Making Research Count (University of York)
The focus of these seminars is to present recent research and related findings and to explore their potential implementation in policy and
practice. This seminar is aimed at staff with policy, operational or training responsibilities for the development and delivery of adult and
children’s social work and social care services, as well as those working in housing, health and education.
Defining Risk, Managing Vulnerability:
Questioning the certainties in interventions with ‘problem’ young people
Professor Jo Phoenix, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University
Dr Kate Brown, Lecturer in Social Policy, University of York
Chaired by Professor Nick Frost, Leeds Metropolitan University
Date: Tuesday 2 July 2013
Time: 1.30pm to 4.15pm (coffee and registration from 1pm)
Venue: Conference Suite, Innovation Centre, York Science Park, York.
Monitoring, Assessing and Managing Risk and Vulnerability – Jo Phoenix
Twenty-first century services for ‘problem’ young people have experienced many of the same shifts that have been experienced
across a range of professions and people-facing services: the growth of actuarialism and an attendant concern to measure, manage
and reduce risk; the reconfiguration of the relationship (and responsibilities and authority) between central and local government,
between local government and services; and, the proliferation of ways monitoring, assessing and ‘enhancing’ performance. This rise
in ‘risk-crazed governance’ has been well discussed in criminological literature and is beginning to make an appearance in social
work literature (see The British Journal of Social Work, Special Issue “Risk and Social Work: Critical Perspectives”, volume 40, issue
4, June 2010). In order to understand the what this means in practice and in relation to ‘problem’ young people, this seminar
applies this literature to practices involved in dealing with young people defined as ‘at risk’ of sexual exploitation. It challenges
some of the taken-for-granted professional ‘wisdoms’ that have emerged in the last two decades by contextualising the
contemporary concerns about sexual exploitation, by asking a set of seemingly simple questions about the relationship between
risk, harm, vulnerability and sex and drawing out those ‘other wisdoms’ that practitioners have about their efforts to define the
riskiness and manage the vulnerability of sexually exploited young people.
Vulnerability and Young People: Dilemmas, Disagreements and Discretion – Kate Brown
The protection of ‘vulnerable’ young people is a now a key priority within children’s services, and addressing ‘vulnerability’ is seen
as an important element in delivering interventions for individuals and families. However, difficulties can arise when ideas about
vulnerability are put into practice. The meaning of vulnerability is not always clear, and supposedly vulnerable young people
sometimes behave in ways that are ‘problematic’, presenting challenges in terms of how their vulnerability is managed. Using
research undertaken with vulnerable young people and with professionals involved in the supporting this group, this presentation
will aim to question the certainties of practices focussed on vulnerability. It will encourage delegates to reflect more closely on
some of the complexities which arise in their everyday practice: how clients are measured and classified; the role of professional
judgements in this; and tensions which can result where young people and professionals see ‘risk’ differently.
At this seminar, delegates will have the opportunity to reflect on what they have heard, and to discuss with researchers and peers
the practical implications arising from a number of research projects.
Jo Phoenix is a Professor of Criminology in the School of Applied Social Sciences at Durham University. Her research focuses on
young people, gender, crime and criminal justice. She has research prostitution and sexual exploitation for nearly twenty years and
is author of Making Sense of Prostitution (Palgrave: 2001), Illegal and Illicit: Sex Regulation and Social Control (with Sarah Oerton)
(Willan: 2005) and edited Sex For Sale (Policy Press: 2011). She has also written several chapters and articles on the professional
assessments of risk and need in the context of youth justice. Her latest research project focuses on the role of practitioners in
implementing youth justice policy.
Kate Brown is a Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of York. Her research focuses on ‘vulnerability’ and the governance of
‘vulnerable’ people’s lives. She has a special interest in welfare and disciplinary processes for young people. Before returning to
university to study for her PhD, Kate worked in the voluntary sector for around ten years supporting vulnerable groups such as
young women who sold sex, young drug users and families affected by domestic violence.
The seminars in this series are free for nominated staff from member agencies of Making Research Count (University of York) (see
overleaf for details) and open to staff from other agencies at a fee of £50 per seminar. A Booking Form can be found overleaf – please
return to your Making Research Count (York) contact in your agency if you come from a member agency.
List of Children’s and Adult Services Contacts for Making Research Count (York)
City of York Council
Christine Shipley
01904 553 017
East Riding
Angela Grasby
01482 396 411
Janice Barnby
01482 318 479
Rachael Simoes
0113 2478 422
North East Lincs.
Beckie Smith
01472 324 237
North Yorkshire
Gemma Dickinson
01609 533 258
Aga Knowles
01924 305 690
Booking Form Research Briefings Seminar Series 2012-13
Defining Risk and Managing Vulnerability in Young People
Jo Phoenix and Kate Brown
Tuesday 2nd July 2013
JOB TITLE: ………….………….…………………………………………..….………………………….……….…………….………….
AGENCY: …………………………………..………………………………………...……………………….…….…………….…….……
Please circle: ADULTS SERVICES
OTHER (please state).……….…………………………
ADDRESS: …….…………..………………………………..……………….….…………..………………………….…………….………..
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Email: …………………………………..…………………..………..………………………
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I am a nominated member of staff from a member agency of Making Research Count (University of York)
and my attendance has been agreed by the contact for my agency – see above - and so
there is no charge
I enclose a cheque for £50 payable to ‘University of York’
(This fee is only refundable for cancellations received more than 14 days before the event)
Please send invoice for £50 to:
(This fee is only refundable for cancellations received more than 14 days before the event)
Tel: ………………….….…………………………………
Please return Booking Form to the Making Research Count (York) contact in your agency
(please see list above for contact details).
If you are from another agency, and/or paying full price please return Booking Form to:
Jane Phythian, Making Research Count (University of York), Dept. of Social Policy & Social Work, University of York, Heslington, YORK, YO10 5DD
Voicemail: 01904 321237