secretary’s note: Kirsty Sanderson has made
a calendar note to look at the Induction week timetable with a view to changing the timings so
sessions are closer together].
That a number of students had felt that a University location orientation would be of benefit to
students new to Newcastle. Professor Ford agreed to include a pointer to the orientation
information in the back of the Handbook within her induction lecture. Action: Professor Ford
[Secretary’s note: Kirsty Sanderson has made a calendar note to ask intercalating medics to
volunteer as orientation reps to help familiarise new students with the University Campus/Medical
That the two week period in which students had been able to change their module choices had been
greatly appreciated
Student Issues
Considered feedback from student representatives regarding any further student issues.
- That at future meetings, Student Reps are to bring a list of written comments to enable discussion of
student issues and ensure appropriate actions. Action: Student Reps
- That there were no Re-Cap recordings on Blackboard for MMB8037. Professor Ford explained that
some module leaders/module contributors opt out of recordings for valid reasons. It was agreed
that Kirsty would follow this up with Mike Taggart. Action: Kirsty
[Secretary’s note: Kirsty Sanderson has contacted Mike Taggart, Module Leader for MMB8037 to
request that he posts an announcement/emails students via Blackboard to explain that all lectures
will not be recapped. The module leader has now emailed all students on MMB8037 with this
- That students had commented that it was unclear which printer their work would be printed to in
the Walton Library. It was noted that this had been raised by the previous MRes cohort and is yet to
be resolved. Action: Ruth Fisher [Secretary’s note: following the meeting, Kirsty Sanderson
contacted Sue Vecsey about this issue and a solution was quickly provided. All MRes students were
sent the following message: “The printers in the Walton Library now have names – Printer 1, Printer 2,
3, 4 and 5. When you go to print, a pop up appears telling you which printer the document has printed
to. It is easy to miss the pop up, but it appears when the print job is finished”].
10. Curriculum Committee
Professor Ford summarised the business of the Curriculum Committee, reporting that it is the committee
responsible for the running of the MRes Programme and is populated by the MRes module leaders. In
addition to the staff membership, it was noted that student representation is also required. Yasmin Ahmed
and Julia Whitehall agreed to attend the forthcoming meeting scheduled for 25 th November 2015. Joanna
Wilson agreed to attend the meeting scheduled for 9th March 2016. Kirsty Sanderson would ensure that
these reps would be invited to Curriculum Committee. Action: Kirsty Sanderson
11. Student Staff Committee Chair and Secretary
Noted that future SSC meetings would require a Student Chair to lead discussions. Matt Byrne volunteered
to undertake this role at the next meeting scheduled to take place 24th February 2016 with Navin Kumar
volunteering to act as Student Secretary. Action: Matt Byrne/Navin Kumar
12. Any other business
The Student Reps were asked to forward photographs of themselves to Ruth Fisher for inclusion on the
Graduate School web page. Action: Student Reps