Voice Department - Pittsburgh Public Schools

Creative and Performing Arts 6 - 12
Voice Department Handbook
9 to 12 Cohort
A concise collection of rules, policies, and general
information for success in the
Voice Department
School Year
Pittsburgh CAPA 6 - 12
Friday Recitals are a time the Music department has set aside for the
students to perform what they have been working on in the private studio
Melissa A. Pearlman
Joan Murphy 6-8
Steven Sikon 9-12
and independently. Voice students are encouraged to sing on the Friday
recital as often as they learn new songs and no less than once a semester.
At the conclusion of the senior year, a final Senior Recital will be given.
This is in many ways similar to the jury. It is the culmination of 4 years
Voice Department
work; preparing a strong, artistic, & musical program as a true final
Gerald Savage, Department Chairperson
Barbara Benvin
Peter Bianchi
Demareus Cooper
Etta Cox
Alaine Fink
Stephen Neely
Robert Pruitt
Diane Rudolph
Mark Spondike
Tim Tucker
Lenny Young
performance. Attention here is given not only to the music, but to the
Theater/ Production Manager
Chris Howard
performance as a whole. Appropriate dress, program notes, translations,
stage preparation, and artistic preparation all must be addressed for the
Senior Recital.
The following policies have been set for Friday and Senior Recitals:
All selections performed must be memorized completely.
Students must be dressed appropriately [see Concert Dress]
All selections for performance must be sponsored by the studio
teacher. Your studio teacher must approve and initial your
selection on the recital sign-up sheet by Wednesday afternoon at
3:00 pm
Community of Caring
Every student in the Vocal Department is expected to exhibit the qualities
of respect, honesty, kindness, cooperation, and a positive attitude toward
teachers and peers.
The Jury
Each semester will conclude with a Vocal Jury.
Table of Contents
This is a vocal
performance where the student performs one selection as representative of
Voice Department Philosophy
constructive criticism and assess vocal improvement, repertoire and
artistic growth over the semester. Failure to complete a Vocal Jury may
General Conduct
result in a failing grade in Voice Studio.
Student Interviews
The Performance
Ensemble Performance
At the conclusion of each academic year, placement exams are
Solo Performance
administered in Music Theory and Solfege. Students who place at or
Dress Code
Performance Ensembles
exam at the start of the next school year. If the benchmarks are still not
Audience Etiquette
met by the beginning of the next year, the student will be scheduled to
The Studio
repeat the prior level of Music theory and Solfege. Note: Students must be
The Jury
enrolled in Music Theory III or IV and at least Solfege III to be eligible
Community of Caring
their private studio work for the year. The faculty uses this time to give
Advancement through the Voice Department’s 4-year curriculum is
dependent on the student’s proven skill level.
above the stated benchmarks will be moved on to the next levels. Students
who do not meet the stated benchmarks will need to retake the placement
for Jazz Choir and Chamber Choir.
Audience Etiquette
As performers in an Arts Magnet School, students must respect and give
The Voice Department is in place as a center for
professional development for the Singer/Actor. Professionalism
demands personal integrity, a good work ethic, and a focus of
intent to consistently be the best at what you do. Professionalism is
an attitude.
To be successful at CAPA one must not allow oneself to be
distracted by poor focus, weak work ethic, defeatist attitude, or fear
support to their peers during all performances.
This is a part of
establishing a professional discipline.
Applause is a natural, spontaneous response, that is always welcome at the
conclusion of a performance and should be done in an appreciative
manner. Exhibiting noisy, disruptive behavior (i.e. whistling, extra loud
laughing, hooting, yelling, etc.) is not acceptable, and will not be
tolerated. Anyone not showing acceptable behavior, in any performance,
will be immediately removed.
The Studio
The studio is the part of our Voice department that sets us apart from any
other department in the school. Each voice student is given studio
of failure. The professional will not allow anything to get in the
time with one of the voice faculty twice monthly throughout the school
way of their best work.
year. It is in this private lesson that the fundamentals of good singing are
explored. The specific repertoire and pace is left to the studio teacher’s
Extensive time is given to:
vocal improvement within your capabilities
(vocal technique development)
repertoire development
artistic development
(including musicianship and interpretation)
The severity of a violation can merit skipping one or more of
Mastering the principles of musicianship requires your attendance.
these steps and can ultimately end in forfeiting one’s seat in the
Therefore, the following rules have been established to ensure that each
department and returning to the home school.
student has the opportunity to maximize his/her placement in the
department. Punctuality: Students must be on time for classes, voice
lessons rehearsals and performances. Please see the School policy
regarding tardiness. Early Dismissals: Limit early dismissals. Schedule
Class cutting or tardiness will not be permitted under any circumstances.
Cutting a class or arriving late without a blue corridor pass will merit
disciplinary action by the teacher .
appointments after the educational day has ended. Class Cutting: Any
student cutting classes will have disciplinary Action taken by the
teacher(s) whose class has been cut.
Special Events:
Attendance is
required for all Special Events of the Voice Department.
Any student that is suspended, receives “U’s on their report card, or
disrespects teachers, will not be allowed to travel with the performance
ensembles. Students may also be prevented from performing on
department performances at CAPA.
Three (3) unexcused absences result in the reduction of a student’s letter
grade down one grade level. The student must bring a valid excuse to
The Performance
school the next day to the Main Office, to the individual teachers, and to
All scheduled performances are mandatory and graded for all students.
the Voice Department Chairperson Seven (7) absences result in automatic
Failure to attend every performance, on time, and prepared will result in a
failing grade for the performance. Any conflict, including out of school
failure for the semester.
job conflicts must be approved in advance in writing through the Voice
Department, and the parent/guardian.
Please refer to class/studio discipline policies. Any student found to be in
violation of any departmental, school, or district policies can expect a
timely and fair response from the administration.
Ensemble Performance
Enter a performance hall as a professional, knowing you represent
yourselves, your parents, the Voice Department, and the school. Talking,
A school disciplinary form will be filled out by the faculty member with
laughing or distracting others is not acceptable. Eyes and full attention
which the violation occurred. Copies of the form will be filed with the
should be with the director/ conductor at all times. Acknowledging
Main Office, the Voice Department Chairperson, and the Studio Teacher.
applause is appropriate and will be initiated by the director/ conductor.
Repeat violators will meet in conference with Voice Department faculty,
Administration and/or parents /guardians.
Entering and exiting the performance space should be executed in the
most orderly manner possible.
By accepting a seat in the voice department, you will be expected to work
to establish a professional discipline and to learn the fundamentals of
Solo Performance
music and musicianship.
Individual instructions for solo performance will be given through the
It is further expected that all students will dedicate themselves to learn the
vocal studios. see The Studio, The Jury, Recitals.
principles of solo and ensemble vocal performance, including professional
demeanor, through music preparation and appropriate appearance.
Dress Code
Students must adhere to the School policy for school attire. Dress codes
General Conduct
for Performances and Special Events are found defined under Concert
It is expected that students will arrive to every class on time, prepared,
Dress. The student’s private voice teacher will determine Jury attire.
ready to work, and in seats before the Tardy Bell rings. We ask only for
rules of common sense: Please, no talking when it is someone else’s turn.
Performance Ensembles – Concert Dress and Rehearsals
No gum, hats, phones, I-pods, make-up application, etc., while in
Concert dress is mandatory for all students during performances. CAPA
class. Coats are not to be worn in class without special permission. If
will provide the gown, tuxedo, pearls, bow tie, cummerbund & Choir
you bring a coat to class, please place it on the back of your chair. Book
Robe. Women are to wear the following with Robes: Black Closed Toe
bags are to be in lockers periods 7 – 10. Obscene language has NO
Shoes (no platforms, clogs, boots, sandals.), Natural Color Stockings,
place in our department and will not be tolerated.
Black Skirt, and White Long Sleeve Blouse. Girls are not to wear Pants
under robes. Black Skirts must be at least knee length. Pierced nose rings
Student Interviews
and large earrings are not to be worn during performances.
Each student will be interviewed by the Voice Department Faculty at the
Men are to wear the following with Robes: Black Dress Shoes, Black
conclusion of the school year to discuss the student’s work ethic, strengths
Dress Pants, Necktie, Black Shoes, Socks, Belt, and a White Long
and weaknesses, and progress in solo work, ensemble performances, and
Sleeve Shirt.
music classes.
Men are not to wear earrings during performances.
Students are not to wear sneakers, jeans, or T-Shirts. Any student who
loses their pearls, bow tie, or cummerbund must pay the cost for that item.
All students are expected to attend all required performances.