SuperLeader Qualities

FUNdamentals of LeadershipThis workshop will introduce students to leadership and help them define their own leadership style.
Students will identify positive leadership traits by creating a SuperLeader action figure, evaluating
leadership styles in sample case studies, and engaging in a self-reflection activity to set goals for their
own leadership development.
Introduction (10 min)
Ask the group to think about- What qualities make a good leader?
o Divide the group into two equal groups.
o Have groups form concentric circles facing each other.
o Have partners facing each other talk about what makes a good leader.
o Have the inner circle take 3 steps to their right and face a new partner.
o Again, have the new partners talk about what makes a good leader.
o Repeat this 2 more times.
Bring the group back together and inform students that “Today you will learn about what
qualities make effective leaders.”
SuperLeader Qualities (10 min)
Review with the students the visual and handout in the delegate packet on SuperLeader
o Discuss that these are just some of the common characteristics associated with leaders.
Have students discuss, with a partner, what qualities on the list they think are most important
for leaders to have .
Provide each student with a SuperLeader paper and have them create a SuperLeader action
figure that could be sold to children to teach them about leadership. Show the example visual
of the SuperLeader and discuss some of the attributes (example- big ears for listening, a huge
brain for holding knowledge, extra hands for helping others)
o Have students think about what qualities their SuperLeader will have.
o Provide each school group with a set of crayons/markers/art supplies.
Collect the SuperLeader action figures for display.
Leadership Scenarios (5 min)
Have students review the Leadership Scenarios handout in the delegate packet.
Each school should work as a school group to read over each scenario and define what
important leadership qualities the leaders used.
Have the whole group discuss each scenario if time.
Closure (2 min)
As closure, have each student go back to the SuperLeader Qualities handout and star those
items they feel they need to develop as a leader next year.
SuperLeader Qualities
These are just SOME of the qualities often associated with effective leaders:
Team player
Accepting of differences
Good speaker
Manage their time
Involve others
Never give up
Accept feedback
Good listener
Leadership Scenarios
Scenario #1:
Jack and Jane are planning a food drive for their school. To help get
canned food goods, Jack and Jane make posters to hang in their school.
They go to each class and talk to the students about the food drive.
They even ask 10 of their friends to help decorate boxes for the event
and to collect food from the classrooms each week. At the end of the
event, Jack and Jane write a thank-you note to each student who
helped collect food.
SuperLeader Qualities:
Scenario #2:
Jefferson Elementary School is having a problem with bullying. A group
of students are concerned. They decide to make a survey to give to all
students about how safe they feel in school. After looking at the
surveys, the students decide to present a half hour lesson to each class
on the dangers of bullying. The students then form a group that meets
monthly to develop new ways to discourage bullying in their school.
SuperLeader Qualities: