11/17 Minutes

KMJLF Board Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2014
KMHS, Room 913
Present: Heidi Patton, David Roembke, Elizabeth DeLany, Kelly Donaldson, Steve Timm,
Steve Kreinz, Coach Pfeiffer, Tim Froemming, Vicki Rock, David Hotchkiss
Excused: Amy Gallenberg, Joe Greenspan
Old Business:
5th grade Pius games: Dave reported that he, along with a few other schools in the league,
will address the Pius issues at the next league meeting.
7th grade team: Discussion followed about combining the two 7th grade teams. The Board
decided that no further action would be taken until the registration numbers for 2015
have been finalized.
Tim Froemming would like to make sure that all teams do a re-draft for next season.
Coach Issues: All coaches must agree to be on the same page with the program. Coaches
should be following the plays as per the Football Coordinator for the KM School District,
Coach Pfeiffer. Steve Timm reported that the HS staff did not get a lot of feedback or
questions from our coaches. The HS is very supportive and encourages questions. It was
decided that for the 2015 season, that all coaches will be required to put in extra time
through attending the HS coaching sessions. Heidi expressed concern over a few coaches
that did not follow the program.
Bylaws: The Executive Committee will meet to review the bylaws and any changes will be
brought to the next board meeting for voting.
Night Games: Everyone reported that they went well, the kids really seemed to enjoy
them. The games give the real HS experience to the players. Everyone agreed that the
concession stand should be open during these games. Heidi reported that the Booster Club
made approximately $1300 over the three nights and it would have been higher had we
sold hot dogs on the first night.
Dave said that next season he will address the night games earlier in the season,
scheduling was difficult. Steve Timm reminded everyone that when setting them up, the
opposing team should be notified that we are combining our teams and that all players will
play, in order to avoid any issues with other schools playing the best players only.
KM Rec: It would be to everyone’s advantage to have the KM Rec football program aligned
with our program in order to avoid any issues with kids knowing plays and understanding
how the program works. KM Rec is not part of the school district and is run by a
municipality. Dave Roembke will see about setting up a meeting with their program
Retiring Directors: Elizabeth DeLany will retire as Treasurer, Heidi Patton as Secretary
and Steve Timm as Vice President. An election will be held in early January with the new
term starting February 1. An email will go out to the program calling for anyone interested
to apply.
Referees: 5th grade had a game where the referees did not show. It was a scheduling
miscommunication between our program and Gary Mattson, the head of the referee crew.
Dave and Kelly emailed them weekly after that to confirm the schedule. Heidi suggested
that next season a written contract should be drawn up for the refs.
Dave Roembke suggested that having a meeting with the head coaches and the head refs
to clarify the rules, etc., prior to the first game may help keep communication open for all
Equipment hand in: Dave was disappointed in the number of coaches that volunteered to
help. Heidi and Dave Hotchkiss confirmed that we had a lot of parent volunteers on hand.
Kelly said we should go through the locker off season and restock ahead of time. Kelly will
call Riddell to pick up the shoulder pads and the helmets for reconditioning.
Discussion followed about practice pants. Coach Pfeiffer said most programs practice in
their girdles and shorts. The Board decided to look in to having a Player Pack, with girdles
and socks for the parents to purchase in the beginning of the season and perhaps
discontinue the white practice pants. Coach Pfeiffer also suggested that we have parents
purchase chin guards for the players due to hygiene issues.
Next year we will have to order the home jerseys for players as well as away jerseys until
we build up a stock of away jerseys. Heidi said that Amy Gallenberg said she could put all
the sizes and numbers we used this year on a spreadsheet. Heidi reminded the Board to
contact Burghardts or whomever the board chooses to use, starting in February to make
sure that the manufacturer has the jerseys in stock. Last year we put our order in in April
and we were nervous about getting them at that time.
Weight Room: Steve Timm and Coach Pfeiffer reported that the weight room is being
used by players in our program. Discussion followed regarding improvements to the weight
room and funding to do so. Heidi asked if all HS sports are involved with helping to fund
the necessary improvements. Coach Pfeiffer said Joe Varick is chairing the committee to
get funding for the weight room.
Jr Logo on HS Field: The Board decided to find out more about the logo prior to
committing to paying for it again.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Patton