Some Qualities of a Good Teacher[1]

Stina Hänninen
lifelong process
also some qualities that people (students,
teachers, parents) have a quite common
your opinion: qualities of good teachers?
children prefer happy, friendly, enthusiastic,
supportive, funny and caring type of a teacher
Some parents on the other hand say that
getting to know the students, being flexible and
In physical education is important set realistic goals
and emphasize improved performance, not winning.
control your own emotions - patience
Being a positive role model and living healthy (Kids,
Parents and Sports: Some questions and answers; Jon C. Hellstedt, PhD; The physician and
Sportmedicine, vol16, No. 4)
specially elements of care, enthusiasm, the
passion in themselves
“You can really tell when someone has a heart
for teaching”
First: getting to know the students
knowing well your subject areas (Head Teacher Mary Kooy
from Center for a teacher education and development Ontario institutes for studies in
teacher is a passionate learner herself
Being natural and confident around the
students, being yourself (Mary Kooy)
What are your, or your friend’s best qualities?
Understanding psychology (human behavior,
what motivates us to learn?)
the way good teachers use humor
PE-teaching methods way back compared
today’s methods
E9o&feature=related Bart’s PE-teacher
make the classroom great place to be and learn,
feeling unique, having an interactive
Creating learning experiences
using the sences
Experiences make pupil looking forward to the
class, they don’t wan’t to miss school
teacher’s charismatic presence
good sense of humor
ability to listen and motivate
innovate, enthusiastic , communicates respectfully
Empathic, patient personality
Great teachers are passionate learners themselves:
learning from students
1_iqM&feature=related reminds me of my
secondary school’s PE-teacher Tike Sarkkinen