Annex D: Standard Reporting Template Birmingham, Solihull and the Black Country Area Team 2014/15 Patient Participation Enhanced Service – Reporting Template Practice Name: Stroud Practice, Bentley Health Centre, Churchill Road, Walsall, WS2 0BA Practice Code: M91614 Signed on behalf of practice: SK Haynes Date: 20.03.15 Signed on behalf of PPG: A Wiltshire Date: 20.03.15 1. Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG) Does the Practice have a PPG? YES Method of engagement with PPG: Face to face, Email, Other (please specify) The PPG meet quarterly. All information is emailed to virtual members. Information displayed on the practice website Information displayed in the waiting area PPG advertised on prescription forms Number of members of PPG: as of 24.02.15 18 Virtual Members 6 Attendees 24 Total practice population 4489 Detail the gender mix of practice population and PPG: % Practice Male 2241 50% 10 PRG Detail of age mix of practice population and PPG: Female 2248 50% 14 % Practice 25-34 572 13% 6 35-44 579 13% 1 Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups White &black White African &Asian 12 18 1% 1% Other mixed 22 1% PRG <16 911 20% 17-24 423 9% 1 45-54 588 13% 5 55-64 623 14% 5 65-74 564 13% 3 Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PRG: 1 1% White Gypsy or Irish traveller 1 1% Other white 38 1% White &black Caribbean 92 2% 0 0 2 2 British Irish Practice 3994 89% PRG 19 Practice PRG Indian Pakistani 324 7% 0 17 1% 0 Asian/Asian British Bangladeshi 6 1% 0 Chinese 8 1% 0 0 Other Asian 18 1% 0 0 0 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British African Caribbean Other Black 17 63 14 1% 1% 1% 1 0 0 0 Other Any other 1 0 0 Arab Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic background and other members of the practice population: Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG? e.g. a large student population, significant number of jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community? NO If you have answered yes, please outline measures taken to include those specific groups and whether those measures were successful: > 75 229 5% 3 2. Review of patient feedback Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year: The PPG reviewed the National Survey results published from March 2014. The National patient survey results (march 2014) were distributed at the PPG meeting in August 2014. The members were asked to review the results and discuss any action arising at the next meeting. Friends and Family Test February 2015 – Data collected to date for January and February 2015 Patient Satisfaction Survey February 2015 – Survey commenced 16.02.15 National Survey Results January 2015 Publication (Data collected January to March and July to September 2014) February 2015 How frequently were these reviewed with the PRG? National Survey Results January 2015 Publication (Data collected January to March and July to September 2014) Reviewed August 2014 - The members of the PPG were asked to review the results during the meeting in August 2014. There were no actions outlined during this meeting and therefore the group were asked to take them away and discuss further at the next meeting in November. Reviewed November 2014 - At the November meeting the members were asked about the results. The group reported that they did not have any actions arising from the results of the meeting Reviewed February 2015 - Feedback was discussed at the PRG meeting held on 24.02.15. A review of the national survey results from January to March 2014 – 14/70 patients said that they are overheard in reception and are not happy about it. The group discussed this and advised that the reception area is very open and patients in the waiting room can hear everything, and sometimes it may be more appropriate to offer some privacy. Add this as a priority action. Friends and Family Test February 2015 – Data collected to date for January and February 2015 Reviewed February 2015 - There were a few comments on the Friends and Family feedback regarding waiting times in the surgery and the National Survey results published January 2015 showed that 15/66 said they had to’ wait a bit too long’. The group discussed this and although sometimes sessions do not run on time due to circumstances beyond our control the group felt that communication could be improved between reception and patients waiting to be seen. Add this as a priority action. Patient Satisfaction Survey February 2015 Reviewed February 2015 - No Actions arising from this survey. Carry out a further survey in 3-6 months. 3. Action plan priority areas and implementation Priority area 1 Description of priority area: Carers – Identification of carers and Support The PRG group met on 12 August 2014. Following a discussion around current issues the group agreed that the identification of carers and offer of support should be one priority area for the practice What actions were taken to address the priority? The practice began actively looking to identify carers and cared for patients. The practice is completing care plans for patients as part of a Locally Commissioned Service for patients over the age of 75 and a Direct Enhanced Service for patients at risk of admission; the care plan includes a section for the identification of a carer. On completion of the care plan the information is recorded on the clinical system. Many patients have also provided information regarding next of kin which has also been recorded on the system. Patients may also offer information regarding carer status and this has been recorded. The practice has developed an Information Leaflet and information is displayed on the notice board for Carers. A Carer Register set up to ensure reviews have taken place Carers offered a review with the Practice Nurse Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): The number of Carers registered with the practice has increased significantly Carers and patients are benefiting from reviews, support offered and information provided Cared for Patients 13 6 1 1 5 Cared for patients on the system recorded as having a carer Cared for patients attended for an annual health review Cared for patients visited at home for a review Cared for patient under the age of 18 Cared for patients invited to attend Carers 8 19 3 16 Carers registered on the clinical system on 01.04.14 Carers registered on the clinical system on 19.03.15 Carers invited as part of the annual review practice process Carers have been sent a specific invitation for an annual health review Information displayed on the notice board and also on the practice website Priority area 2 Description of priority area: Dementia – Raise awareness and offer information and support The PRG group met on 12 August 2014. Following a discussion around current issues the group agreed that raising awareness of dementia and offering information and support should be one priority area for the practice What actions were taken to address the priority? The practice signed up for the Direct Enhanced Service for facilitating timely diagnosis and support for people with Dementia. The criteria for the enhanced service included identifying patients at risk of dementia by following the specification. The patients identified as ‘at risk’ were flagged on the clinical system. The flagged patients will be offered memory screening opportunistically, followed by a dementia assessment and referred to the memory service if appropriate. The practice is also raising awareness of dementia via the NHS Health Checks for the age group 40 -74. The practice will also act on any concerns raised by patients attending the practice. Dementia advisor Vicky Patel from Age UK - attended PRG meeting on 11 November 2014 to raise awareness. Leaflets were provided for Pathways for life and information regarding the Dementia Cafes. Patients can be referred for support whilst waiting for the appointment with the Memory Service. Vicky also advised that she could arrange an awareness stand for a day. Available dates were requested and Tuesday 17 March was agreed. Dementia Support Worker Walsall Alzheimer’s Society (Charlotte Crane) attended a meeting with the Practice Manager on 30 January 2015. Leaflets and referral letters for support provided to the practice. They also offer a pre-diagnosis service where the Dementia Support Worker spends half a day and performs the 6-CIT test with patients who have been identified as possibly being in the early stages of dementia. The results will be recorded in the medical records and referred on to the memory service for full diagnosis. The practice has asked for availability and will liaise with the other practices if required. They may also be able to arrange an awareness stand for a day and available dates has been requested. Charlotte will get back to the practice manager with availability. She will also attend the PRG meeting and dates will be forwarded to her when available Notice board updated A basic practice Information leaflet has been constructed and an information pack put together for patients to be given at the time of referral or following diagnosis as appropriate. The leaflet and information pack will continue to be developed as information and feedback is received Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): Patients and carers are benefiting from the reviews, support offered and information provided. Information displayed on the notice board in the waiting area and on the practice website Information packs offered when the patient attends the practice and upon request The practice is referring patients recently diagnosed with Dementia to the Dementia Support Worker Carers of the patients registered with Dementia contacted by telephone to advise that the Dementia Advisor would be on site on 17.03.15 Relatives of patients with Dementia contacted to log carer details The number of carers identified has increased 13 5 8 2 1 1 Carers identified for patients with Dementia Carers have been sent a specific invitation for an annual health review Carers not registered patients Patients without a carer Relative identified Nursing home Priority area 3 Description of priority area: Waiting Area Privacy and Communication with Patients regarding waiting times The group met on 24 February 2015 and agreed that Waiting Area Privacy and Communication with Patients regarding waiting times should be a priority for the practice. What actions were taken to address the priority? Waiting Area Privacy Notice in waiting area to ask at reception if privacy required. Reception staff to offer privacy if appropriate Patients requesting a private discussion taken into another room if available or invited to return at a mutually convenient time Practice Manager to review options available (e.g. privacy screen) and gather information and costing to discuss with the GP’s and PRG . Waiting Times Waiting Times – The practice currently has a notice to display sessions running late using smiley/sad faces. This was discussed with the staff on 26.02.14 to identify improvements. Reception staff discussed the following options available and agreed that the notice could be updated to include an approximate waiting time if over 20 minutes. Notice updated to display waiting times > 20 minutes. Reception staff thought that displaying the waiting time was a good idea, but would be difficult to keep up with the length of time overrunning. All agreed however that we could try displaying the delay as more than 20 minutes. Also the information board could be updated to include each clinician as patients are not always aware that there is more than one GP or nurse at a time and one may be on time and the other may be late. Display poster about why appointments run late. A poster was discussed to include information regarding the reasons why the sessions run late for e.g. patient admission, 999 call, patient fainting etc Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised): Waiting Area Privacy Patients are already taking advantage of the privacy arrangements in the practice when offered and upon request. This allows the patient to talk freely and in confidence to a member of staff. It has also been of benefit to patients at times of distress who do not want to display their emotions in public Disruptive patients has been requested to wait in another room to avoid causing any distress to other patients in waiting area Waiting Times Patients have information available about the current waiting time upon arrival at their appointment time enabling them to make an informed decision whether to wait or rebook their appointment for another day Progress on previous years If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s): Priorities arising from the practice specific PPG meeting on 11.03.14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Online services – New website – PPG members to review several options for the layout of the website and provide their views to determine the final selection Provide and information leaflet with the website address and simple instructions on how to access Private Fees – Information on the notice board to be bigger, and possibly a leaflet version available for patients Hospital Discharge – could the patients be contacted following discharge to see if everything is okay? Continue the awareness of and actively monitor the current extended hours and gather views regarding opening hours What actions were taken to address the priority? 1. Online services. The practice has continued to raise awareness of online services with information on notice boards and prescription forms. The members reported back verbally on the website and the current layout was chosen as a result of their feedback From April 2015 patients will also have access to view medication and allergies online. Access will be provided on an individual basis upon request and an identity check. 2. Information leaflet available for online access. This includes the website address and details on how to download the mobile phone app. Patients who register at reception for online services are also provided an information leaflet which includes instructions on how to add the register their details online. 3. Private Fees – A patient leaflet has been developed and is available upon request. The Private Fees list on the notice board in the waiting area has been doubled in size. 4. Hospital Discharge – the practice is reviewing hospital discharges on a daily basis. Patients are now contacted if there are any medication changes, complications or the GP’s determines a telephone call or face to face appointment is required. The patient may be contacted by the GP, the nurse or the reception staff and action taken as required. 5. Awareness of Extended Hours – Opening hours are displayed in the waiting area, on the entrance to the practice, practice leaflet, practice website 4. PPG Sign Off Report signed off by PPG: YES Date of sign off: 20.03.15 How has the practice engaged with the PPG: Quarterly meetings How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population? The practice has advertised the PPG on the practice website, notice board on patient annual review letters and on prescription forms. Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources? Yes - Patient surveys, Friends and Family Test Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan? Yes How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan? The service offered to patients with dementia, cared for patients and the carers of patients has improved as they are now being invited to attend on an annual basis. The practice has also developed information leaflets and will continue to develop them following feedback from patients and new information is received. Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work?