Karnataka Emergency Medical Services: Arogya Kavacha & More

advertisement AROGYA KAVACHA 108:
“Arogya Kavacha” 108 Emergency service was started in the state of Karnataka on
November 1, 2008, by the Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Department under a
Private Public Partnership through an MOU signed with GVK EMRI.
The Role and Mission of ‘108’ is to save lives by providing a comprehensive
‘Emergency Response Service’ to those in Medical, Police or Fire emergencies, through
a single integrated number - 108. We operate 24 x 7 and 365 days of the year with a fleet
of 711 well equipped ambulances. The ambulances are manned by a trained Emergency
Medical Technician (EMT) and a trained driver (Pilot). This service is available across
the length and breadth of Karnataka i.e., all the 30 districts.
The ambulances are stationed strategically in all districts and talukas across Karnataka so
they can reach the incident location within the shortest possible time anywhere in the state.
The services are operated through a centralized Emergency Response Center located at
Bangalore. At present there is one ambulance for every 85000 populations with a total of
711 ambulances throughout the state.
This service can be utilized by any individual who requires emergency help
(Medical, Police, or Fire) irrespective of his economic status, caste, creed, colour, ethnicity,
gender, and/or literacy levels. The process of calling for an ambulance is simplified to
such an extent that a call to the toll-free number ‘108’ with details of emergency, the
number of people involved and the incident location supported with a landmark; would
trigger an ambulance dispatch . This is an absolutely FREE SERVICE starting from the
phone call till the point of reaching the hospital.
The medical emergencies can be availed for Accident and Trauma (Vehicular and non
vehicular), complaints related to Cardiac, Respiration, , Diabetes, pregnancy,
Stroke/Convulsions, Suicide attempts, Poisoning cases, Assault/Violence, Animal Attacks,
Neonatal, Building Collapse, Fire, Burns, hazardous material ingestion etc.,
From the date of inception till September 2015, 491.15 lakh calls are attended, 42.10 lakh
emergencies are attended and out of this 1596724 (41%) pregnant women have utilized the
services and 138198 lives are saved.
Janani Suraksha Vahini :-
Janani Suraksha Vahini Programme was initiated under NHM in 2009-10 to ensure 24/7
round the clock, free referral transport between the facilities for pregnant women and sick
neonates/ infants.
Out of the existing ambulances of the CHCs/ TH/ DH one ambulance of each facility was
designated as JSV Ambulance. At present there are 180 JSV Ambulances.
Drivers are outsourced by District Health Societies from Manpower Agencies by calling
tenders as per KTPP Act.
3 drivers (1 Regular and 2 Out sourced) are given to each vehicle to work in 8th hourly
Total number of beneficiaries under JSV from April 2015 to Sept 2015 is 17127.
To provide Drop Back facility for post postnatal mothers and new born from Government
Health Facilities to their residence, 200 drop back vehicles called as “Nagu-Magu” were
inaugurated on 5th February 2014. The Nagu-Magu vehicles are deployed one each at the
District Hospital and Taluka Level Hospitals.
Drivers for Nagu-Magu Vehicle are outsourced by District Health Societies from
Manpower Agencies by calling tenders as per KTPP Act.
Total number of beneficiaries under Nagu-Magu from April 2015 to Sept 2015 is 41926.
Bike Ambulances:(First Response Unit)
The Bike Ambulances/ First Response unit (FRU) is inaugurated on 15th of April 2015 by
Government of Karnataka. It is the “Platinum Ten Minutes” trauma care initiative aimed
at reducing deaths due to road accidents. It is an unique initiative and is the first of its
kind to be taken up by the State Government in our Country.
The first aid and medical care during the “Platinum Ten Minutes” is paramount to save
the life of an accident victim, hence the pioneering attempt to start motorbike ambulance
The motorbike ambulance service is another pilot and pioneering initiative to ensure first
aid to the victims during the Golden Hour.
They are useful for negotiating the small streets and heavy traffic in the large urban areas
where it would be difficult to move ambulances through crowds. The fleet of high-powered
touring motorcycles are available when required to respond to various trauma/medical
incidents. The Bike ambulances will be currently deployed in Bangalore (19 Nos),
Mangalore (2 Nos), and one each to the corporation areas of Mysore, Kalburgi, Belagavi,
Hubballi-Dharawad, Davanagere, Tumakuru, Vijayapura Shimoga and Kolar districts,
where heavy traffic congestion and narrow streets would be easily overcome by the agile
nature of the bikes. The programme will be implemented through GVK-EMRI who are
already experience in providing such services through Arogya Kavacha-108. Riders are
paramedics or EMTs who are recruited and trained on managing emergencies. Motorbike
ambulance drivers would be fully trained in rendering first aid and would start resuscitation
measures to save the victim.
Two-wheelers by virtue of their size could manoeuvre through narrow and busy roads and
reach accident spots with ease while they would be followed by a fully equipped fourwheel ambulance for shifting the victim to a nearest hospital for further treatment if
Bike ambulance is able to respond to a medical emergency much faster than an ambulance
or a car in heavy traffic which can increase survival rates for patients suffering cardiac
arrest/ accident/ other emergencies.
Totally 2125 emergencies (minor trauma and accidents) are attended by the bike
ambulances from the date of inception out of which 45 are critical cases and 962 cases are
referred to 4 wheeler ambulance.
The Government of Karnataka has started the Arogya Sahayavani-104 service with the
moto of reaching the unreached, to provide all the health care services available in the
public sector.
Those patients residing in the remote rural villages who cannot access the medical doctors
in the hospitals, can now contact with the doctors through Arogya Sahayavani-104. “104”
is a toll free number through which people can avail consultation for minor ailments,
counseling services, information on services available in public Health facilities, directory
services (Eye bank, Blood Bank) and grievance redressal (Services, Epidemics, Corruption,
Hygiene, Drugs and Diagnostics, ASHA grievances, etc., )
Arogya Sahayavani-104 call center is situated at IT park Hubli with 100 seater
capacity. People (Citizens) from any part of the state can avail their service by calling 104
should the clock throughout the year. From the date of insception till Sept 2015
38,05,171 calls are received at the call center.Around 75 deaths are averted from
inspection . At present around 20000 calls per day on an average is being received at the
call center.
“Vatsalya Vani”
For the first time in India, A Three way call conferencing structure for Mother Child
tracking system called “Vatsalya Vani” is is launched in Karnataka by Hon’ble Chief
Minister Shri. Siddaramaiah on 21st September 2015. This programme is implemented
through Arogya Sahayavani-104.
Karnataka has achieved the Millennium Development Goals. Maternal Mortality Rate of
Karnataka is 133/lakh live births & Infant Mortality Rate is 31/1000 live births. Our State
under the leadership of Hon’ble Chief Minister Sri Siddaramaiah & Health Minister Sri U
T Khader is a step ahead of all the other states in the MCTS Programme by bringing in the
unique three way call conferencing structure for Mother Child tracking system called
“Vatsalya Vani”.
To reduce Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), “Vatsalya
Vani” would monitor and offer medical advice/counselling to the pregnant women
throughout the pregnancy period at appropriate times. Likewise, every child will be
monitored at specified intervals to ensure it receives complete immunization. As a result
complement other efforts to increase institutional deliveries, Prevent drop outs, improve
delivery services etc., in the direction of reducing MMR and IMR.
Vatsalya Vani call center will offer the below services throughout the state,
a. Monitor all pregnant woman and child through ANC/PNC advice.
b. Promote, protect and maintain the health of the mother and child through advice e.g.
nutrition, health & wellbeing.
c. Providing information of various government health programs and schemes and
their entitlements
d. Identify and track High Risk Pregnancies and low weight birth babies.
e. Motivate mothers for Institutional Delivery and family planning methods.
f. Arrange and monitor transfer to nearest delivery point through state ambulances.
g. Eliminate home deliveries.
h. Track Immunization status.
i. Prevent dropouts.
j. Ensure complete service delivery.