April 2015 Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church

The T.L.C. E-News
Trinity Lutheran Church in Macomb, IL
Pastor: Mike Thomas
(309) 833-2909
Making Christ Known by Making a Difference
Volume XXX, Issue 4
April 2015
The Pastor’s Page
In the history of football there is the rare
occasion when a player in possession of the ball
becomes disoriented and runs in the opposite
direction than they are supposed to be going.
Roy Riegels, an All-American player for the
University of California did so in the 1929 Rose
Bowl, and forever was nicknamed “Wrong
Way.” Jim Marshall of the Vikings did so in the
1960s, and scored a safety for the other team
instead of a touchdown for Minnesota. It just
doesn’t happen in football, occasionally one will
read of a driver who for one reason or another
entered an interstate highway via an exit ramp,
somehow not seeing the multitude of posted
“Wrong Way Do Not Enter” signs. Even
Trinity’s Tuesday evening Bible study group
will see at least two or three vehicles every year
traveling east down Washington Street, which is
a one-way street going west. And of course, it
isn’t too difficult to tell when you have put a
shirt on backwards, it just doesn’t feel right.
Throughout Lent our theme has been Whatever
(Osos in Greek), and we have focused on verses
from the fourth chapter of St. Paul’s letter to the
Christians at Philippi. Paul encourages the
community of faith there to think about
whatever (osos) is true, honorable, just, pure,
pleasing, and commendable. On Ash
Wednesday, I assigned homework to those
gathered, to only say positive things for one
entire week and if others were speaking ill of
another person, defend the person they are
tearing down, switch subjects, or turn off the
radio or TV. When gathered for the second
Lenten midweek service, no one, myself
included, had been able to do the homework.
So, I kept on assigning the same homework.
Week after week went by, and instead of us
modeling OSOS (whatever), we did it
backward, only SO-SO in living it out. We
continue to be going the wrong way.
During his missionary journeys, Paul goes to
Philippi and is able to convert many of the
Gentiles to the Christian faith. Paul will visit
Philippi three times. Paul’s letter to them is a
happy letter, as he conveys thanks and best
wishes to them, imparts some information, and
he encourages them to remain faithful. As he
gets toward the end of his letter, he tries to sum
up what he has been writing about by exhorting
them to keep doing what they are doing and not
fall into disharmony as some other Christians
have done in other towns.
Paul’s argument is simple. When we focus on
the negative, on the faults and shortcomings of
others, we will have plenty to talk about, plenty
to judge others with, and we will divide
ourselves up into small groups that argue and
grumble against one another. If however, we
focus on the positive, we focus on the gifts and
strengths of each other, we celebrate all the
wonderful things about each other, then we
build up the community and display to others
what it means to be a disciple and let the light of
Christ shine through us.
April 2015
T.L.C. News
We are told that in raising a child, or in a
marriage, it is very important to say a minimum
of five positive things to every one negative,
otherwise the child may develop low selfesteem or become an adult who is constantly
very critical of others. Marriages without that
positive to negative statement ratio can evolve
into a relationship full of complaining and
unhappiness. I am pretty sure the same applies
to congregations.
Easter is a time when we celebrate the
resurrection of Jesus. It is a time when we praise
God for all God has done for us, especially
providing grace, forgiveness, life, and salvation.
As the earth changes from winter to spring, also
our lives are to transform as well, going from
not the best in our relationships with God and
others (Ash Wednesday) to better reflecting
God’s love in our lives (Easter). It is time to live
out OSOS (whatever) is true, honorable, just,
pure, pleasing, and commendable. Easter
arrives, with lilies, flowers, colored eggs,
bonnets, and new outfits. Let our wrong way
backwards SO-SO attitude be placed in the
empty tomb, and may OSOS (whatever) arrive
with Easter as well in our lives and
“Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, osos just, osos pure,
whatever is pleasing, osos commendable, if
anything is excellent or praiseworthy,
(Philippians 4:8)
Respectfully in Christ
Pastor Thomas
Trinity Lutheran Church
123 South Campbell Street
Macomb, IL 61455
Page 2
Council News ~~~~~~~~
The Audit Committee (Joe Erlandson, David
Lueck and Ron Morrow) has completed its
official review of Trinity’s 2014 financial year.
The final, audited Treasurer’s Report for 2014 is
attached to this newsletter. The report was
accepted by the council, which intends to place
this under “old business” at the 2016 meeting.
If you have questions about the report, please
contact a council member. Thanks to members
of the committee, the council, and Treasurer
Mike Kirby for their hard work on this!
Easter Breakfast!!!
Trinity’s youth will be serving the Easter
Breakfast this year. Thanks to all who have
signed up to contribute supplies. Please have
your donations to the church by 9:30 a.m. on
April 4th so our youth (4th grade and up) can
set up the breakfast in advance. Also, please
plan on attending the breakfast (beginning at
8:15). There will be a free will
offering to support our youth
attending Leadership
Lab and Thrivent
will match our
donations up to
McDonough Choral Society
Spring Concert
April 13, 2014 ***7:30 pm
The McDonough Choral Society, under the
direction of Susan Shoemaker will present
Requiem by Gabriel Faure and selections
from Frostiana by Randall Thompson. The
concert will be held at Wesley United
Methodist Church.
(309) 833-2909
April 2015
T.L.C. News
April’s Mission of the Month
Soup & More is a
group of faith-based
individuals coming
together to help those
with food insecurities
in McDonough
County. Volunteers serve a meal on the 4th
Sunday of every month in the basement of
First Presbyterian Church, 400 East Carroll
Street. Take-home sacks of food are also
The meal is served from 4 to 6 PM, and the
“Pak-a-Sak” program starts at 4:15. Members
of Trinity are asked to consider volunteering
at this monthly gathering, and also to
contribute this month to the Soup & More
operational budget.
Trinity has been asked specifically to assist the
April 26 sponsor, the Future HealthCare
Professional Association at Western Illinois
University, by providing volunteers that day.
Here are some of the things that need to be
1. Setting up tables and chairs in the dining
room (before 4 PM).
2. Setting up the dessert and drinks table.
3. Organizing the Pak-a-Sak groceries.
4. Serving the meal.
5. Clearing dishes.
6. Making conversation with the other
7. Taking out the trash.
8. Providing musical entertainment.
9. Being available to handle “last minute”
10. Cleaning tables after the meal.
Trinity Lutheran Church
123 South Campbell Street
Macomb, IL 61455
Page 3
11. Assisting with dining room tear-down.
12. Assisting with clearing Pak-a-Sak
13. Vacuuming the carpets.
14. Sweeping the floor
There will be a list posted later this month
that volunteers can sign. Not available on
April 26? Help is needed to unload
groceries on the second Wednesday of the
month at 10 AM and on the second
Thursday at 11:40. Help is also needed at
any time to organize the pantry or take
Thanks to volunteers from all over
McDonough County, Soup & More
Monday, April 26th, 6 pm
WELCA’s Ruth Circle invites you to meet
Rotary exchange student, Emma Sage and enjoy
a presentation about her home country, Sweden.
The evening begins with a delicious salad
supper at 6 pm, Monday, April 27 and Emma’s
presentation will follow. If you have questions,
please contact Lois Lueck or Jan Lindsay.
(309) 833-2909
April 2015
T.L.C. News
Please join the TLC team on Friday, April 10th
for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For
Life. The event takes place from 4:00-10:00
p.m., but feel free to come and go as your
schedule permits. Also if you are a cancer
survivor, please join us at 4:00 for the special
survivors’ recognition lap. To register to join the
team, go to RelayForLife.org/WIUIL and click
“Sign up” then click on “Join a Team.” Find
TLC and register yourself! You can also make a
donation to the team on this website. If you
have questions, please contact Sara Thomas or
Brenda Miller.
Dine Out to Support Relay for Life
You can help raise money for Relay For Life by
dining at the following restaurants on the days
indicated. When you do, a percentage of
proceeds will be donated to the American
Cancer Society in the fight against cancer.
Friday, April 3 – Vitale’s (lunch only)
Monday, April 6 – Sports Corner
Tuesday, April 7 – Red Ox Restaurant
Wednesday, April 8 – Guadalajara
Thursday, April 9 – Larry A’s Pizza
Friday, April 10 – The Old Dairy
Trinity Lutheran Church
123 South Campbell Street
Macomb, IL 61455
Page 4
If you are a senior or know of a senior living in
McDonough County, or contemplating a move to
McDonough County; struggling to stay in the
family home, or confused by what “independent
living” or “assisted living” opportunities are
available; if a little care is needed after a hospital
stay or special services are needed on a
continuing basis, the McDonough County Senior
Services Directory can put you in touch with
service providers.
We have a single copy of the 2015 edition of the
directory available for perusal on the table under
the bulletin board of the narthex. Free copies are
available from the YMCA Senior Center in
Macomb, Macomb City Hall and the McDonough
District Hospital Public Relations Department.
The directory is also available in its entirety on
this website:
The directory project is sponsored by the
Macomb Area chapter of AARP.
Coffee Hour Hosts Needed!
Hosts are needed for coffee hour after worship
this spring and summer. Please check your
calendars and pick a date or two to lend a hand.
Email Dorie (tlc@macomb.com) with dates you
are available to help, or visit the bulletin board
next to the office to sign up for the dates of your
choice. If you have never hosted before and
would like someone to assist you by making the
coffee, just make a note of that when you sign
up. There are plenty of experienced java
experts that can lend a hand!
(309) 833-2909
April 2015
T.L.C. News
Jeff Hancks awarded
sabbatical in Denmark
Jeff Hancks has been
awarded a sabbatical
for the 2015-16
academic year.
Sabbaticals are
designed to allow
faculty members an
extended break from
regular work duties to
focus intensely on
research or other
professional activities,
which will benefit the University upon return.
Hancks will spend his sabbatical in Denmark
studying first-hand the Danish folk school
“Folk schools are a uniquely Danish
institution,” Hancks said. “They are residential
schools for adults, much like American colleges.
But unlike our colleges, folk schools aren’t
designed to prepare students specifically for a
career, nor do they provide diplomas.”
Hancks, whose doctorate is in adult and higher
education, noted that folk schools allow students
four to six months to study a variety of subjects
to see what they like and to give them
experience living away from home before
starting a formal post-secondary education.
“Interestingly,” Hancks added, “students who
attend a folk school prior to attending university
have a higher graduation rate and do so in a
shorter length of time than students who do not.
I think there are several things we can learn
from the Danes regarding college retention and
completion, and I look forward to bringing
home new knowledge and sharing it with
colleagues at Western and beyond.”
Trinity Lutheran Church
123 South Campbell Street
Macomb, IL 61455
Page 5
While in Denmark, Hancks will live and teach
courses in American politics and immigration
history at Rødding Folk School in a small town
in the south of Denmark, near the German
“Rødding is the world’s very first folk school,
and it holds a special place in the Danes’
hearts,” he said. “I am really excited to come to
Rødding to experience day-to-day life at the
school and to work with the teachers and
Traveling to Denmark is a homecoming of sorts
for Hancks, who spent several years as a young
adult living and studying there.
“Denmark is a very special place to me,” he
said. “I look forward to introducing Denmark
and the Danes to my wife, Meredith, and our
kids, Anders, Torben and Svea. It should be a
life-enriching experience for all of us. I am very
grateful to WIU for allowing me this amazing
(article adapted from Western News, Spring 2015)
Summer Acolytes
Before we know it, jobs, camps,
sports and will have our youth
meeting themselves coming and
going during the summer months
(June-August). So, rather than
assigning one acolyte to serve an
entire month, the worship
committee asks that our acolytes
sign up to serve on selected
Sundays throughout the summer.
Please see the sign-up sheet on the
bulletin board next to the office in the narthex
and pick a few dates when you can assist. Your
help is greatly appreciated!
(309) 833-2909
April 2015
T.L.C. News
Hwayoung Noh Wins Competition
One of Trinity’s former
graduate student
organists, Hwayoung
Noh, has been chosen
as a winner in the 201415 Texas Tech
University Concerto
Competition! Now a
doctoral student at
Texas Tech, Hwayoung
was chosen as the
winner of the keyboard divisional competition
and will play the Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto
No. 2 with the Texas Tech University Symphony
Orchestra. The concerto competition was open to
musicians of all instruments.
Page 6
Kyle Pickett accepted an internship in
Versailles, KY working with disadvantaged
youth and military kids for the summer.
Meghan Pickett was accepted into Illinois
Institute of Technology's PhD program to study
Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
Katie and Sarah Riggins are both participating
in the Jr Bomber Volleyball League this spring.
They will play their games on weekends at
Washington St. Gym.
Masyn Riggins continues in her circus acro
class at the YMCA and is looking forward to
her performance in May.
All three girls have been spending a lot of time
in the barn with their cattle.
Keeping Up With Our Kids
Every month we publish this column to feature the
younger members of our congregation. Please send any
news you may have about your children (baby to college
to young adult) to the church office for inclusion.
Svea Hancks is learning to walk now. She is a
very happy little girl with a sunny disposition.
One of her favorite phrases now is "uh oh."
Anders and Torben Hancks will be attending
kindergarten roundup in April. They are loving
playing outside in the mud and digging for
whatever treasures they can find.
John Lane is spending his afternoons playing
on the high school tennis team.
Ethan Miller just finished up a winning
basketball season and is now heading into
baseball season. He’s doing well in school
receiving honors for the third quarter.
Trinity Lutheran Church
123 South Campbell Street
Macomb, IL 61455
Masyn visits friends in the barn
Maggie Vallillo performed as part of the
Macomb Junior High School Jazz Band at the
West Central Illinois Arts Center the afternoon of
March 29th. She’ll start playing volleyball again
in April when the Junior High Volleyball League
starts games for 7th and 8th grade. Meanwhile,
she can often be found in gym helping the 4th, 5th
and 6th graders on Tuesdays and Thursdays, along
with Katie Riggins! The daffodils are up! Can
softball be far behind?!!
(309) 833-2909
April 2015
T.L.C. News
Personal Notes ~~
Gene Douglas has a new address – visitors and
cards are very welcome!
Gene Douglas
Heartland, Room 201
8 Doctors Lane
Macomb, IL 61455
Susan Shoemaker is also temporarily at
Heartland in Room 214, recovering from a fall.
So feel free to stop in and say hello to both
Gene and Susan when you visit.
Judah Alexander Thomas Bakalyar
was born at 11:43 a.m. on
March 17, 2015 at Blessing
Hospital in Quincy. He weighed
in at 6lbs 9oz and was 19 ½
inches long. Congratulations to
parents Jenny and Troy and
Grandparents Mike and Sara!
Macomb Band Boosters
$$Grand$$ Band
The Macomb Band Boosters are asking for help
in supporting their Spring fundraiser to acquire
a bass clarinet(s) for the Macomb band program.
During the past two years, the Boosters were
able to purchase a sousaphone and carrying
cases for the Marching Bomber Band.
The fundraiser is a raffle to win $1,000. Tickets
are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. If you’d like to
help out, please see any of the band parents in
the congregation: Brineys, Knicls, Luecks, or
Vallillos. THANKS!
Trinity Lutheran Church
123 South Campbell Street
Macomb, IL 61455
Page 7
Prayer List
Please keep the following Trinity members and
friends in your prayers this month.
Jim Andrews
Bacon/Watkins Family (mourning)
Sharlene Bauer
Jim Beadles (health)
Matt Berg (serving in Africa)
Shannon Bowen
Jordan Bramblets
Todd Byerly
Gary Coleman (health)
Don Crandall (health)
Kane Curtis (surgery/recovery)
Steve and Cindy Dooley
Gene Douglas (health)
Judy Fulkerson (health)
Art Hasbargen (shut-in)
Don Hubner (health)
Mike Jahn (health)
Betty Krusemark (chronically ill)
Cindy Lueck (health)
Elaine Malzahn
Pastor Jane McChesney (health)
Emma McCormick
Joanne McCue
Andy Near (health)
Dewaine Nelson
Jim Rich
Family of Michaela Romano (mourning)
Jane Royer
Marjorie Seils
Susan Shoemaker
Norma Skramstad
Marvin Zellmer (health
Altar Flowers:
there are a few dates yet
available for sponsors in 2015. Please feel free
to honor someone on one of the following dates
by signing up on the flower chart outside the
office in the narthex: August 16, 30; Sept. 6,
20; October 4,18.
(309) 833-2909