Marketing and Communications - University of the Arts London

EQUALITY SCREENING: UAL Marketing and Communications Functions
Aim: University of the Arts London is committed to enhancing the quality of its policies, strategies, functions and procedures to
ensure wherever possible, any impact is duly considered and appraised to be fair and inclusive to all who participate in our
University life.
Context: The Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010, s149) requires HEIs to demonstrate 'due regard' to eliminate
discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations between those that share protected characteristics and
those that do not.
The legally protected characteristics are Age, Disability, Ethnicity, Gender Reassignment, Maternity and Pregnancy (Caring
Responsibilities), Race, Religion or Belief and Sexual Orientation. For the purposes of Widening Participation in HE, Social Class
is also considered for students.
The General Aim essentially means to:
Eradicate discrimination (direct, indirect, harassment, victimisation and by association)
Remove or minimise disadvantage (barriers)
Meet different needs
Encourage participation
Tackle prejudice (bias) and promote understanding.
Purpose: The purpose of the Equalities Screening is to:
a) Evidence, through research statistics and consultation, the impact of a policy, strategy or function on those with protected
b) Identify and prioritise actions that could improve or enhance any impact OR where changes are not possible, to justify why this is
c) Incorporate these actions into existing and relevant business or strategic priorities.
Equality Screening Template - GENERIC
1. Consult with
Diversity Team
2. Gather Evidence
of Impact
3. Consider Impact & Actions in
Relevant Committee(s)
4. Submit Screening
for Approval at EDLG
5. Incorporate Actions
into Business/
Strategic Plans
a) Title
b) Purpose
c) Name of policy, strategy or function Lead
UAL Marketing and Communications Functions
The purpose of the EIA is to identify ways of ensuring the University’s
communications are delivered in a way which reduces the barriers faced by
people from diverse backgrounds.
Ezri Carlebach
d) In scope for consideration
The main scope of the EIA is to consider the impact of the University’s
communication mechanisms on different groups of students and staff:
The main communication mechanisms include:
 University printed materials and publications.
 Online content e.g. the Website, Virtual Learning Environments.
Some recommendations will relate to central communications functions while
others will require delivery through College communication or marketing
functions, course teams or other University departments. Where this is the
case, relevant departments will be asked to agree the final actions and will be
given responsibility for specific objectives arising from the EIA.
Equality Screening Template - GENERIC
The aim of the EIA is to consider how we:
e) Priority Lines of Enquiry agreed
f) Other Committees / Groups / Networks consulted
1. Ensure best practice guidelines on accessible information is widely
disseminated and adopted across UAL, including by course teams.
2. Check that new content management systems and VLEs are compatible with
the types of assistive technologies commonly used by disabled students and
staff at UAL.
3. Promote ‘Plain English’ standards across UAL.
4. Convey positive messages about diversity through our marketing material.
Internal Communications Working Group November/December
Widening Participation Sub Committee Bethan Williams, 12th December.
Senior Communications Group January
Disabled Staff Network and ‘All staff consultation’– December to January.
Equality Screening Template - GENERIC
Please set out the key findings from your Screening and identify at least THREE actions that will be undertaken to ensure the policy,
strategy or function has a positive impact on promoting equality, minimises barriers that affect different groups, and eliminates
discrimination in relation to the protected characteristics.
a) Protected
Evidenced Impact
Justification or Action Point (please include by whom
and by when)
In 2011/12 9% of our students declared themselves to have a
specific learning difficulty (e.g. dyslexia), compared to 3.8% in
the UK HE sector1 Therefore, in showing due regard for the
needs of disabled people, the University seeks to take into
account the fact that a larger proportion of our students, staff
and prospective students may experience barriers to accessing
With input from Communication and External Affairs and
College Marketing Teams, the Diversity Team will develop
an Accessible Information Guide which will be:
Where possible, University publications adhere to best practice
guidelines on accessible information and a range of tools are
used to present information in accessible and engaging ways
(such as animation, video interviews, podcasts).
There is evidence that disabled audiences may continue to
face barriers to accessing information, for example:
 The EIA of Admissions found that information produced
through course teams and university departments does not
consistently adhere to best practice in Accessible
Integrated into University Editorial and Print Guidelines.
(Communications and External Affairs).
Adopted by College Marketing Teams and University
Departments e.g. Accommodation Services,
Admissions, Services for Students, LLR. (UAL Senior
Communications Group and other Committees /
Management Teams as relevant)
Supported by online resources and examples of
internal and external best practice (Internal
Communications Working Group)
Shared with Course Teams and considered as part of
reviews of Course Handbooks and the production of
Course Information and Entry Profiles. (CLTAD,
Academic Quality, Admissions)
Equality in higher education: statistical report 2012
Equality Screening Template - GENERIC
Please set out the key findings from your Screening and identify at least THREE actions that will be undertaken to ensure the policy,
strategy or function has a positive impact on promoting equality, minimises barriers that affect different groups, and eliminates
discrimination in relation to the protected characteristics.
b) Protected
Race/ Ethnicity
There are no shared procedures for producing information
in alternative formats, such as large print, audio or Braille.
It is unclear how disabled people and disability / dyslexia
specialists are involved in testing new content management
systems or VLE’s to ensure they are compatible with the
assistive software used by students and staff.
Evidenced Impact
Students and staff are expected to engage with a vast array of
information which is presented in a language which is complex
and does not adhere to Plain English standards. This may
have a negative impact on people whose first language is not
Communication and External Affairs will clarify
arrangements for involving disability and dyslexia
specialists in the testing of new content management
CLTAD will clarify arrangements for involving disability and
dyslexia specialists in the development of Moodle.
Justification or Action Point (please include by whom
and by when)
Establish a network of staff with an interest in
‘Championing’ Accessible Communication practices and to
generate examples of good practice taking place in the
Colleges through Internal Communications Working
Improving the quality of written information may have a positive
Promote take up of the UAL Plain English Training or
impact on groups who are traditionally ‘under-represented’
online Plain English Courses particularly amongst staff
within Higher Education.
with a remit for developing Course Handbooks.
c) Protected
Evidenced Impact
Justification or Action Point (please include by whom
Equality Screening Template - GENERIC
Please set out the key findings from your Screening and identify at least THREE actions that will be undertaken to ensure the policy,
strategy or function has a positive impact on promoting equality, minimises barriers that affect different groups, and eliminates
discrimination in relation to the protected characteristics.
and by when)
There is currently no consistent approach to the production of
marketing materials and publications or to ensuring that they
communicate positive messages about the University’s
commitment to equality and diversity, e.g. through the images
we use or the statements we make about diversity.
d) Further/Other
Evidenced Impact
The University’s Editorial guidelines have been updated to
include guidelines on ‘representing’ or promoting diversity
within marketing materials. In addition to using images of
people, the editorial guide suggests that publications:
 Show how the University celebrates diversity
through projects, initiatives and events.
 Images of students’ artwork which relate to a
particular diversity theme.
 Quotes from students, staff or alumni about how
they explore their identity, culture, heritage or
background, through their work.
Communication and External Affairs will work with College
Management and Communication Teams to identify sector
best practice and consider how we can progress this within
the University.
Justification or Action Point (please include by whom
and by when)
Equality Screening Template - GENERIC
a) Please offer feedback on your experience of undertaking this Equality Screening.
This has been a very helpful process that has enabled those taking part to gain a better understanding of the issues, and to focus on the positive
benefits that diversity brings to UAL. The support from the Diversity Team has been excellent.
b) Please indicate the local policies / strategies / business priorities / action plans your Actions will be incorporated into:
UAL brand guidelines
UAL style and tone of voice guide
UAL marketing and communications strategy
College marketing and communications plans
c) Name and date of Senior Manager who has endorsed this Equality Screening:
Ezri Carlebach
19 February 2013
Equality Screening Template - GENERIC