Guidelines for writing list of references

(we use the same rules to cite sources as the journal Chemické listy – the official journal of the Association of Czech Chemical
Authors’ last names are followed by their initials with periods. Individual authors are separated by a comma; the word “and” is not
used; the last author is followed by a colon.
Example: Reznicek T., Prochazka O.:
The title of the journal is entered in a form of abbreviations (see Chemical Abstract Service Source Index); then, without any
separating comma, comes the number of the volume written in italics; then comes the number of the first page in normal type; then
in parenthesis the year. The quote always ends with a period.
Example: Helv. Chim. Acta 73, 2263 (1990).
If the journal is not divided into volumes, the year (in italic) is shown right after the journal’s name and is followed by the number of
the first page in normal type:
Horack S. M., Kurill A. J.: Tetrahedron Lett. 1997, 27.
Book titles are always italicized. The citation ends with the name of the publisher, place and year of publication. If the book has no
editor and is cited as a whole, the following form is used:
Lowestein K. A.: Silicones. A Story of Research. Wiley, New York 1979.
If the book has an editor (editors), and is cited as a whole, only the names of the editors are used (the names of the authors of
individual contributions are ignored):
James K., Petera P. (Eds): Light Scattering. Random House Ltd., Washington 1991.
If it is a citation of only one contribution (chapter), the following form is used:
Guterr G., in the book Catalytic Hydrogenation (Reddorf K., Bitter S., ed.), vol. II, chap. 7. Elsevier, Amsterdam 1985.
If it is a piece of single information (data, table), the number of the page is used: Cram D. J., Hammond G. S.: Organic Chemistry, p.
543. McGraw-Hill Book Company, second edition, New York 1964.
Presentations/posters at conferences
The full name of the conference (congress, symposium) in the original language must be used, then the place, date (eventually the
time span) of the event (all italicized). If there exist Proceedings or a Book of Abstracts, the quote should include in parenthesis the
editors, the volume, if applicable, and the page. If only a Book of Abstracts was published and the full text is not available, data on
the publisher, place of publication or the type of contribution need not be given (but are welcome):
Corning D. R.: 10th Annual IUPAC Congress: Structure of Polymers, Prague, 31 Aug. - 4 Sept. 1998, Book of Abstracts (Dana J. F.,
ed.), p. 137 (resp. Poster no., Plenary Lecture etc.).
Bennito R., Saquala S.: Sulfur Chemistry. Proc. 7th Eur. Meeting, Alma Ata, 7-15 June 1992 (Zaramayev S. A., ed.), A62. SIAS,
Alma Ata 1993.
In some proceedings—especially from domestic conferences—it is difficult to find the editor’s name. Sometimes it is possible to
instead use the name of the chairman of the editorial board, guarantor of the conference, etc. If no such person can be identified,
this should be noted in parentheses where the editor’s name is usually written, i.e. e.g .:
Novak V.: Konference Makrotest, Pardubice, 11.-14. June, 1973, Proceedings, vol. I (no editor), p. 3. Research Institute of Synthetic
Resins and Varnishes in Pardubice, Dum Techniky CVTS in Pardubice, 1973.
If no Proceedings or Abstract exist, then you can cite only in justified cases, as follows:
Bihas A. A.: presented at 7th Int. Conf. Organomet. Chem., Paris, 7th February 1995.
If the Proceedings carry a full text of the contribution, then it is necessary to quote it like a book, i.e. including the publisher, place
and year of publication:
Corning D. R.:Proceedings of 10th Annual IUPAC Congress: Structure of Polymers (Dana J. F., ed.), p. 556. Huethig, Heidelberg
Thesis and dissertations, research reports
Tian M.: Dissertation. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA, 1994.
Tocik Z.: Thesis. Charles University, Prague 1968.
Kvasina F.: PhD thesis. Charles University, Prague,1997.
Kvasina F.: Research report No. 335/97. Charles University, Prague, 1997.
Legal documents
Always give the full name of the law, eg.:
Zakon c. 185/2001 Sb., o odpadech a o zmene dasích zakonu (zakon o odpadech)., v platnem zneni
Decrees, implementing regulations, directives, etc.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Construction Quality Assurance for Hazardous Waste Disposal, EPA-530-SW-85-021 (U.S.
EPA 1986).
Technical standard
The name of the standard must be included (the number is not enough): ISO Standard 8192-84: Water quality: Test for inhibition of
oxygen consumption.
CSN ISO 5724-1: Presnost (spravnost a shodnost) metod a vysledku mereni -Cast 1: Obecne zasady a definice.
DIN 38 414, Teil 4: Schlamm und Sedimente (Gruppe S)(1984).
OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals (Paris)1992, 15.
The web address (URL) can also be presented separately. Given that the content of a website may change with time, it is necessary
to include the date when the information was accessed.
Patents and patent applications
If the applicant or the patent holder is a company, its name must be given (in parenthesis) after the name of the author. The citations
must be accompanied either by reference to Chemical Abstracts:
Fuchikamiu T., Ubukata Y. (Sagami Chemical Research Center): PCT Int. Appl. WO 91 09674; Chem. Abstr.115, 158720 (1991).
Kusano M., Ishii M. (Kuraray Co.): EP 731 111; Chem. Abstr. 125, 25013 (1996).
or to Classification symbols:
Kusano M., Ishii M. (Kuraray Co.): EP 731 111 (C08F8/ 00).
Yet unpublished work, private communications or unpublished results
These sources should be cited only in exceptional circumstances, in justified cases. It is necessary to distinguish in what stage of
the publishing process, the work is, i.e. for example:
Novak F.: Chem. Listy, sent/ received/ in print.
Dvorak O.: private communication
Novy S.: unpublished results.
Computer programs, tables
If the author is known, the citation has the following form:
Nardelli M.: PARST. System of Computer Routines for Calculating Molecular Parameters from the Results of Crystal Structure.
University of Parma, Parma 1991.
If only the editor is known:
PARST. System of Computer Routines for Calculating Molecular Parameters from the Results of Crystal Structure (Nardelli M., ed.).
University of Parma, Parma 1991.
If the editor is unknown, or in a case of more than one editors:
PARST. System of Computer Routines for Calculating Molecular Parameters from the Results of Crystal Structure. University of
Parma, Parma 1991.
International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography, Vol. IV. Kynoch Press, Birmingham 1974.
Corporate materials
Their citation should remain rare. Catalogs are cited as follows:
Aldrich: Katalog cistych chemikalii 1999-2000 (Ceska republika), str. 1940.
Fluka, Riedel-de Haen: Laboratorni chemikalie a analytická cinidla 1999/2000 (Ceská republika), str. 57.
Sometimes it is useful to add the website together with the date of the download, for example:, downloaded September 3, 1999.
For application and product information the following formulation is used:
Spolana, a. s.: Aplikace linearnich alfaolefinu NERATEN: Finalni uprava prisad do polymeru a gumarenskych smesi. Spolana,
Neratovice 1998.
OSi Specialties Inc.: Silanes for Waterborne Systems (Data Sheets). OSi Specialties, Endicott 1995.
Basel Ges.: firemni katalog "Dehtova barviva", 1993.
Here, too, it is worth noting the website, for example:
Spolana, a. s:. Neraten - Linear Alpha Olefins: Neraten 30+ (Aug. 1998). Spolana, Neratovice 1998.,
downloaded October 7,1998.